Categories > Books > Harry Potter > If Wishes Were Hippogriffs

Hermione Granger

by PerfesserN

Lady Helena explains. Hermione gives Harry a precious gift. McGonagall is working on a project.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica,Fantasy,Romance - Characters: Harry,Hermione,Professor McGonagall - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2008-07-18 - Updated: 2008-07-19 - 2754 words - Complete


Chapter 7 - Hermione

Minerva McGonagall lay in her bed, smoldering from the potion-induced fever and wracked with pain as every cell in her body was broken down and then forced to reform.

Filius Flitwick tipped a beaker full of water from which Minerva drank thirstily, gratefully. Filius, who maintained the rune scheme surrounding her bed, shook his head. He'd undergone renovation nearly one hundred years before - the process was so hideously painful that most witches and wizards wouldn't even consider it. The /cruciatus/curse was a love tap by comparison. Then there was the tremendous strain on one's magic; Professor Flitwick had gone years before his magical core fully recovered.

"You should stop, Minerva." He advised.

"N-no, n-not yet! I can stand f-five minutes more."

He turned the timer and said,"That's all the time you get today, after that I'll remove the runes."

Her eyes pleaded with those of her oldest friend, "You know I m-must do this."

Filius nodded and dabbed a cold flannel on his best friend's face and neck.

"Very well, Minnie, five minutes more."


Harry didn't return to his own room after dinner, he had been given permission to use Helena's rooms for as long as he wished. He walked with Myrtle and Hermione to the apartment.

"Wit beyond measure . . ." Harry started.

"Is man's greatest treasure!"Hermione finished.

"Spoken like a true Ravenclaw."

Hermione turned to see Helena smiling at her.

"My Lady." She said and curtsied.

"My sister." The Lady rejoined.

"You are very kind." Hermione said, blushing.

"And you are very observant." The ghost said - then both began laughing.

Helena floated close to Hermione, "It's so rare to find a kindred spirit, sister, and to find such an intellect is rarer still."

"Now it is you being observant."Hermione said with a grin.

"Please go with Myrtle, Hermione, while I speak with our lord."

Hermione curtseyed and followed Myrtle into the adjoining room.

Harry had watched the exchange between Helena and Hermione with interest. I wonder what was more important, he thought,/ what was said or what was left unsaid?/

"Harry, will you sit with me awhile?"

"Of course."

He settled on the love seat and the ghost did a very good imitation of sitting with him, close, but not touching.

"I know you're a bit confused by all the recent attention."

"A bit, I felt like a mouse in the middle of a room full of kneazles."

"The simile is more accurate than you realize. Tell me, Harry, what do you know of an Englishman named Darwin?"

"Darwin sailed with the crew of the Beagle in the last century; he is given credit for the current theory of evolution - sometimes called "Darwinism"."

"Can you sum up Darwinism in just a few words?"

"Survival of the fittest." He said, with some certainty.

"How does that work?"

"Well the biggest or strongest or cleverest critter is the one most likely to survive to adulthood and will most likely produce offspring that share whatever qualities that made it most likely to survive to reproduce."

"Very good, Harry, right in one. Although Mister Darwin said those who were most accepting of change were the most likely to thrive." She leaned forward to get his full attention. "Darwin hypothesized what mages have known for centuries - the strongest, that is to say, the most magically gifted, witches and wizards are the ones able to produce the best, most magically powerful offspring.

Witches are drawn to this power, Harry, and in the past few months you've become very powerful. Indeed, Hermione cast a detection spell on you yesterday and you are off the scale on the Heitzman Latency indicator."

"So . . ." he said, prompting the lady ghost to continue.

"So any witch of child-bearing age will find themselves drawn to you."

"Ah . . ."

"If the most powerful mage were awitch, which happened more often than not in my day, there would be wizard duels until a clear victor emerged - at a terrible cost."

"Because the duels were to the death?"

Helena nodded.

"Oh Merlin, please tell me there won't be any witches dueling over me!"

Helena smiled, "Hermione told me that would be your reaction. Honestly, that young woman is amazing."

It took only a fraction of asecond to see the light of love and pride in Harry's eyes when his best friend was praised. "Yep, that's my Hermione!"

"Rest easy, Harry. Witches don't go off half-cocked the way wizards do - must be that "y" chromosome Hermione was talking about.

"No, Harry, witches don't compete for the most powerful wizard, once they find him they compromise and tend to cooperate."

Harry looked confused for amoment, just a moment before -

'Houston we have cognition!'

"Would this compromise involve, um, sharing?" He asked.

"How does that sound to you?"

"Like one of Seamus's fantasies -or the plot of a cheesy porn vid."

"Porn vid?" Helena asked.

"Bodice ripper, acted out in front of cameras. My cousin has a stash of videos that I was able to sneak apeek at from time to time." Harry explained.

