Categories > Books > Harry Potter

The Morrigan

by PuckSilverbreeze 10 reviews

If history has determined that gods can die, it is also proven that they may return from the dead. It would seem you cannot be destroyed after all, Superman. It would seem. - Lex Luthor

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama - Characters: Harry,Hermione - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2008-08-29 - Updated: 2008-08-30 - 989 words - Complete

The Morrigan
One Shot / Teaser

General Disclaimer : This is a work of Fanfiction. No disrespect is made to the owners of the original works. Please do not sue me. I am not making any money from your property and am giving you free exposure.

In a different place. A different time. A godfather, a dogfather was lost. Here in this time, a world morns for a lost hero. That night in the department of mysteries, that dark and evil night. The Dark Lord, He whose name must not be spoken, killed the one person who did not die. First as a baby, he somehow withstood the power of the Killing Curse. In his first year at Hogwarts, he saved the Stone. In his second year he faced the King of Serpents and saved a daughter of a Light House. In his third year he saved the head of a Dark House. In the fourth year at just fourteen he was used in the rite that allowed his greatest nemesis to return. Now in this fifth year he lays in state within the Great Hall of Hogwarts castle. Not even the toad woman could keep his body from receiving this right.

In life he was abused and manipulated, by both his worlds. But with his death the secrets that the elder manipulator, the silver bearded headmaster, hid so well was reveled by the one source no member of the wizardry world was willing to fight. Not the purebloods nor the half bloods, and the muggleborn wouldn’t fight someone they knew so little about. They remember the lessons of their forefathers.

As Harry James Potter, the Last of the Potters, the last Lord Potter was laid in state the doors to the Great Hall opened behind the bulk of the Britsh Wizardry World in morning. Two true ancients entered. The greatest of their generation. Thought dead by the Headmaster, and therefore the World that followed him. Nicolas and Perenelle Flamel have returned to Hogwarts nearly four hundred years after Perenelle had left as the Head Girl.

They walked past and through the crowd. Perenelle stopped only to take the shoulders of Hermione Granger and lead her to the feet of Harry Potter’s body. Nicolas sighed and looked into the eyes of the shocked Dumbledore and Fudge. Then he spoke. “As the Last Potter has passed from this world. The Flamels are free to leave it behind. We take our descendent with us back through the glamours into the so called muggle world. The Last of the Founding Families are gone. The noblest of us is no more. Never again shall a Flamel or a Granger enter Hogwarts, nor Britain. What was gifted to the people by the Potters is now revoked. This day upon the death of the only family we the Ageless Flamel ever swore feality. The great school which that family has built, the mighty Wood they gifted and the Lands belonging to the same are no more. Harry Potter is dead.”

Hermione begun to glow as she leaned over to hug the body and with a voice not quite her own began to chant:

I am The Morrigan
Summoned by the Blood of my Beloved Lord
I am Death
I am Rebirth
I am the Beautiful Darkness

He calls me Forth
He summons his most Loyal
Maiden Mother Crone

I am The Morrigan
Summoned by the Blood of my Beloved Lord
I am Death
I am Rebirth
I am the Beautiful Darkness

I am the Sorceress only He will rule
Weaver of Time, Teacher of Mysteries
I snip the threads that bring my children home to me.
I slit the throats of the cruel and drink the blood of the heartless.
I am the fury which rips the flesh from injustice.

I am The Morrigan
Summoned by the Blood of my Beloved Lord
I am Death
I am Rebirth
I am the Beautiful Darkness

Swallow your fear and come to me
Discover true beauty, strength, and courage.
Open yourself to my embrace and overcome

I am The Morrigan
Summoned by the Blood of my Beloved Lord
I am Death
I am Rebirth
I am the Beautiful Darkness

I am the glinting sword that protects you from harm.
I am the fire that kisses the shackles away.
I am the web which connects all things.
I am the Healer of all wounds
I am the Warrior who rights all wrongs in their Time
I make weak strong.
I make the arrogant humble.
I raise up the oppressed and empower the disenfranchised.
I am Justice tempered with Mercy

I am The Morrigan
Summoned by the Blood of my Beloved Lord
I am Death
I am Rebirth
I am the Beautiful Darkness

Know me.
Venture into the dark
Awaken to Balance, Illumination, and Wholeness.
Take my Love with you everywhere and find Power within Me to Do as You Will.

I am The Morrigan
Summoned by the Blood of my Beloved Lord
I am Death
I am Rebirth
I am the Beautiful Darkness

As she chanted her hair darkened in places to give it black highlights. Her voice grew stronger and seemed to both age and become ageless. As she spoke of justice and the suffering of the evil and cruel every death eater within the gathered people began to scream. As her chant ended she kissed the lips of Harry Potter and everyone watching screamed as his eyes popped open and the boy who lived, lived again.

Eyes glowing the endless green of death looked out upon the crowd and Hermione helped him sit upright. With another kiss she whispered and yet was heard by all within the hall. “If history has determined that gods can die, it is also proven that they may return from the dead. It would seem you cannot be destroyed after all.”

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