Categories > Books > Harry Potter > If Wishes Were Hippogriffs


by PerfesserN

Harry is introduced to the rest of the Coven of the Four Houses, and finds Minerva delicious

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica,Fantasy,Romance - Characters: Harry,Hermione,Pansy,Professor McGonagall - Warnings: [!!] [X] - Published: 2008-08-08 - Updated: 2008-08-09 - 3053 words - Complete


Chapter 10 - Tartan

It was with a bit of reluctance that the group of five returned to the castle, but they were all growing teens- it wouldn't do for them to miss two meals in one day. As the group entered the castle they were met by Professor Flitwick, who appeared to be nervous about something.

"Mister Potter, will you come with me please?"

"Of course, Professor. May my ladies come too?"

"Oh yes, as a matter of fact Ibelieve some of your other ladies will be there already, if not all of them."

They all arrived at what Harry knew to be his head of house's office.

"Just go in, the Deputy Headmistress is expecting you."

"Thank you, sir."

Flitwick nodded and hurried off.

Harry knocked twice and heard asomewhat familiar voice call "Enter!"

He walked into the magically enlarged room and gasped. Sitting behind the desk was a hauntingly familiar, drop-dead gorgeous young redhead, perhaps in her early twenties, her deep burgundy hair almost as pretty as Susan's. Her eyes as deep an emerald as his own.

"Professor?" Harry asked, shocked to his magical core.

"One moment, please, Lord Potter." She said, then stood and walked around to drop to one knee before Harry. All the other ladies in the room followed suit, including the four who had entered with him.

"As the appointed spokeswitch for The Coven of the Four Houses I do hereby pledge my life, my magic, my fortune and my future to Lord Harry Potter-Slytherin until he releases me or death takes me."

She was answered by a chorus of feminine voices saying, "So say we all, so mote it be."

"Do you accept, Lord Harry?"

Again he inexplicably knew exactly what to say, "Coven of the Four Houses, know this, I place no geas, no conditions, on your pledge. I will accept with love and gratitude any support you can give me and your coven sisters in the trying times to come. No one here shall be compelled to give more than she will. If at anytime you wish to be released from your pledge you have only to ask and I will let you go with afull heart for the love you have shown me and your coven sisters this day. Igladly accept your pledges my liege ladies, and vow to support you in all things with my life, my magic and my fortune. With all my heart. So mote it be."

There was a great sigh throughout the room and Harry felt both charged and overwhelmed by the love surrounding him.

Minerva McGonagall stood and smiled at Harry. "It's traditional for the warlock to seal the pledge."

He looked, as usual, to Myrtle for guidance. She smirked and kissed him - hard. She was followed by Hermione, then Susan, then a hesitant Millicent.

"What's wrong, Millie?" he asked.

"You don't have to kiss me, Harry. I know I'm not pretty like the others. . ."

Harry smiled into her eyes, caressed her cheek and drew her down to a tender kiss. The kiss ended too soon and everyone in that room saw the glow of love-light pouring from them as he said, "You are gorgeous to me, always, always remember that, my sweet, beautiful Millie."

There wasn't a dry eye in the room.

He kissed Su, and Luna, who at last had found her focus. There were others, a total of nineteen but some really stood out.

The three Slytherin girls, plus Millicent, stood together and knelt as one to the Lord of their house. "We pledge to make Slytherin a house to be proud of henceforth, ambition is not evil, and its past time the whole of our house understood that."

Harry saw the zeal in Pansy's eyes, a look shared by all the coven sisters. "Remember to be subtle, my beloved /Vipera/, and if ever you need me just call and I'll be there."

Pansy lost her sneer for all time at that moment. She jumped up, squeeing, and kissed Harry hard. Tracy and Daphne followed suit and soon Harry was pressed on all sides by three very enthusiastic ladies.

At last he came to his head of house,"Professor . . ."

"Please, Lord Harry, when the coven is convened you are the Warlock, and I'm just Minerva - Minnie to my very close friends."

He ran his fingers through her hair and asked, "How did you do this?"

