Categories > Books > Harry Potter > If Wishes Were Hippogriffs

Why I Love Sundays

by PerfesserN

Hermione gets lessons, Harry benefits. Harry is introduced to two more members of the Coven of the Four Houses.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica,Fantasy,Romance - Characters: Harry,Hermione - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2008-07-25 - Updated: 2008-07-25 - 2584 words - Complete


Chapter 8 - Why I Love Sundays

Harry woke to the most amazing feeling. His morning wood was being artfully, lovingly fellated by two goddesses. Myrtle was instructing Hermione on the finer points of cock sucking.

"That's it, feel his head on your soft palate, don't worry about swallowing him whole - very few girls can actually do that, just keep your lips around the bulbous glans and use your hand to stroke his shaft. Good, that's right. Stroke him with a twisting motion and apply a little pressure with your thumb along his ventral length - it's more sensitive than the dorsal.

Harry groaned, "I love it when you do that, Myrtle."

"Morning, Harry." Myrtle said, smilingly, as she placed a small tablet in his mouth. It was a very potent mint. "I love you too."

His breath properly freshened she kissed him as Hermione continued to work his /cockus erectus/.

Drawing back Myrtle tapped the top of Hermione's head saying "Switch."

Hermione pulled off with a loud"pop" and smirked, "Good morning, Harry."

"G'morning, have I told you lately that I love you?"

She smiled and did a graceful, and erotic, en passant with Myrtle and watched in fascination as the raven haired Ravenclaw from the nineteen-forties expertly slid Harry's entire length into her esophagus then began to hum and gulp around his pulsing erection.

Harry slammed his head back into his pillow and groaned in obvious pleasure.

"She's amazing, isn't she?"Hermione asked.

He looked at Hermione with such passion that she practically fell into his embrace. They kissed hungrily.

Harry reluctantly broke the kiss to warn Myrtle of his impending eruption, "Myrtle, sweetheart, I'm gonna . . ."

Of course Myrtle knew what was coming; it's what caused her to increase her tempo and her suction and the volume and pitch of her humming.

Harry's eyes rolled up into the top of his head and he groaned.

Myrtle sucked and swallowed spurt after warm gooey spurt while Hermione stroked Harry's face and forehead.

"I'm going to learn how to do that," she whispered in his ear, "and you know I always accomplish whatever Iset my mind to."

Myrtle pulled off his semi-erect cock and invited Hermione to have a taste.

Harry reveled in the feel of bushy brown hair falling over his lower body as Hermione tasted the last few drops of his spunk.

"Not bad, a bit salty, almonds with a touch of bitter, I've had protein shakes that were similar."

"We're going to put in a stock of tropical juices," Myrtle said, knowingly, "papaya and pineapple are best."

When Hermione looked quizzically at her coven sister Myrtle smiled and said, "Trust me on this."

Harry rolled Hermione onto her back and began to kiss his way down her body, when Myrtle interrupted, saying,"Better get a quick shower, sis."

Hermione's eyes went wide and she nodded in agreement, "Keep him warm for me?"


Harry looked to Myrtle for an explanation.

"How many times did you cum in her last night, Harry?"

He thought for a moment and then the "Ah ha" moment took.

"She's just freshening herself up for you, um, Harry . . . Harry? Harry, I'm not sure I like that look on your face, what are you, ah, ah, ah, HARRY! AaaahhhhhrrRRRGH!"

Harry had his face between Myrtle's thighs and was reciting the steps for transfiguring a matchstick into a needle in parseltongue, over and over and over again.

Myrtle's shrieks brought Hermione running into the room, dripping wet from the shower, wand drawn. She froze when she saw her coven sister on her back in the bed writhing in the ecstasy of rapid-fire orgasm chains, her head rolling back and forth on the pillows as Harry brought her off continuously.

He rolled over on his side, smacking his lips and said, "Cheerios. I swear, tastes like cheerios in milk."

Harry lifted his head and, without his glasses, saw the vague outline of Hermione near the bed.

His grin was particularly predatory.

"Harry?" Hermione asked, "Why are you looking at me like that? What are you . . ."

She shrieked and "ooophed" as she found herself laying next to Myrtle in exactly the same state the former ghost had been moments before. Except this time Harry was reciting the twelve uses for dragon's blood, over and over and over again.


Elsewhere in the castle Minerva McGonagall was pleading with Filius Flitwick.

"Just one more, Filius, and then I promise I'll be content with whatever results I get."

"No, Minerva, I won't be responsible for your descent into squibdom."

"But you will be, Filius, if you refuse me."