"I suppose it is a common fantasy. But you should know, Harry, that wizards traditionally have one wife, and usually at least one concubine. More than one if the wizard can afford them."

"Can a sufficiently powerful witch have more than one wizard?"

"Officially? No. But some witches, the current Mrs. Zabini for example, have had several wizards in succession."

"That hardly seems fair."

"You have a wonderfully developed sense of what is just and reasonable. So, Harry, Lord Slytherin, Lord Potter -are you amenable to the idea of multiple pairings for the purpose of revitalizing both your ancient and noble houses? Are you, as Mister Darwin surmised, accepting of change?"

Harry smiled a warm, genuine smile as he said, "Are you volunteering, Milady Helena?"

Helena squealed and applauded and tried to embrace Harry but passed through his body. She drifted, bemused, for a moment, and then composed herself. "I'll be back, Harry."

She disappeared into the adjoining room. Scant seconds later the door opened and Hermione entered.

Harry's jaw dropped.

She stood in a single green garment that seemed to be made of the finest gossamer. The diaphanous material alternately clung and billowed, even though it covered her from neck to ankle, its translucence bordered on transparency. Harry could clearly make out the darkened and erect nips on Hermione's soft globes, as well as the shadowy region just above her sex. If he concentrated he was sure he could count the few sparse individual pubic hairs above her pudenda.

He swallowed hard and said,"Beautiful."

Hermione smiled, "Really, do you like it? It's acromantula silk. It feels wonderful!"

Harry stood and pulled Hermione into a tender kiss. When the kiss broke he said "I mean /you're/beautiful, Hermione Jane Granger. The silk just lets me see how truly lucky Iam."

Hermione shuddered as Harry stroked her erect left nipple with the back of his right knuckles, then reversed his hand to cup her breast in the palm of his hand.

"This is amazing material, though, so soft, so light."

He bent slightly to kiss and suck the areola of her right breast through the fabric even as he continued to caress her left.

"Hermione, luv, if I do what Iwant with you right now you won't be able to stay on your feet."

"Bed," she said, her voice thick with desire, "now!"

Harry wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her straight up, a move he'd seen in a film about dance, then carried her to the bed while nuzzling between her breasts in that wonderful spider's silk.

He laid her gently on the sheets then continued to worship her body with his lips, his tongue, his fingers.

His kisses trailed down to her navel, which she found too sensitive, then to her cleft, which Harry began to kiss through the marvelously sensuous material. Hermione spread her legs to give him full access to her sex.

Harry continued downward, trailing kisses down her thighs, then her legs, then the tops of her feet before kissing the insides of her calves, her knees, her thighs, all the while drawing the hem of the shift up so that Hermione could gather it about her waist.

He was nuzzling the juncture of her thigh and pelvis when he heard a soft, feminine whisper in his ear.

"Parseltongue is not just for charming snakes, milord." Helena whispered. "The Normans would truly have appreciated the gift. . ."

The Grey Lady smiled to herself, and, knowing that Hermione was in capable hands, went out to visit her other charge.

Harry drew back for just a moment to admire Hermione's glistening sex. It was slightly red from top to bottom, her thick outer lips swollen, which split the lower part of her cleft showing darker pink and very wet inner folds. Her clit looked like it was quivering and Harry realized he was watching her pulse beat, rapidly, through her engorged bud.

Harry lightly kissed the top of her sex, just above the clitoris and Hermione moaned. He placed a warm smooch right on her button and Hermione gasped. He lightly licked the underside of her stiff little nubbin and she mewed like a kitten.

Then he grinned and open-mouth French kissed her, forcing his tongue as deep as it would go and hissed, in parseltounge, "Come for me, come, come, come, come, come!"

Hermione's eyes popped open as the most indescribable feeling of her young life came over her. Wave after wave of pure, unadulterated pleasure pulsed from her gushing center and washed through her entire body rebounding over and over as Harry and his incredible tongue brought her to climax again and again and again.

Finally she released the breath that she didn't know she'd been holding in a long sustained shriek,"JEEE-AAAAA-ZUZZZZZZZ CHRIST HARRY!"

Harry lifted his head and smirked. When Hermione finally came down to some level approaching coherence she looked at him and began to giggle.

"What?" he asked, looking around.

"Dry your face, Harry; I think Igot a bit . . . carried away!"

Harry felt his face and, sure enough, Hermione had squirted joy juice all over his mouth, cheeks and lower jaw. He started to chuckle himself, and then laughed out loud.

"I must look like a glazed doughnut!"

When they could contain their mirth Harry dabbed his face and neck with the corner of Helena's sheet, promising to clean them ere long.

"What did you do to me, Harry?"

"Oh, just wanted to show you how much you mean to me, luv. How'm I doing?"

"Outstanding, now c'mon up here."

He slid up her body pulling more of the spider's silk with him.

