Categories > Books > Harry Potter > If Wishes Were Hippogriffs

Sharing a Blanket

by PerfesserN

Harry is introduced to Astarte and two more coven sisters. Sometimes its good to be Harry.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica,Fantasy,Romance - Characters: Harry,Hermione - Warnings: [!!] [X] [?] - Published: 2008-08-01 - Updated: 2008-08-01 - 3314 words - Complete

Chapter 9 - Sharing a Blanket - and Harry

Harry was walking down a corridor- the polished obsidian tiles looked familiar, but the scene lacked detail. At the end of the hall was a door. Walking toward the door and he was disconcerted because the door seemed to stay just out of his reach.

"It is frustrating isn't it?" asked a smooth feminine voice, "Try not trying."

He stopped. The door stopped receding. "Now what?" he asked.

"Now ask yourself, "why do I need to know what's behind that door?""

"It could be something wonderful, or something . . . unpleasant." He said, "Or simply something worth knowing."

"Something or someone wants/you to go through that door," the voice said. "But do you truly want to? What do /you want, baby, more than anything in the world?"

Hearing that familiar phrase Harry spun to see the owner of the voice. "I know you!"

A slender golden haired goddess stepped out of the shadows; in her bare feet she stood almost as tall as Harry. She wore a short cloak, also honey-gold, that stopped at mid thigh. Harry was drawn to her long athletic legs. A thick circlet of what appeared to be amber wreathed her head. She followed his gaze and showed a bit more leg and smiled seductively. This deity radiated power and desire and mischief.

He realized he was staring and, embarrassed, he dropped to one knee with a deferential, "Majesty."

The goddess laughed and said,"Close, my child, but not quite."

Harry, still kneeling, looked up and asked, "Mum?"

"You are one of mine, but Lily Evans and I are separated by seventy-six generations - I trust you understand the significance of that."

Not for the first time the inexplicable knowledge sprang into focus and he said, "I'm the seventy-seventh generation? Eleven times seven, both significant magical and mundane numbers -prime numbers," Harry looked confused for a moment and thought, where in Hel did I get that?

"Didn't I say he was clever?"

Harry looked around for the new voice and recognized Lady Helena. "Helena?"

The Ravenclaw specter smiled and said, "Goddesses and ghosts can interact with mortals in their dreams, Harry. Let me introduce your ancestress, the Goddess Astarte."

"Goddess." Harry said, respectfully and bowed low. "How may I serve you?"

"You can start, my child, by giving us a kiss."

Startled Harry stood and walked to his ancestress to give her a familial kiss on the cheek - imagine his surprise when she put a fair hand on each side of his head and kissed him full on the lips, deeply, sensuously, lovingly. She tangled her fingers in his unruly dark locks then trailed her long nails down his back to cup his buttocks, one in each hand.

Harry didn't know what to do with his hands so the goddess guided them under her cloak and placed them on her nicely rounded bum.

That was when he realized the Astarte was comfortable under her cloak - very comfortable. And completely naked.

They held the kiss for a long time, each exploring the other's body under their robes. Harry loved the feel of the goddess's tail protruding from the base of her spine and trailing down her leg. He was pleasantly surprised when she used that same prehensile tail to wrap around his thigh and push against his growing erection.

After an age they broke the kiss.

"Wow!" he said.

"Wow, yourself, young one. That was good to feel after so long in the between-lands." Sensing that Harry was about to ask about the between-places she said, "It's a world, other than this one, where I and those of my kind keep an eye on the mortal realms."

Satisfied with her brief explanation Harry asked the next question on his mind, "Why have you been in my dreams so much lately?"

"You are direct, Harry, I admire that."

Harry raised his eyebrows as if to say, "Go on."

"I've been blocking Tom Riddle's access to your mind, every time he tries to invade your thoughts I give you more pleasant things to think about."

"So, you're the goddess of, what, erotic dreams?"

"Amongst other things, yes!" she said, brightly.

"Are you also responsible for the coven?"

"Let's just say I'm a willing tool of prophesy."

"Okay, you lost me there."

Helena intervened, "Perhaps if we tell him the prophecies?"

Astarte nodded, "Harry, just before you were born a seer prophesized about you.