"You mean you'd do this without me?"

"I'd rather not, Filius, but I'm sure Severus would assist me. . ."

Flitwick's face went a fascinating shade of fuchsia. "This is blackmail, Minnie, and you know it."

"Phil, if this works it would be worth giving up my magic, you were there, you heard the prophetess."

"Minerva McGonagall, are you trying to tell me that you actually believe in divination?"

"I've always believed in divination, I just didn't realize that that fraud actually had the blood of aseer in her.

"But you saw it, Filius. That was a genuine prophetic trance."

He reluctantly agreed.

She lay down in her bed, still surrounded by the runes that Flitwick had arranged three nights before, popped the cork off the vial and drank deeply.

The pain was immediate, white hot, stabbing and shocking every living cell in her body. She betrayed no sign but Filius knew; he was the only one at Hogwarts who truly knew the ancient goblin magic.

"I hope it's worth it Minnie, Ihope he's worthy of your sacrifice."


Harry and the girls never made it down to the great hall for Sunday breakfast, but three very hungry teens skipped in for lunch. Hermione and Myrtle ran ahead to where the coven sisters had congregated and the whispers and excited squeals were, by themselves, enough to give Harry pause. When he looked over at the twenty or so girls, representing all the houses, all of whom were looking back at him as though they were hungry - no, starving - and he was the entree. He barely resisted the urge to bolt from the room.

He sat facing away from the group so as not to appear concerned.

Hermione and Myrtle broke away from the group, each pulling another girl with them to join Harry at the Gryffindor table.

Susan Bones was bright, bouncy and very pleased to join the group. A shadow fell over Harry and he was shocked to see Millicent Bulstrode, all seventy-five inches and thirteen stone of her, nervously looking down at him.

Hermione gave Harry a quick little kick under the table and a significant look that he knew meant "Well?"

Harry rose to his feet and offered his hand, "Won't you please join us, Millicent?"

"Thanks." The large girl sat with a grace that belied her size.

They ate in companionable silence. Millicent ogled at the amount of food Harry and the two girls put down - true, they had missed brekkers, but still, a whole mutton joint . . .each?

As Harry reached for his pumpkin juice a house elf appeared, bowing to Myrtle, and placed a golden goblet on the table.

"We is finding pineapple juice, Miss. Papaya juice is coming later."

"Thank you, Caesar."

The elf bowed again and vanished.

Hermione looked shocked, then hurt, then a little angry.

"Before you say anything, Hermione, you must understand that the house elves need Hogwarts more than Hogwarts needs them. House elves only thrive when they are bound to apowerful house or family - without binding they wither and die, painfully; starving for the magic they're denied."

"But Dobby. . ."

"Dobby bound himself to Harry after his second year, only Harry didn't know."

Harry looked up in surprise,"Dobby did what?"

"Its okay, Harry," Myrtle said, consolingly, "If Dobby hadn't bound himself to you, he would have died within amonth."

The look of absolute horror on Hermione's face tore at Myrtle's heart. "You didn't know, did you?"

Hermione shook her head, on the verge of tears.

SPEW died quietly that day, much to the relief of the Hogwarts house elves, and Dobby in particular.

The five finished lunch and decided to stroll around the loch to talk and digest their feast.

They were half-way around when Myrtle took a side path that opened up into a meadow dominated by a large willow.

"This is a good spot." She said.

Hermione nodded and used her wand to transfigure a patch of grass into a large soft blanket and a few rocks into fluffy pillows.

Susan walked the perimeter of their comfortable spot casting what Harry knew to be a powerful "notice-me-not"charm.

"Harry, please have a seat in the center," Myrtle instructed. He sat cross-legged in the center of the blanket.

"Hermione, please sit facing Harry."

Hermione sat likewise cross legged in front of Harry and "accidentally-on-purpose" let him see that she had foregone knickers for the day.

He smirked and said, "Minx."

Myrtle sat behind him, Millicent to his left and Susan to his right. The four girls clasped hands. Myrtle sang a clear, cleansing note and began to chant:

"Merry meet all my sisters here,

And to you whom we hold most dear.

Heavens and Earth and all things 'tween

This coven we do now convene."

Hermione leaned forward to kiss Harry, lightly on the lips, "In perfect love and perfect trust."

Millicent, glowing red, but overcoming her shyness leaned forward to kiss him also. Her lips were unbelievably soft. Her voice choked with emotion she whispered "In perfect love and perfect trust."

Myrtle leaned to his right to add her kiss to those of her sisters, "In perfect love and perfect trust."