"Just a moment." She said and, gathering the billowing material in each hand, pulled the singlet over her head and let it drift to the floor.

"One of us has on entirely too many clothes." She murmured.

Harry stood, kicked off his shoes and peeled off his socks, then unbuttoned and unzipped his trousers. He hooked his thumbs into the elastic of his boxers and pulled his trousers and pants off in one smooth movement. Then he gathered his shirttails and tugged off his jumper, shirt and vest as if it were a single garment.

"Very smooth," Hermione demurred,"now, come /here/."

Harry slid his warm naked body along Hermione's and they both groaned in pleasure.

"Do you know how long I've loved you, Hermione?"

"Hmmm, I'd guess the Yule Ball last year?"

"Nope, when I saw you on the Hogwarts Express helping a new friend find his toad."

"I knew I loved you when you dragged Ron to the bathroom to rescue me from a troll - I know you did, Myrtle told me."

"All that time wasted," Harry said, sadly.

"None of that now. You're here with me now, that's all that matters. You should know, though, Mister Potter, when we Granger women find a man we tend to keep him for life!"

"If that's a proposal, Miss Granger, I accept."

Harry found the bulbous head of his cock barely touching Hermione's warm arousal slicked opening. He nudged forward, lining up his shaft.

"I'm going to go slow, luv, let me know when to push."

Hermione reached down and guided him into her wet heat. The head popped through her tight entrance and he stopped, remembering what Myrtle had told him the night before - had it only been the night before?

Both Harry and Hermione felt aring of flesh seem to roll itself over his cock and both realized that he was through her barrier.

"You all right, Hermione? Am Ihurting you?"

"Oh yes, Harry, you're hurting me just right!" She grinned and said, go slow, love, let's see how deep I am."

Harry grinned, "Still waters and all that, luv."

"Hmmm, less talk, more fuck!"

Harry propped himself up on his hands and said, "No."

Hermione looked puzzled, "No?"

"No. I will never fuck you. Ilove you too much to do that. I've loved you since the day we met. I love you now and I will love you forever; I will always make love to you. Do you understand?"

She half smiled and nodded.

Then Harry leaned to whisper in her ear, "That's not to say I don't like to hear you begging to be fucked, you naughty,/naughty/ little girl!"

Hermione beamed, wrapped her legs around his waist, locked her ankles at the small of his back and moaned "Ohhh fuuuuuuck me!"

Harry bottomed out inside her and they both felt the head of his cock bump against her womb. Somewhere between her cervix and the swelling of her clit was a mass of spongy tissue that, if he angled himself just right, would drive his lover wild.

He was all set to piston in and out of her trying to do just that when he heard the voice of his advisor again,"Gently, milord, gently. This first time is Hermione's gift to you. Go slowly, fill her, hold her close and cuddle.

Harry bent down to kiss his love tenderly. She fell into the gentle rhythm of his tender love-making and soon felt the warmth and tingling of her impending climax - not as intense as the one he'd given her earlier yet better somehow because now she was in his arms, wrapped around him and he around her. They fulfilled each other.

She shuddered and cried "I love you, Harry!"

Her convulsing vaginal walls pushed him over the edge and he shot rope after thick rope of his spunk into her, coating her tunnel with his potent seed.

"I love you, Hermione."

They rolled onto their sides facing each other, twined their legs together and stayed connected, like Siamese twins joined at the sex.

Just before they drifted off to sleep Myrtle came in, dressed in an identical silk shift to cuddle against Harry's back.

Thus sandwiched and contented, the trio slept.


Minerva McGonagall got painfully to her feet, weak as a newborn, and tottered on unsteady legs to her vanity. She sat gratefully and cast a /lumos/, which didn't work until she concentrated with all her depleted magic and cast again.

The warm magical glow brought her features to light. The face that looked back was unlined, unwrinkled and unblemished. In fact no part of her body betrayed any of the ravages of time. Her skin was smooth and so white that it could have been modeled in alabaster, her breasts no longer sagged but stood full and proud in a way she hadn't seen since the days before Grindlewald. Most striking was her hair, full, luxurious deep red hair - much deeper than the Weasley's whose hair tended to be reddish orange. Only the locks at her temples remained obstinately white.

She smiled, and then groaned as she stood to stumble back to her bed.

"One more treatment, I think."She said to Lady Grey.

"You should wait and gather your strength, Minerva, you will be much stronger after a good night's sleep."

"Perhaps you're right, Lady Grey."

"Please, Minerva, call me Helena."

The deputy headmistress looked at the ghost with both perfect eyebrows arching high on her forehead.

"Indeed, Helena. You must call me"Minnie," all my friends do." Saying this Minerva McGonagall downed a pain potion and a dreamless sleep draught.

She yawned and said, groggily,"Good night Lady Helena . . ."

And slept the sleep of the just.

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