"The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches ... born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies ... and the Dark Lord will mark him as equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not ... and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives ... the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies ..."

Harry made the connection immediately - marked as his equal - he reached up and touched the lightning bolt scar. /Neither can live while the other survives/. He must kill Voldemort or die by his hand. This just gets better and better. What is the power that the Dork Lord knows not?

"That's what Riddle is after, Harry. He wants the prophesy. He thinks it will tell him what the unknowable power is."

"Is that what the Order is guarding? A goddamn prophesy? Isn't there some kind of public record of prophesies somewhere?"

Astarte smiled, "In the department of mysteries, Harry."

"The door! I saw a door like that when I was tried by the Wizengamot! I need to tell Dumbledore."

Helena shook her head, Harry looked at Astarte, who said, "Who do you think the prophesy was made to in the first place?"

"Oh shite, please don't tell me .. ."

"Yes, Harry. Albus Dumbledore."

"But it gets better," Helena said, with relish, "there's been another prophesy - and Dumasadoor was nowhere around when it was made."

The scene changed and Harry found himself in an unfamiliar room.

Lady Helena described the scene. "Professors McGonagall, Flitwick, and Trelawney were the last ones in the conference room following a particularly tedious faculty meeting. Sybil, who, by the way, conveyed the first prophesy, went into a seer's trance. Minerva and Filius, recognizing what was happening cast privacy spells around the room and carefully recorded what Trelawney said.

"The one with the power to defeat the Dark Lord is come. He will wield power that the Dark Lord knows not. The weeping virgin shall forsake her afterlife to walk again amongst the living. The Lady of the Loch shall surrender her age so that she may with him grow old. One and twenty maidens shall raise up their arms and together they will destroy magic in order to save it. The one with the power to defeat the Dark Lord is come. . ."

Harry found himself walking with the ladies on the pathway around the lake. "Oh . . . my . . . gawd, I mean goddess!"

"You see, don't you, Harry?"

He nodded, "The coven, Myrtle alive again, is Myrtle the one who grows old with me?"

"That's one interpretation . . ."

"Hush, Helena, let him find out on his own. That's half the fun."

Lady Helena smiled and agreed.

"In the meantime, Goddess, what do I do with twenty-one maidens?"

"That part should be obvious, Harry. Choose those who will be your inner circle, claim and bind them to your magic. Then all those who follow your banner will need to be trained in combat."

"But if I teach them to fight then they'll get hurt, maybe killed in battles to come."

Astarte nodded, "Yes, that's areal possibility. But if you don't teach them to fight, to defend themselves and each other, then they will all die - horribly. Would you consign them to the "mercies" of a mob of death eaters?"

"Goddess, will you help me?"

"On one condition."

"Name it!"

"Call me Astarte."

He reached out his hand to clasp hers and said, "Glad to meet you Astarte, I'm Harry."

She chuckled and pulled him into another tonsil probing kiss. She looked a bit dazed when they finally separated, "Now I remember how I got so caught up in the mortal realm in the first place. . ."

Astarte drew him into a fierce embrace enfolding Harry in her arms, her wings, and even wrapping her tail around his upper thigh. The way she stroked his back while holding him made him purr with pleasure.

"There's something I have to tell you, Harry."


"I've, um, well through your mother, Lily, that is. . ."

"Goddess, please just tell me."

"Well, I've "nudged" your libido, just a bit."

"That explains why I accepted Myrtle and Hermione so quickly, but why just a little?"

"Well, you are a teenaged boy, it's not like it took a lot of effort - but I have made you more accepting of the idea of polyamory. It's the one thing I can do to make sure you and those you love survive the battles to come.

"I've been watching you since you arrived at Hogwarts. I've learned you hate manipulation, and I'll remove the charm if you want. . ."

Harry looked into the goddess's emerald green eyes and saw in them such openness, so much honest concern and .. . love.

"Your charm has given me more love in a week than I'd ever hoped to see in twenty lifetimes, no goddess, don't change a thing."

They kissed, tenderly.

Helena touched his shoulder, "Harry, when you go back to your room tonight find "Majiks Moste Darke" on my bookshelf - the password to unlock it is "Merlin's Bollocks"."