Susan kissed him, hard, hungry. Then remembered the ritual and added a chaste peck on his lips. "With all my love and all my trust I do thee endow."

Harry felt an amazing surge of power in his magical core. He closed his eyes and concentrated on his core, where before he had seen a single light that had been his magic there were now three bright lights.

He opened his eyes and looked to Hermione for an explanation.

"We have convened The Hogwarts Coven in your name, Lord Slytherin, Lord Potter. All four houses are represented as required."

Harry was taken aback hearing his best friend address him so formally.

She smiled, "It is a formal occasion, milord, and as such the proprieties must be observed."

How like her to know what he was thinking, he thought.

She continued, "The tenets of the coven are simple, we pledge to support Harry James Potter and his wife and consorts always and in all ways.

"The requirements for acceptance are chastity, commitment and loyalty, above all loyalty."

Harry had been prepared for this since his conversation with the Lady Helena the day before. "How many in the coven?"

"So far, milord?" Harry was a bit surprised by the question; he didn't think there would be any more than the four present on this particular afternoon. He nodded for Hermione to continue.

"Twelve, and many more have shown interest."

Harry's bowed his head.

"What is it Harry?"

He raised his head and the girls were surprised to see a tear course down his left cheek. "I have never known love, and now I feel like I may drown in it.

"You know what my life is like with the Dursleys, right? I wouldn't have minded one bit being their house-elf if only they had ever shown me any compassion, any tenderness, an ounce of gratitude. A simple "thank you" would have made my whole year."

All four girls converged on him at that point and held him close.

He struggled to bring his hand up to his tear streaked cheeks saying, "What a ponce, blubbering like this in front of all of you."

They all assured him by word and caress that that wasn't the case at all.

After a while he took a deep breath and asked, "What can I do to support all of you?"

Myrtle smiled and said, "Pay up!"

Millicent and Susan each rolled their eyes but fished a silver sickle from their skirt pockets and slapped them into Myrtle's outstretched hand.

"Told you!"

Harry was confused, "What?"

"I told the other girls that that would be your reaction when I told you about the coven, they didn't believe me so I bet them." Myrtle said, smugly.

"Harry," Hermione, the great explainer, said "you have no responsibilities to any of us. It is we who pledged our support for you, not vice versa."

Myrtle continued, "We vowed to support you and those with whom you choose to share your life in any way that we can."

"We limited entry into the coven to virgins because, frankly, if we didn't then there would have been hundreds, no,/thousands/ of girls and women clamoring to join."

Harry looked startled, "So, anyone not in the coven?"

"Disqualified themselves."

He tried to remember the faces of all the girls in the group at lunchtime.

"Ginny?" he asked.

Hermione shook her head, sadly,"she, um, disqualified herself with Michael Corner and Dean Thomas - and those are the ones we know about, there may have been others."

"Well, she is a chaser. .." Myrtle said.

Harry frowned "There's a double standard here. I have a coven of girls that are willing to do anything . . .anything?"

All four girls nodded their heads enthusiastically.

"Anything for me I'm some kind of stud, but if a girl, Ginny for instance, has multiple partners then she's a slut?"

The girls looked uncomfortable.

"Those are the kinds of attitudes we're going to have to change. If the tenets of the coven exclude anyone based on past liaisons then they need to be changed."

"We asked Ginny, Harry, really we did, but she flat out told us she wasn't going to be sharing her wizard with another witch." Hermione said.

"But she still wants to have her wizards on beck and call." Susan added. "She's quite the tease."

Myrtle summed it up, "She said she was too young to think about tying herself to just one wizard at this time."

"What about all of you?" he asked, "what if you want to leave the coven and take up with someone else, someone better?"

"For us there is no one better, but to answer your question we would ask for your blessings and, with your permission, leave the coven." Hermione said, "But I, for one, am /never/planning to."

"Nor I."

"Nor I."

"Nor I."

Harry looked at the trees overhead.

"It's a lot to take in."

"Why don't we sleep on it?" Susan suggested.

"Just sleep?" he asked, worried.

"For now." Millicent said, blushing.

They arranged the pillows and stretched out so that Harry was in the middle, being cuddled by Hermione and Myrtle, who were, in turn, flanked by Millicent and Susan.

Drowsy from lunch they quickly drifted off to sleep.


A/N: I'm not a Ginny hater; Ijust don't think she's the girl for Harry. And don't even get me started on Hermione and Ron. There's a 60 point IQ differential there; she'd need a lobotomy just to cope with him. I hate the doting "June Cleaver" clone she becomes in the epilogue of DH; I picture her in a housefrau dress with a string of pearls. . .

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