Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Safe Way

Not Until I Say So

by Carebear_Assassin 3 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2008-08-05 - Updated: 2008-08-05 - 1015 words

I woke up as we pulled into my driveway. Everyone came into the house, and we all sat down in the basement. Someone found some old board games and started setting things up. I grabbed Frank’s hand and pulled him upstairs to my room. This was going to hurt so much.

“Frank do you still wanna know what was wrong with me in the car?” I asked. I hoped he would say no, but he nodded yes. “I…Frank we can’t be together anymore,” I said. “I have to break up with you,”

“Why?” he said pulling me into his arms. I savored his scent cause after this I probably wouldn’t get close enough to smell him.

“I did something really bad. I can’t tell you what, just know that it was terrible and I don’t deserve you…”

“Lana don’t pull that: I don’t deserve you crap. Why are you breaking up with me?” he yelled, pushing me away.

“I can’t tell you,” he took a step toward me and grabbed my arms in a tight grip.

“Tell me,” he said looking at me with those glorious green eyes.

“No,” I yelled back. His grip tightened. “Frank you’re hurting me,” I whimpered.

“Fine than, no.”

“No what?” I didn’t understand what he was saying.

“I’m not letting you break up with me for no reason. Either you tell me or we aren’t breaking up,” he said letting me go.

“You can’t do that Frank,” I said.

“Watch me,” he turned and left me in my room. What the hell just happened?

“Are you okay?” Gerard said coming to my door.

“Go away,” he came in and wrapped his arms around me. Once again I knew I should have moved away, but I can’t explain how it feels when his arms are around me. He kissed my neck and goosebumps began to surface on my skin.

“Tell me what’s wrong Al,” he said in a husky tone, I could feel his breath on my ear.

“Gerard please stop,” I said that same husky tone had snuck into my voice. His lips trailed down to my shoulder.

“Why was Frankie mad?” he asked.

“What do you care?”

“He’s my friend,”

“But you just slept with his girlfriend,” I finally found the strength to push him away. I stood up and moved away from the bed. There was no telling what we could do with a bed.

“Don’t be like that,” he pouted.

“How am I supposed to be Gerard, I’m hurting the one guy I might actually fall for.”

“What he doesn’t know can’t hurt him,” he pulled me back to sit with him on the bed.

“Get out,” I stood up and pointed at the door.


“Does no one here know what it means to break up?” I said frustrated.

“I’ll try and stop,” he said. “But when I’m around you…I don’t know what comes over me…I just…” he looked down at his hands.

“Look Gerard, I really want me and Frank to work out. I don’t want to hurt him like I was hurt. I just tried to break up with him, but he wouldn’t let me unless I told him the reason. I don’t want to ruin your friendship with him, but I can’t just not tell him.” He looked at me with apologetic eyes. “Can you go down stairs and send him back up here?” he hesitated. “Don’t worry I won’t tell him about you,” I said. Then he got up and finally left me. I bet he thinks that once Frank and I break up he’ll get his chance, but I won’t let that happen either. I don’t know what I’m going to do, but if after this Frank and I break up I know can’t stay here anymore.

“Come on lets go play monopoly,” Frank said coming to my door.

“Frank I need to tell you something,” I said.

“No, you don’t. I said we’re not breaking up and I meant it end of discussion. Now come on Gerard is playing my turn and I don’t want him to do anything stupid.” He grabbed my hand.

“I’m sorry Frank, but you don’t get to make this decision on your own.” I said getting mad.

“Lana, you’re starting to make me mad.” This new look in his eye, wasn’t really so new. I recognized it from when I first met him. The look that had scared me, I pushed my fear into the back of my mind.


“Let’s get this straight, you belong to me. If you try to leave me before I say its okay you will regret It.” the look in his eye was dead serious.

“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” I asked my voice didn’t portray the fear that I felt looking into those eyes right now.

“Now let’s go downstairs and play monopoly.” He said ignoring my question. He grabbed my arm in a vice grip, that I knew would surly turn into a bruise and pulled me out of my room. Once we made it down stairs around everyone else he loosened his grip and sat in his seat at the table. I still wasn’t quite sure what had just happened. Did he threaten me to stay with him? “Lana come sit,” he said breaking into my thoughts. He motioned to his lap. He took my hand and pulled me down to sit on him.

“Lana are you okay?” Amanda asked. I nodded yes.

“She’s just feeling a little sick,” Frank said, making an excuse for me. I just kept quiet and watched them play their game. Finally my dad came home and said he was going to make us dinner. I just smiled today wasn’t a good day for me at all.
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