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Of Wolves and Roses

by siyo 2 reviews

The legendary Shin "The Crazed Fox" Yuiy proved that his clan was to be feared in the first ninja war, but despite this the clans numbers still began to dwindle. Now only a handful of the Yuiy clan...

Category: Naruto - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Horror,Humor - Characters: Gaara,Hinata,Itachi - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2008-07-17 - Updated: 2008-07-17 - 1913 words


By: Siyo "The Mad Fox" Yuiy

In the Uchiha compound on a rainy night a boy stood over the crippled body of his sister, swearing his vengeance. 6 Years later he has made himself a killing machine, but even though he claims to experience it, something is missing.

All Naruto characters (Accept for my Original characters) portrayed in this fan fic are Masashi Kishimoto’s (I.e. Kakashi, Saratobi Etc.)

“Would you fight? And why would you fight, what for? Would you fight for strength? Maybe to be seen, or just remembered? Would you fight being forgotten with your bare hands? What would you fight for? Honor? The strength to protect? Or maybe for release from this life? Would you fight and die for some thing you believed in? Fight ‘till you were proven, be it right or wrong? Or would you fight for foolish pride? The thing that drives and destroys the greatest men? What would you fight for?
I Don’t Know… all I know is that I do.”
- Senra Yuiy, Sand village ninja.

