Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > " Tug at my heart strings ".

" Tug at my heart strings ".

by Harrow 0 reviews

" Tug at my heart strings, pull them tight, knit them close, tie them right, because tonight it is that we sadly die ".

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Fantasy - Characters: Frank Iero - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2008-07-24 - Updated: 2008-07-25 - 1513 words

Hello Harrow here again this is the first of 5 chapters that came to me last night conducted into that of a short poem that will be revealed in the last chapter. This story is about frankie from my chemical romance and the sorry death that him and his new friends endure along the time limit of 4 seasons. Each chapter is the passing of a season in itself and a experience and time laspe in their life. Enough of my rambling here goes the story enjoy!:

In the laspe and birth of Fall:

Chapter 1:

Frankie's P.O.V:

My mom what a bright spirit she was i loved her i did so much that it hurted we lived in such a beautiful place me and her did both. New jersey you can't get any better than that Our house was nice it was cute and small and brown and we always had shade in the summer time because we were surrounded by tree's our house was almost set in a mini forest because the grass was tall and green and the sky always so blue i was in trances for hour's.

But mama had problems mama she did her problems was'nt of ones that involved drinking or drugs or child neglect her problems stemed from stupid forgiveness and that was of my father he abused her me and her both.

He used to hit her oh my he would hit her so hard there would be times when he'd drink so much and come home and we'd be sitting on the couch watching tv me and her and he'd find some reason to blow her brains out literally.... i know i'm rambling sorry.

My name is Frank anthony iero but most call me frankie i am 8 years old and live in belleville new jersey i'm quite on the short side and is very much inlove with punk rock music at my house we don't have cable so i watch this show called 60 minutes and they show the hottest rock video's i love them all but i mostly love black flag they are kick ass ( oop's sorry).

Um i'm quite lonely but mostly just wierd i don't like blood and i don't eat meat i'm a self proclaimed vegetarian and i am very skinny people say i'm very pale and that my hair is black so i dyed it cutting my hair to the point that i have a fringe of black hair hanging over my left eye and the sides of my hair is red. I have alot of time to do these things mostly i am alone.

But i have to finish telling you how my mama died he killed her daddy did it was during the night when i arrived from school and mama was preparing us all dinner he was drunk again and found a tiny reason to beat her but this was unlike other night's. He became upset with her because dinner to him was late so they argued and mama threatened to leave him so as she walking towards the door with me in her arms daddy shot her i did'nt know he had a gun.

This happened when i was 6.

Ever since then daddy came to live with me after returning from jail and for awhile he had stopped drinking but soon it started again and i became the bearer of his rage but whenever he beated me too much and i threatened to tell on him he would take me the city of newark new jersey where he'd buy me ice cream and sometimes toy's but there was one that i wanted the most.

It was a red fire truck that was shiny and could be winded up to go at different speeds and turn at variety angles i loved this truck but daddy never brought it for me not yet anyway.

But there was a lady she always watched me with such fascination i thought she was wierd she worked at the toy store daddy took me to and acted quite strange whenever i went near the attic of her store.

I heard sounds up there it was the sounds of someone being trapped and they wanted to be free she was imprisoning people up there and i wanted to know who but daddy or her would'nt let me that is until she killed daddy too.

I don't know why she did it but she did and in a way she setted me free emotionally though but physically i was trapped and the very place i was curious about now housed me.

It was the attic i woke up in a very wide open space that had some crates lying around and some old dressers the place was big and was closed in by a huge door. at the end of the attic space was a window on the wall that allowed one to look out over the newark city the attic was dim lit by one light bulb above the ceiling and was kept company by a dark haired boy and his funny little brother.

It was in the beginning of the season fall that i had been kidnapped and put in here with them the woman and her husband said that they were going to leave us in here by ourselves until we starved to death or killed eachother for food she said that she hated pretty kids like us and by doing this she would teach us a lesson i did'nt know them the 2 kids but they took an instant liking to me and i to them too.

The dark haired kid was named Gerard arthur way he was 10 and was a self proclaimed artist and a very good singer he could draw anything real and fictionalized he always carried around this notebook and a ball point pen and everytime i seen him he was sitting down sketching something his dark hair hiding his face. He was pale like me and was quite chubby but in a good hugging way his cheeks was full and his eyes a hazel green, brown, and yellow color. His hair was jet black and pillowing his shoulders and his eyelashes long straight up under black eyebrows he had the smallest teeth ever and his lips pink he talked out of the corner of his mouth.

His brother was named Micheal james way but i always heard Gerard call him mikey he was quite small and very thin and he too was pale his hair was light brown and black and on the tip of his nose he wore glasses that complimented his big, brown, eyes his mouth was pink and his nose pointed he was quite nerdy but in a nice way i liked them both. Fall was very dead to all of us making everything outside the window look dull the grass was either brown or gone and the tree's bear and naked i could tell it was cold because i could see people's breath in the air.

It was warm in here though because the 3 of us spent our time talking or watching the small tv this one had cable so we watched superman or spongebob i found out that Gerard loved super heroes. In the morning we would watch rock video's on fuse and sing my god! Gerard had such a lovely voice.

He could sing such lovely tunes i would listen to him for hour's we mikey and gerard would sit up against a nearby crate and listen to gerard sing it was one song that i loved the most he called it early sunsets over monroeville he even taught me the lyrics and they were:

/"Late dawns and early sunsets, just like my favorite scenes
Then holding hands and life was perfect, just like up on the screen
And the whole time while always giving
Counting your face among the living..."

Up and down escalators, pennies and colder fountains
Elevators and half price sales, trapped in by all these mountains..."

"Running away and hiding with you
I never thought they'd get me here
Not knowing you'd change from just one bite
I fought them all off just to hold you close and tight..."

Beautful is'nt it? his voice was like an angel i loved listening to it the 3 of us me and mikey would sit against a crate and listen to him he made me cry countless times mikey called me names it was'nt my fault he- i mean his voice was lovely. The fall got me thinking about things how beautiful dark haired people are especially when their laying next to me.

Oh how i loved to sit and watch him stare out that window it was my favorite fall past time.

Harrow here yes this is the first of the 5 chapters that i am conducting as you can see there will be frerard in here and death with hints of innocent romance and child like attractions there is only 3 more chapter's and then they die review and rate buddies bye.
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