Categories > Original > Poetry


by bluejackal 1 review

is there anybody out there NOT obsessed with that stupid vampire? this is just a little something for every single teenage girl I know.

Category: Poetry - Rating: G - Genres: Parody - Published: 2008-08-29 - Updated: 2008-08-30 - 131 words

You shiver in the nighttime and it’s not the summer breeze
He waits outside your window calling sweetly
Calling sweetly
What a sleaze

This boy who haunts your nightmares and in every waking thought
In your mind he’s always there
Always there
You’ve been caught

I try to keep from laughing when I read your book aloud
Your eyes blaze so defensive, he’s so dreamy
He’s so sensitive
You’re so proud

If you want me to control myself every time we kiss
I could stop myself, like him, for you
For you
I can’t resist

You know you like me even though I’m everything he’s not
You don’t want him, roll your eyes, it’s just escapism
But from what?
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