Prologue: Holding on

Kakashi turned corner after corner as he walked through the body strewn Uchiha compound. Time and time again he would check a young child’s pulse, each time he got the same cold feeling. Dead. All of them.
He had been instructed by the Third Hokage, Saratobi, to find a child clinging to life. Holding on by a thread, he’d said. The trouble of that was, there were no ‘by a thread’ people in the intensive care unit at the hospital and all of these people were dead.
Kakashi had been looking for almost an hour now and was beginning to lose all hope of finding some one. Then as he turned he noticed a blood trail leading into an ally off to his left.
As he squinted he noticed the blood glistened in the soft lamp light from the wax candle lamp across the street. This blood was fresh. He crept slowly around the corner, not wanting to startle the person on the other side.
Kakashi noticed that the kid was asleep as he leaned against the wall. ‘Amazing,’ He thought to himself. ‘The kid managed to limp here and pass out standing against the wall; he looks to have a death grip on that kunai also.’ Kakashi put the thoughts aside as he took the Kunai and picked up the kid, as he did, the kids’ ninja tags fell out of his hoodie’s right pocket. Kakashi picked them up and read them.
He took a long look and muttered to himself, “Senra Uchiha? So that’s the boy’s name…” With a sweeping motion he picked the boy up and rested him across his shoulder.
He began moving towards the Hokage’s office. As he left he was watched, a pair of red eyes in the night. Crimson red, the color of fresh blood.
\\2 Years Later/
Our main character, a young child with black hair with silver/blue tint in it, baggy urban-camouflage pants and a black muscle tee, will grow stronger and be the creator of many a great moment. His is a strange story. So listen very carefully. /
The young boy walked down the streets toward the ramen shop. As he walked down the crowded streets he was stared at. He had always been the center of whispered conversations. No one ever talked to him, with the exception of Iruka, Saratobi-san, Kakashi, A girl and her brother in his class, Kato-kun, and the Ramen Shop’s Owner.
He sighed as he looked around. They were staring again. Even though he hated the stares he didn’t like wasting chakra by disguising himself as some one else. That would be a hindrance if he started training. Any lack of chakra would render his techniques weak and ineffective. And if he was to become a ninja he would need to be strong.
The stares didn’t bother him as much as the whispers and points. He was never laughed at however, one person had laughed at him once, when he heard this he turned and asked the person what was so funny, the person looked into his eyes and swallowed before stuttering nothing and walking away.
He turned the corner and walked up to the ramen shop and sat in an empty bench. “I’d like a salad and a bowl of chicken flavored Ramen, please.”
The shop owner turned and smiled at the child. “Hey, if it isn’t one of my most frequent customers, Senra. Comin’ right up.”
The woman behind the counter leaned in front of Senra and looked him in the eyes. “How come you come here for supper and lunch every day?”
Senra was a little surprised the woman was looking at his eyes. Everyone was afraid of his eyes. “I don’t know how to cook for myself.” Senra admitted with a sad smile.
“You live by your self?” She asked.
“Yes ma’am.” Senra said with a nod.
“You poor thing, here this ones on the house.” She said as she ruffled Senra’s already messy, unkept hair.
“Thank you, Ma’am.” Senra replied as the salad and ramen were set in front of him.
Senra ate in silence as he listened to the sounds of the world outside. When he finished he bowed and thanked the shop keepers before leaving and heading home.
He walked through the dark streets of Konoha with his mind set on his training. Had he been paying more attention he would have noticed the crimson red eyes in the dark that followed him.
As he rounded the corner towards his apartment he heard the low rumbling growl of a wolf behind him. As he turned the crimson-eyed beast leapt at him.
Senra reacted quickly and did a back flip out of the wolves reach. As he marveled at the magnificent beast it became clear that this wolf was a demon. He didn’t know how he knew that, only that it was true. He was afraid if only for a second as his rationality took over. Demon or not it was mortal.
He smiled as he pulled out three shurikens and threw them at the wolf. However they never made it to him as the beast’s tail swept out in front of it and knocked the attack aside. Senra jumped back again to dodge the demon’s retaliation.
As his feet slid from the force of his jump he formed hand seals. ‘Snake-tiger-monkey-boar-horse-tiger.’ “Katon: Fire release, Gamayu Emudan! Great Fire Ball No Jutsu!” Raising his left hand to his mouth Senra shot a fireball out through a thumb and fore finger circle, the fireball increased in size as it moved from his hand.
There was a small explosion and the beast was sent sliding back a few feet from where he had originally been. “So you’re Senra…you’re strong boy…” The wolf smiled in a devilish way, or at least that was how it looked. Without another word he grew shadow arms and copied Senra’s jutsu but his was much more powerful. Senra dived to the side and opened his Sharingan eyes.
“Utakata jutsu!” Senra yelled. He snapped his fingers and the demon made the mistake of looking at his hand. “You’re done. That’s my second highest level genjutsu technique. Ya’ know what that means? That means you’re in an illusion created by me. Every thing you see I can alter. My hair color is normally black with light blue in it. Now its red.” As he spoke his hair changed color. “How do you like that?”
“Sharingan techniques are so sloppy at your age… I saw right through it, even though you caught me, I see the truth in your eyes.” The demon said laughing.
“You don’t know any thing about Sharingan users do you? In my eyes you see only what I let you!” Senra yelled as he charged at the demon.
“Heh… You don’t know a thing about demons do you kid?” The demon jumped back and morphed into a werewolf looking creature, Senra didn’t slow, he charged on. The demon lashed out with a clawed hand and slashed open Senra’s chest. But before the beast could celebrate his victory the body exploded in a cloud of white crows. Senra stood off to his left.
“I’m more than you can handle demon.” As he spoke he pulled his sword out of its sheath slowly. “Here, I’ll show you.”
“Wretched human! You dare to mock me? I’m a DEMON, boy! You can’t ‘Take me!’ No one in this world can! HEAR ME? NO ONE!” The demon revealed a fatal flaw, fear. Senra drew his sword and swung at the demon, who ducked and slashed at Senra with its claws. Senra moved quickly, the world in his eyes was slowed unbelievably. His sword barred the path of the claws. He spun it quickly and ran the wolf through. Blood dripped off Senra’s sword as it poked out of the beasts back. He pulled the blade out spun the blood off of it and sheathed it as the demon fell to its knees.
“You’re weak, demon.” Senra said staring down at it.
“Arg… If it weren’t for this seal I would be able to use all my chakra and crush you, you little worm!” The demon said looking up at his enemy. ‘It’s like he’s a completely different person in battle… what is this kid? Bipolar or something… or is this…?!’
“…What seal?” The boy’s voice was no longer cold but as it had been at the ramen shop.
“This seal on my forearm…” The demon muttered, wondering what the boy had planned.
‘Hmm… I’m a little weak in Fuuinjutsu (sealing) but I know that’s a temporary seal… Maybe if I cut the skin off, the seal will fail…’ Senra thought to himself as he drew his sword. He brought the blade above his head and swung down and cut of a great deal of flesh and fur off of the demon. The beast convulsed and began to emit a strong aura. ‘Aw man… I guess that was a mistake… great now the beast might destroy me and Konoha along with me…’ As he brought up the blade something caught his eye. The seal was duplicated on the blade but it was made of blood, therefore it would be permanent if used on the being the blood came from. In theory, of course.
Senra leveled the sword with his eyes and stabbed straight forward straight through the wound he’d previously created. Twisting the blade he yelled ‘seal’. The demon began to convulse and slowly melt into a pool of blood.
“What are you doing? Fool, remove this sword from my chest, now!” The demon yelled as his blood seemed to fuse with the sword, making it longer.
“Your days of freedom are over demon. I’ll admit I actually didn’t think that that would work, but it did so….” Senra shrugged as the demon let out a scream and completely merged with the blade, making it grow to a length of six feet and 5 inches.
Senra lifted the blade and sighed. “Great… now the blades, like, twice my size…” Slinging the blade onto his shoulder Senra walked away.
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