Categories > Comics > Batman

a shadow, a dream

by ghostwalker 1 review

contemplations of a vigilante

Category: Batman - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst - Characters: Batman,Joker - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2008-08-17 - Updated: 2008-08-17 - 328 words

This was written for the Jokerfic community on LJ. "":

Title: A Shadow, A Dream (it's a working title)
Rating: PG for implications of violence
Prompt: Dreams
Disclaimers: I don't own the chars, & some references to The Dark Knight (best movie ever!) are mentioned.

[Writing is based on this image:]

This city lies in the shadow of its former self. It's a dream left unspoken, its unfocused pieces falling down around me. My purpose for so long was to protect it, keep it safe.

Then 'He' came along. He came into my city and he stole its soul. It wasn't only that he blew it to hell, killed off its figureheads, nearly killed its hope.

He shook me to my core.

I didn't imtimidate him, like I did the others. He wasn't an ordinary ciminal, he was more than a typical bad guy. Strength couldn't be used against him, and he was the master of mind games. He got into my head. I don't know how he did it but he did. He almost turned me on myself like he almost turned the city on itself. He had a knack for that, for finding the weak spots and exploiting them. It was fun to him, a game. It's easy to hide behind a mask, I don't think he realized just how much he shook me up. Or maybe he did, maybe he knew.

"You couldn't let me go, could you?"

They carted him off to Arkham and the city began to pick itself up again. It wasn't until nights grew empty, boring, that I realized the truth of his words. He was a challenge, he kept me at the top of my game.

Now I sit and I watch and I wait, but sometimes I wonder what my purpose is anymore. Sometimes I wonder if it all wasn't some kind of bad dream.
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