Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > We're Too Young, I Hate To Love You

A note to you all

by kristinluvspete 2 reviews

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2008-08-08 - Updated: 2008-08-08 - 197 words

So I might be kind of spastic with my updates and some might be a little depressing. I am on some new medication for Panic Disorder caused by chronic stress, so bare with me here ladies. Writing helps me relax, but all this medication I am on is fucking with me pretty bad. I keep trying to write and my head goes blank a lot. I was hoping that having internet would allow me to have faster updates, but it looks like my brain only functions for shorter updates lol!

For all of you who read my stuff faithfully, thanks so much! I love you guys to death because you make me smile everytime I read a review.

RyanRossLuver and FallOutAmy, you guys rock! I love the reviews you guys give me everytime and it cracks me up that the three of us were the only ones on Team Gabe for awhile.

Hopefully my body will adjust to this medication quickly. I was told about 3-4 weeks, and today is day 5, so shitty right?

Might update this story later if I am in a sad mood lol because this story makes me sad to just write it.
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