"It's a ritual that restores awitch's or wizard's youth and vitality . . ."

"But?" he asked, "There has to be a "but"."

Myrtle stepped up, "But its goblin magic; painful, more pain than you can imagine, Harry. More painful that adozen simultaneous Cruciatus curses, the kind of pain that drove the Longbottoms mad."

Hermione added, "And it drains amage's magic. In most cases the witch or wizard becomes a squib.

"You risked your magic for me, Minerva? For gods' sake why?"

She took a deep breath and said,"Because, for the sake of the prophesy, someone had to. And it was either me or Sybil Trelawney."

Harry pulled her into a tight embrace, kissed her hard and said, "Thank you, Minnie, with all my heart!"

Minerva smirked and said,"Scamp!"

Her expression turned serious. "I have something to say that's not easy, milord."

Harry recognized her need for formal speech so he didn't try to correct her. "Go on Minerva."

She took a deep breath. Let it out, and said, "You came to me when Umbitch, I mean Umbridge sent you out of Defense Against the Dark Arts class and I gave you, what I thought at the time, was good advice, hard, but good . . ."

"And now?" he asked.

Minerva frowned, then looked determined - a witch on a mission, "That Fudge-sucking toad is toast!"

Harry drew her into a deep soulful kiss that left them both a little dazed. "So, Minnie mine, you have aplan, of course?"

Susan stepped up, smiling and said, "Oh yes, we have . . . and it all comes to a head tomorrow."

"But for now," Minerva said as she cast an aging glamour, "let us to supper."

Minerva McGonagall may have had the appearance of a muggle septuagenarian, but her easy strides and runway posture screamed youth and vitality, as she led the coven to the great hall.

She took her customary seat at the long table and turned to Umbridge.

"Professor," she said, and then gagged as though she'd just eaten something vile, "I wonder if you would be so kind as to postpone Mister Potter's ongoing detention this evening?"

"Surely, Minerva, you are not interfering with the administration of discipline in my classroom?"

"Not at all, Dolores, we would simply be postponing your behavioral modification training for one day."

Umbridge looked smug as if to say, "Have it your way - for now."

"Very well, Minerva, you may have him tonight, but I will have him for the rest of this week and well into next. I think adding two more days will do the child a world of good, don't you?"

"If you say so, Dolores."


"Mister Potter if you would meet me in my office at say, six-thirty?"

"Yes Professor."


Harry entered his head of house's office just as the mantle clock chimed the half-hour. Minerva McGonagall sat behind her desk in a casual robe. The aged glamour had fallen off and she'd taken her thick red hair out of its severe bun so that it flowed enticingly over her shoulders. Hauntingly beautiful eyes regarded Harry as he walked into the room.

"I hear you've been very naughty, Mister Potter, very naughty indeed."

"Baseless rumors, Professor. Iassure you I have done nothing but uphold the best traditions of my house unbendingly rigidly and in an unflaggingly upright, straight up manner."

Minnie's eyes darkened with lust,"We'll have to see about that."

Harry walked around the massive desk and knelt before his head's swivel chair. Turning it toward him he was pleasantly shocked as her robe fell away from her long legs revealing black fishnet stockings held in place by suspenders.

"Won't you please tell me, Professor, what you have planned for tomorrow?"

"Certainly not, Mister Potter."She teased, "That would ruin the sur . . ."

Harry had spread her knees and was running both hands along her upper thighs.



He slid both hands around to her bum and pulled her to the edge of the chair - this necessitated her spreading her thighs wide.

Harry looked at her knickers and smiled.

"Do I recognize the McGonagall tartan?"

"Of course, Milord Harry."

He stroked her tartan gusset lightly with his knuckle and repeated, "Please?"

Minerva hissed at the intimate contact and whimpered, "No. . ."

He hooked his finger under the dampening material, careful to not pull any hair in the process and rubbed her wet center. "Are you going to make me beg? I'm already on my knees, Professor."

"It w-won't d-do you any g-good, Misssssssster P-Potter. I won't talk!"

"Good." He said, with a smirk.


