Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Fairy AU

The Fairy AU(B/?)

by wtfwhore 3 reviews

FRERARD! Summary: All Gerard really wanted to do was to be able to take care of himself without his parents unlike his brother. Even if that meant slaving away at some job that he didn't even like...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst,Drama,Fantasy - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] [!!] [!!!] [V] [X] [R] [?] [Y] - Published: 2008-08-24 - Updated: 2008-08-24 - 2448 words

Title: The Fairy AU[B/?]
Author: wtfuwhore&Wtfwhore
Pairing: Frank/Gerard
POV: Third
Rating: PG for now
Disclaimer: I only own the story idea and the fairy. She's mine.
Summary: All Gerard really wanted to do was to be able to take care of himself without his parents unlike his brother. Even if that meant slaving away at some job that he didn't even like, stressing over bills, and having no friends. He was okay with that.
Beta: all_tattooed

The Fairy AU(B/?)!

Gerard had unconsciously managed to think about the 'fairy' all day long. It was so fucking typical, that he had. There wasn't a moment in the day where he hadn't thought about her eyes, and what she had said to him. He thought about her while he waited in line for the water at the cooler, when he was tying his shoes underneath his desk, even when he went to the bathroom. He also couldn't get what he had said to her out of his head. Guilt was becoming a problem for Gerard lately.

No wonder he didn't have any friends, talking to people like that, but would he really want to consider her a friend? She told him she was a fairy, that she was sent to help him become happy. Gerard didn't deal too well with crazy people, but even with the label he marked on her, he still couldn't get the girl out of his head. How she looked so hurt that he wouldn't let her make him happy, and how the fuck did she know that he was unhappy anyways? For her information he was very content. He isn't happy with his life, but he isn't depressed or mad or any other kind of angst-y teenage feelings.

'Cause isn't that what matters? If he's not mad, depressed, or sad, then he doesn't need fixing. Not everyone is happy with their life. Gerard knows he could name a ton of people using all his fingers and his toes that are definitely not happy, and you don't hear about them having 'fairies' bothering them, pestering them. What makes him so special? is the question floating around in his head for 8 hours so fucking tiring and annoyingly, 'cause after the first 5 hours he was pretty much over it. He's stressed out to the max with the fairy so much so that he had removed his tie (and threw it at his computer) and both of his black shiny work shoes.

He had conked out on getting any of his work finished, but thank God for yesterday when he had finished a week load of shit with his semi sorta work friend Quinn. Lately they had been helping each other out whenever Eric (their boss) would dump a shit load of unnecessary work on them that didn't even really need to be done, for no reason at all. Once in awhile, probably once a week, they would ask about each other's life and what not, they really didn't have a choice. They were usually the only people that worked the graveyard shift, and it got pretty lonely. Mostly Quinn was the one to give into the silence first, but today, Gerard could feel himself cracking. At least if he was a in conversation with someone he wouldn't think about 'her', maybe?

Gerard pushed himself away from his desk, his computer chair shooting him back in fast motion. He slid on his shoes, and walked out of his cubicle, then walked down 7 more to Quinn's. He found him sitting at his desk typing (rather fast) to someone on Yahoo. Gerard leaned up against the not so strong walls and crossed his arms. Quinn hadn't noticed him yet, and Gerard was glad he hadn't. He was having fun watching the man laugh at the screen, and rub his thighs in a odd manner. He was finding out another side of Quinn other than the 'All-work-and-no-fun' way Gerard had thought of him until now. Not that Gerard was fun or he would know what that was, but he did know it was the opposite of boring, and that was what work was ...boring.

"Hey!" Gerard said lightly, and with that little greeting Quinn jumped in surprise at Gerard, closing the screen down.

"Um, hey!" Quinn turned to Gerard, giving him his full attention. He was starting to calm down from the scare. He was kind of getting mad and Gerard's little smile wasn't helping him. "What do you want?"

"Nothing, I just came over to talk." Quinn nodded his head, and reached over to one of his chairs and pulled it out for him.

Gerard smiled and said a quick 'Thanks'. Just like Gerard was, Quinn was at loss of a tie and his shoes, and almost a shirt. He had all the buttons undone and all he had to do was just easily slip it off.

"Did the dick give you more work? 'cause I'll help you man."

Gerard shook his head, and decided maybe he should have thought about what he could talk about with Quinn, 'cause it wasn't like Gerard to come over just to want to talk. "No he didn't ...It's just a little ya know, boring?" Quinn was staring at the ground, but he nodded his head, agreeing. "I've got a lot on my mind."

"Yeah, I know what you mean." Quinn thought about his next question very carefully because they had never went deep into each other's lives, but it seemed like Gerard needed someone to talk to. Quinn was sure that he didn't have anyone. "What's been on your mind?"

He stared up at the biege ceiling, wondering how he could tell Quinn about this morning without sounding crazy. "This morning I caught the bus as usual, and on it there was this very strange woman, and," Rule#002 Said person with fairy should never tell a soul of his fairy or this will lead to the removal of fairy from said person. " and she told me that she was my-" A piercing loud ring was heard from Quinn's desk, and Quinn launched himself to his phone, grabbing it up, and flipping it open in milliseconds.

Gerard rolled his eyes at him while he talked on the phone. "Hello, yeah it's me."

"I'll be home soon. I just have to finish up here real quick ...I'm sorry baby, I'll be home as soon as possible." With quick goodbyes, snapping his phone shut, he pocketed it, and looked at Gerard waiting for him to continue. Gerard wanted to finish up about his morning, but something didn't seem right, instead he told Quinn he was getting tired, and told him he would talk about it later. Quinn looked a little disappointed, but smiled anyways and said goodbye.

