Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Pretenders

The Great Escape

by dtng101 0 reviews

Jane,Mikay,Alirae and Charli all have a good feeling,when they go out together.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2008-07-29 - Updated: 2008-07-29 - 570 words

a/n today was an earthquick were I live and I though oh shit that's the last story I write and the last time I get to see my brother who's on vacation lol.Well I survived lol.Well anyways I'll shut up and let you guys read on,PLEASE REVIEW!!!!!!!!~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X`X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X

Since I didn't see Gerard come in sight to pick me up.I went to see Frank play football.I know it's werid,it's not I like football I just wanted to see how he played.Plus he told me if I wanted I could come along and watch.I walked towards the fence and looked behind the wires of the fence,and watched Frank toss the football to Bob and play.Suddenly I herad someone call my name. Normal Pov.
"Jane"said Mikay walking towards Jane along with Alirae and Charli along her side."Looking for someone"said Mikay to Jane"No,no uh"said Jane sounding nervous but nice at the same time"Some of the football players make their girlfrinds watch them play,like if it's interesting"said Alirae laughing nicely
"Yeah like one of the assholes there,Frank Iero"said Mikay looking towards him play"I don't even know him"Jane said"Mikay sorry about what happen in Science class,she's sometimes mean to people but nice at the same time don't take it personaliy"said Charli similing at me"Your Mikay"jane said Mikay pointed at Alirae"uhh this is mIkay"she said pointing at the girl in the middle"This is Charli"she said pointing at the girl to the left of Mikay"And I'am Alirae"she said"Hi I'am Jane
"Jane said"Yeah we know"said Alirae"Do you want to go for coffe"said Mikay similing at me"Nah I can't,I gtta get home My brother are waiting for me"Jane said Mikay laughed softly"You could make something up"said Mikay
"Charli's ditching practice"said Mikay Jane picked up my cell and called Gerard to not pick me up.ANd he said it was okay that he was going to tell my aunt that I went to the libarary,that' what Jane told him. Jane stared thru out the fence and stared at Frank.
Apperantly the girls notcied her staring."He comes out anything with a body with curves"said Mikay"No I'am not watching"said Jane"he spreads deasease,spaeking from personal experinces"said Mikay looking down
"RUN FRAKIE GO FOR THE PASS BABY!"screamed Mikay at Frank as he almost did a homerun,but as sonn as she said that he tripped and lost. Jane giggled at the image."He's such a jerk"said Mikay with hatered that it felt like if it stabbed you in the heart"come on"said Mikay singaling for Jane to join them
"so your coming right"said Charli with Alirae"Were are we going"Jane said"shoppping"said Alirae Soon Jane joined them for 'their little shopping spree'.A/N I'LL TRY TO UPDATE TONIGHT SO KEEP TUNED IN FOR THE NEXT PART OF THE STORY PLEASE REVIEW!"
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