Harry looked at Astarte and Helena and asked, "How much longer before I wake?"

The goddess knelt before Harry and waved his cloak aside, smiled and said, "Long enough!"

Harry woke to the unmistakable feeling of his trousers around his ankles and a soft feminine mouth on his cock.

"Oh, Myrtle, I love you!" he said, groaning.

"I love you too, Harry." she answered with a knowing grin.

"Um, Hermione?"


He lifted his head and saw and felt Millicent doing a wonderful job making his throbbing knob happy. She was kneeling, her knees near Harry's shoulders, and had one hand around the base of his cock, stroking expertly. He was sure Myrtle was responsible for that, her other hand moved inside her skirt front, apparently searching for something.

Harry scooched around and stuck his head under Millie's skirt.

"Damn," he thought, "does anyone wear knickers around here?"

He nudged her knees farther apart to give himself unfettered access to her quim, lifted his head and touched her engorged clitoris with the tip of his tongue.

Millie's head popped up and she made a little squeaking sound, followed by a long, low moan.

"Oh yes, Harry, that the spot, oh, oh . . ."

Myrtle and Hermione both looked at Susan and said, simultaneously, "Wait for it."

Harry was happily lapping Millie's folds enjoying the taste and texture of the large but perfectly proportioned girl then decided it was her turn to come. He pushed his tongue as far as he could into her eager snatch and cried, "One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them!"

Millicent didn't scream, she shuddered violently, let loose a torrent of joy-juice and passed out.

Harry, with the help of the other girls, turned Millie over onto her back and gratefully accepted a transfigured towel as he was covered from hairline to neck in succulent girl gooey. He made sure Millicent was all right before falling on his back laughing at the absurdity of it all.

He had to do more than accept the coven, he had to train his ladies, and he had to lead them into battle. He vowed at that moment that he would die before he'd let any of them get hurt if he could at all help it.


He opened his eyes to see Susan looking down at him, practically vibrating with anticipation.

He smiled and opened his arms -she leapt on him, rolled over on her back taking him with her - wrapped her arms and legs around him and ground her pubes hungrily against his.

"Shhhhh, shhhhh, easy Suzie, calm down. I'm not going anywhere and we have all the time in the world - we can take it slow."

He stroked her hair and murmured sweet, calming, loving words over and over until her eyes regained their focus.

"Oh Harry, if you only knew how long I've been waiting for you, wanting you to want me. I would be happy just to serve you as a hand maiden, but to love you and know that you love me? I could die happy."

Harry leaned down to kiss her tenderly. They broke the kiss and Susan slowly unbuttoned her starched white school uniform blouse to reveal her beautifully formed breasts - held as if by magic by a barely-there emerald green bra. He leaned down to nuzzle her soft-yet-firm globes and she purred, "Some people say they're my best feature."

Harry kissed one breast, then the other and said, "Well, they're wrong then. Your best feature is one they can't see."

Susan blushed and said, "How could you know that, Harry? You haven't been in my knickers - yet."

He smiled and said, "That's not what I meant." He placed his hand to the left of her sternum and said, "This. This is your best feature, your great capacity for love, and loyalty. It's how I know I'll be happy to spend the rest of my life with you."

Harry kissed her again, with more passion this time and she pushed against his chest.

"I know you can reduce me to aquivering puddle of goo, but please, just this once, take me. Make me your woman for now and always."

He looked to Myrtle for guidance. She smiled and nodded, whispering, "Just go slow at first - she really doesn't know what she's in for."

Harry sat back on his knees and pushed Susan's skirt up her thighs, past her high-waist French-cut pants. They were emerald green to match her bra, the gusset was saturated. He hooked the elastic waistband and drew them slowly, sensuously over her thighs, knees, calves and feet. After he'd tossed her knickers aside she leaned up on her elbows and gave him the same predatory look that all the girls of the coven had given him at lunchtime.

She placed her feet flat on the ground and spread her knees so that her glistening folds opened for him like aflower's petals. Her sparse pubic hair matched the auburn hair on her head perfectly. At that moment she was the most beautiful girl Harry had ever seen.

He knee-walked to her wide-spread thighs and rubbed the bulbous head of his cock up and down her eager entrance -she was as wet as she could possibly be, so much so that her excess lubricant flowed down over her puckered anal bud.