"Talking is highly overrated!"having said this he pulled the gusset to one side and dove into her juicy quim with reckless youthful abandon. Talking was suspended for the rest of the evening. Screaming, screeching, eardrum piercing howls were in order this particular night.

One of the last coherent things out of Minerva McGonagall's mouth was "Take me Harry, make me yours /now/!"

Harry picked her up and was heading for her bedchamber when she said, "Desk!"

"Desk?" he asked, looking at her for confirmation.

She nodded and looked back at her beautiful oak desk with its pristine hand rubbed surface.

Harry smiled and placed her bum on the flat surface so that her legs could hang over - well, they could if her ankles weren't currently on his shoulders. He undid his belt and trousers and let them fall to his ankles - he hadn't bothered with underwear since the afternoon "picnic" by the lake.

His throbbing member bounced, the head just touching Minerva's tartan covered sex.

"Rrrrip em' off!" she insisted, her brogue curiously thick.

Harry nodded, reached up to take the thin edge of her silken knickers in both hands and pulled the seams apart, first one side and then the other until his professor was splayed before him in all her wanton glory.

He pulled the sash so that her robe opened releasing two magnificent breasts - each one capped by puffy areole and erect nipples the size of pencil rubbers.

Harry leaned forward to kiss her and she leaned up to comply without removing her ankles from his shoulders -this put her own ankles behind her ears and allowed the whole length of his erection to slide across her hungry fanny.

He stood up straight and placed just the head of his cock into her very wet entrance, shocked to find a barrier there.


She shrugged as if to say, "I'll take the bad with the good."

He left the head in and leaned forward to kiss her again. The fact that his pulsing cock was in the perfect position to penetrate and the fact that the position of her legs stretched the restored hymen almost to the point of tearing spontaneously allowed him to slide in with only the barest hint of resistance.

Harry stopped pushing when he realized he'd deflowered his head of house.

"Tell me when and I'll go slowly."

She nodded and pulled at him so he pushed in, then stopped to let her get used to his length and girth. After a few moments she nodded again and he pulled back a bit, then smoothly pushed in again.

The placement of Minnie's legs made the throbbing head of Harry's cock rub that spot - the one that she could never get her lovers to reach when she was young the first time around.

Harry was hitting it with every stroke. She wasn't sure how long she would last before dissolving into ababbling slapper begging for his hard cock.

It turned out to be around his ninth or tenth stroke.

"Aye! Oh please, Harry Aye! Aye, ohhhh, fasssterrr, harrrrderrrr, aye, aye, aye, aye, ayeayeayeayeayeayeaye - /Aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii/!"


Monday morning saw an entire cadre of press, reporters and photographers from the various magical print media as well as the WWN swarming the great hall. The occasion was breakfast with the Minister of Magic. Cornelius Fudge sat to the Headmaster's right, Dolores Umbridge to his left, ensuring the MoM's name would appear first in any news photos.

Harry had a good seat and when his head of house took her seat at the head table he pulled a silken scrap of cloth from his shirt pocket bearing the McGonagall tartan and placed it under his nose to savor its aroma.

Minerva's blush was one for the record books.

Poppy Pomfrey leaned over and asked, "Are you well, Minerva? You look a bit flushed."

"Hot flash." She whispered back, but smiled and winked at her Warlock.

The bulk of the student body waited patiently for breakfast to appear - they would have to wait because Fudge wanted a packed house and hungry teens would make for a captive audience. When the politician deemed the hall "full enough" he nodded to Dumbledore. Who rose and said, "Before we begin our breakfast, one or two quick announcements, first hour classes will be cancelled today owing to abrief assembly by the right honorable Cornelius Fudge, our Minister of Magic." There was a polite spate of applause - Umbridge's sycophantic clapping enduring longer than anyone else's.

The headmaster continued, "Also joining us from the Ministry, Madame Amelia Bones, Hogwarts head girl Nineteen Seventy Two and currently head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement."

Amelia stood and waved from the Hufflepuff table where she'd been sharing a few words with her niece. The enthusiastic applause for Madame Bones was very gratifying to most, but obviously annoying to Umbridge.