Gerard quickly jogged down the aisle to his own cubicle. He wanted to hurry and gather up his stuff so he could possibly make it to the diner down the street before it closed, or he would mostly likely starve. Nothing seemed to be open at this time except for fast food shit. "Are you sure you don't wanna talk?" Quinn shouted at him, he was standing on his chair so he could see Gerard over the cubicles.

He smiled back politely and began to pack up all his stuff and log of his computer. "No I'm good. I'm actually trying to hurry up and leave so I can get some food at the diner."

Quinn nodded his head. "Well remember I'm always open if you need someone to talk to."

Gerard waved at him as he left.


Walking out of the building, he noticed that it had just finished raining an hour or 2 before he had left work, so the weather still had this depressing and gray look just like the morning had been, and from the looks of the sky, it was going to probably be like that the next day. It didn't take long for Gerard to get to the diner, it was just down the street. Gerard enjoyed walking sometimes. Especially right after work, -even though it was dangerous, 'cause sometimes he could see the stars, and where he lived you could barely make out anything in the sky.

Walking into the diner was like taking a step back into his past. His parents used to take him and his little brother to the diner when they were younger. It looked almost the same still after 20 years. Gerard was surprised that they hadn't tore the place down and made it into some cool hipster hangout, like all the other places littering the street up and down. During lunch time the diner never had much people in it, it was quiet, but not that depressing silent, more the peaceful kind. Sometimes Gerard would just spend his lunchtime reading and drinking a cup of coffee or tea instead of getting a full meal. He didn't get the feeling of being alone like at his apartment when he was at the diner, even though he barely talked to the people there, including the servers, well sometimes.

Jeph was the first to notice Gerard walking into the diner, his dull eyes brighting up so much at the sight of him. Some entertainment finally, he thought. He hurriedly finished with ordering, the old man who only wanted a donut and coffee but insisted on taking a whole 5 minutes to decide if that's what he really wanted. Jeph had to stand there the whole time because every time he would make a move to leave, the man would grab the end of his shirt and 'act' like he was ready to order. He jotted something down, calling behind him to the man that his order would be out shortly while he waltzed away into the kitchen, stamping his order up for Bob or Frank to get. Jeph decided not to tell Frank that Gerard was there. He always loved messing with him, and knew when Frank saw him talking to Gerard he was going to have a fit. Acting totally normal, Jeph slid back between the counters and made his way over to Gerard.


Bob sighed and groaned as he watched the order Jeph had just put up fall down onto the floor on the other side. He wanted to yell. He had been there way too long, and was doing way too many hours in a week to be considered healthy. He wanted to call Jeph back to ask him to pick it up, because he honestly didn't have any strength, but he saw that he was already busy with a customer. Bob sighed again and began to make his way to the door of the kitchen.

Frank crossed in front of Bob, almost knocking the taller man over as he carried two plates to the meal window for Jeph to serve. "Hey Bob! What's the next order?" Frank turned back around and noticed how Bob was leaning up against the wall. He was dead tried. "Hey man!" He said going over to him and patting him on the back. "I'll take over."

Bob shook his head, and said in a exhausted voice, "I can't do that to you, that's the 2nd time."

Frank smiled and patted Bob on the shoulder even harder saying, "Yeah cause theirs just so many people here right?" Bob smiled kind of, and slugged his arm around Frank's neck pulling him and giving him a quick hug.

"Thanks." Bob said seriously making eye contact with Frank.

Frank nodded. "So no more orders?"

Bob hopped up on one of the counters in the kitchen. "No...It fell on the other side."

Frank shook his head, and went out the door. Looking around, he saw there was only 4 people there. The regular old man who came almost once every two weeks, a man and a woman dining together, and someone else, but Jeph was standing in the way.

The order had managed to fall over by the register, which was a distance away from the order rack. Frank slowly bent down while the bones in his back popped one by one. They were all really tired, well maybe not Jeph, but Bob had it harder because the extra mouth he had to feed, and the 2nd job he had just got. He slid the order through the meal window, and started stretching a little. He only had just a little longer 'till closing time.

Frank heard a loud laugh come from the side of the room, which was really weird because he barely heard anything from the customores at this time at night. He recognized the laugh to be Jeph's but he just couldn't figure out why he was laughing. It was late and usually Jeph would be a bitchy mood.


"I know!" Jeph laughed along with Gerard. Sitting down in the booth across from him, Jeph clamped his hands together over his mouth to stop his laughing. People were beginning to stare. "So what are you doing here so late? You usually come in at lunch. What happened?" Jeph asked after he got some control.

"Well ...I was going to ...but honestly, I was just running so late. There was like, this woman, and she was just a ...mess," he explained, trying to pick the best words. He liked Jeph sometimes. Sometimes he got a little weird and it would just freak Gerard out so much that he wouldn't come back to the diner for a couple days, but on some days, like today, he acted like Gerard's best friend. And maybe that's what they were, since Gerard really didn't have one. They only talked at the diner when Gerard would come in for lunch or dinner, even though Jeph has asked a numerous amount of times for Gerard to come out and hang with him.

Jeph chuckled. "Was it like some creepy old lady? Was she sexy?"

Gerard shook his head and made a face. "No, she wasn't old. She was about my age or younger. I guess she was pretty."

"Pretty huh? like-"

"-Jeph what the fuck?!" Jeph turned and saw Frank, arms crossed and glaring at him, before he stormed back into the kitchen yelling to Bob. Jeph shook his head and kept his giggles to himself while Gerard just stared at the kitchen door Frank had just went in.

"What's that about?" Gerard asked curiously, looking back at Jeph.

Jeph shrugged. "Probably because I'm not doing my job."

"There's barely anybody here." Gerard laughed.

"I know!" Jeph shouted back, laughing with him. He punched Gerard's shoulder lightly and went back to work, but first he went to the kitchen.
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