Harry eased his bulbous glans into Susan's folds - her outer lips closed in behind its head. Harry felt her hymen and knew it was more resistant, thicker perhaps, than Myrtle's or Hermione's had been. He looked to Myrtle, a little panicked.

"Susie, luv, I don't want to hurt you . . . maybe we can . . ."

Before Harry could say the word"wait" Susan bucked hard against his rampant cock and hissed in pain.

He didn't pull out; neither did he push further in. He was horrified that he had hurt her. It didn't matter to him that she'd impaled herself, it was his cock after all. Trying his best to keep from hurting her any more he carefully rolled onto his side, taking the auburn haired Hufflepuff with him.

"I'm sorry, so, so sorry, Susan. I never wanted to hurt you, I love you so much."

"W-worth it, then." She squeaked. Then looked Harry in the eye and said, "A little fleeting pain is worth it, I'd do it again, everyday, just to hear you say you love me, everyday."

Tears coursed down Harry's face -he knew what she meant - he found he did love her, he loved all his ladies. Wait, when did they become ladies? When they pledged themselves to him they became ladies, his ladies. Girl is a word used to describe witches and other lasses who haven't made life-altering decisions. He had ladies. Twenty-one ladies. Whether he made love to them all or not, didn't matter, they were still his and he would care for them. All of them.

"Harry?" Susan asked, "Do you want to keep going?"

"More than anything, luv, but lets just stay like this for a while so you can get used to having me inside you." He looked to Myrtle for her approval and she gave him a smile and two thumbs up.

Hermione whispered something to Myrtle who slapped her forehead with the palm of her hand, "I can't believe Ididn't think of that! It just wasn't an issue with Harry and me."

"Me either." Hermione added.

"What?" Harry asked.

Hermione said, sympathetically,"You'll have to pull out, Harry."

Susan gripped him tighter and whimpered, "No, I wanna have him stay."

Myrtle gently moved Susan's hair out of her eyes, "What if I told you it would stop hurting and you could have Harry all the way inside you, without hurting, much, much sooner?"

The redhead's eyes went wide and she grimaced as she pulled painfully away from Harry's unflagging cock. There was a red ring encircling his member which Hermione cleaned with a mild "turgio"charm.

"Harry, place your hand over Susan's vulva, index finger to the left, ring finger to the right and middle finger right on the cleft, yes, just like that. This is a very specific healing spell, it's for witches, but it's always most effective when performed by a wizard, especially one who loves her.

"I need you to imagine the membrane, you've seen it, imagine it all torn and red and bleeding. You're going to use your magic to heal the raw edges. See Susan in your mind as completely healed."

"Won't that restore her hymen?"

Myrtle smiled, "Good question, it will if that is your intent. Remember, above all else, magic is about what the witch or wizard intends.

"The incantation is vagina curatia sum."

Harry poured all his love and concern into the spell and Susan jumped a bit and said, "It tingles!"

"How do you feel?" Harry asked, solicitously.

"A bit sore, just a bit."

Myrtle whispered in Harry's ear,"The spell cleans as well as heals."

He looked at her quizzically.

"So kiss it and make it better!"

"Ahhhhhh!" He said, and, rubbing his hands together in glee he told Susan, "Lie back sweetheart, daddy's gonna make it all better."

She lay back and Harry gently kissed her outer lips, before using the tip of his tongue to caress her inner folds then started reciting the runes, "/Fetch, ur, thorn, asc, sen, gebo/. . ." Susan jumped and whimpered, she liked /gebo/.

"Gebo, gebo, gebogebogebo, Geeeeeeh - Boh - oh - oh!"

Susan shrieked, bowed her back, grabbed two handfuls of Harry's hair and tried to force as much of his magic tongue inside her as possible. He gamely kept on task, determined to give her the ride of her life.

Hermione couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"What?" Myrtle asked.

"H-How does a girl hold her liquor?"

Myrtle shrugged, and then remembered the old joke from her school days, "By his /ears/!"

Myrtle and Hermione fell over laughing until tears ran down both their cheeks. When they finally composed themselves they cuddled with Millicent who dozed on, with an indelible grin plastered on her face.
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