Dumbledore bowed to his right and said, "Minister Fudge."

Again polite applause.

"Thank you, thank you. It's really been too long since my last visit. It's so good to see some things haven't changed. I do wish they'd fix that trick step on the third floor staircase though. . ."

Polite chuckles all around.

"I am pleased to announce that the ministry decrees for education have drastically improved the state of education at this hallowed academy. . ."

Pause for applause that didn't come.

". . . um, well, yes and having already revolutionized the teaching of Defense against the Dark Arts I am pleased to announce the appointment of Dolores Umbridge as Hogwarts first ever High Inquisitor."

He began a polite applause which was only lamely echoed by a few at the Slytherin table.

Fudge was a politician and apublic speaker and he knew when he was loosing his audience so he summed up quickly.

"Her primary duties as such will be to ensure that all Hogwarts classes adhere to Ministry mandated decrees and practices to ensure excellence and consistency in your education. You, after all, represent the future of the wizarding world - let's eat!"

The enthusiastic applause was more for the bangers and mash than anything the pompous old windbag had said.

"While we enjoy this wonderful breakfast I'll entertain questions from the floor. Yes, Miss Skeeter."

Harry's head nearly snapped as he spun quickly between the slightly lackluster reporter and his best friend.

Hermione smiled a smile that would have had Leo Da Vinci running for his sketchbook.

"Are we to assume then, Minister, that Professor Umbridge has your complete support?"

"Absolutely, Miss Skeeter, her accomplishments speak for themselves."

"Indeed, Minister, we'll get to that in a trice. In matters of discipline does Professor Umbridge adhere strictly to Ministry guidelines, guidelines that you have approved?"

"Everything Professor Umbridge does in the performance of her duties here at Hogwarts has my official seal of approval."

Fudge didn't like the direction this line of questioning was going so he cast around looking for another reporter, but no one else was asking.

"Is that for the record, Minister?"

"Yes, Miss Skeeter, for the record, next question, anyone? Anyone else? Oh, very well, yes, Miss Skeeter."

"So it is official ministry policy to use a blood quill, an object only sanctioned for blood oaths, as atool of discipline for use on school age children?"

All sound in the great hall ceased.


"You've stated, for the record, that everything Dolores Umbridge does here has the, no," she checked the pad upon which the Minister's words were recorded by her True Blue Verbatim Quill ,"you said your official seal of approval. So you approve the use of ablood quill to torture school children."

"What? No! Of course not, what idiot would?"

"Apparently your kind of idiot, Minister."

"This interview is over, come Weatherby!"

"Please don't attempt to leave, Minister!"

Fudge looked at Amelia Bones with contempt, "How dare you take that tone of voice with me, don't you know who Iam?"

"I do, Fudge, and I know what you are too. Aurors Tonks and Shacklebolt will you please escort the Minister and his Senior Undersecretary to the nearest office? Headmaster will you and your deputy headmistress please join us?"

"I'll have your badges for this! Aurors, arrest Madame Bones, immediately."

Amelia looked at the two aurors who had been given the odious duty of Fudge's protection detail and asked,"Well?"

"No way, Madame Director, he may think he's the Minister but you're the /boss/."

Minerva McGonagall stood before Dolores Umbridge, smiling. The speed and intensity of the back-hand blow spun the toadish woman around and shocked everyone in the great hall. Umbridge growled and reached for her wand only to find Minerva's already pointed between her beady black eyes.

"At your pleasure, Madame Umbridge."

Dolores Umbridge quailed. She had just been formally challenged to a witches duel - by a board certified Master Transfiguration Witch. The bulk of the assembled students stood and cheered. The remaining Slytherins tried to make themselves very small.

Pomona Sprout offered her office as it was close and had lots of space owing to the fact that she spent more time in her green houses than in her office. "Will you be needing a second, Dearie?" She asked Minerva.

"Thank-you, Mona, you're very kind."

"And loyal," the head of Hufflepuff added smilingly, "loyal to a fault!"
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