Categories > TV > Doctor Who

chillbrains prt 1 (story two)

by mitchalexnoble 0 reviews

the doctor and sanna land in paisly mid 80s the doctor still suffering his regeneration ends up in hospital where they are experementing with alien parasites from the doctors past

Category: Doctor Who - Rating: R - Genres: Sci-fi - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2008-08-30 - Updated: 2008-08-30 - 3606 words - Complete

INT.tardis control

the doctor had just finnished showing sanna round they then head back to the controll room the doctor feels faint he checks his hands the skin was going a pinksh shade he shugs it off sanna catches him they get to the controll room he preases a few buttons then the take off button he preases it smugly as sanna watches smiles and giggles she the tardis lands

int.paisly park 2007

the tardis lands in a park in paisly the weather is hot people is going about t-shirts and shorts theres some women in bekinies walking past the blue police box the doors open the doctor steps out first he looks round he covers his eyes as the sun shines in them he looks at his surroundings he looks in the tardis he then comes back out he drags sanna out with him shes not very happy about it instead of her uniform shes wearing a short sleaved black t-shirt the sleaves rolled up the t-shirt has gliter all over its tucked in to tight jeans shes wearing white trainers her hair tied back she folds her arms across her chest and walks back inside the doctor calls from the outside


whats wrong its not that hot....

the doctor feels his he head he then wipes sweat from his forehead sanna steps out she notices the doctor getting weak his body becomming pink then normal it gose on and off sanna runs over but the doctor stops her she stops in her tracks she looks round nobody notices she begins to cry she covers her mouth the doctor looks on he tries to get himself up but almost falls over sanna runs over and catches him the doctor looks at her greatfull but gently pushes her away


dont be scared sanna( he screams in pain) iam just finishing my regeneration


regenration whats that


(hes still in pain the doctor skin becomes full pink)

its a way of cheating death when i die my cells collect it self together and makes me brand new


you mean you get youre self a new one


yup in this case it wont work that way

sanna looks at him confused the doctor smiles he picks himself up as he prepares himself sanna frozen to the spot watches in amazement at the sight befor her


ill explain it to you when iam dont but dont worry i wont change this time

the doctor burst in to flames his screams can be heard all around the flames start to die as they do the doctors face start to appear the same one but more refreshed than when he and sanna met on the disscovery the flame slowly disolves down to his feet when the flames finaly gone the doctor looks round him he looks at sanna he walks forward stagaring trying to ballance himself he stands in front of sanna his voice sounding weak


told you everythings ok didnt i

he then collapsies in sannas arms by this the ambulance had come on the van instead of a cross it has the words unit on it sanna allowd them to take the doctor on board sanna steps inside the tardis the ambulance moves away and the tardis dissapers headquaters sickbay

the sick bay has nurses and doctors running around nurses tending the weak doctors standing by their side cheacking data two people run in they go up to the doctor and sanna the doctor is laid up in bed still unconcus one of them female with balck hair wears glasses and a long black dreass cheacks his pulse the male whos wearing a whiteshirt with a white jacket over it with balck trousers is taking notes sanna jumps over


is he going to be all right please tell me.

chace drops the doctors hand she turns to sanna and nods


hes sufferd no burns and hes not in a coma or anything thats supprising really to be honest


why were you expecting him yo die


to be honest yes i mean he was engullfd in flames he was screaming and he collapse in youre arms so yes i was expecting it


well i dont understand it ether ive just met him

at that moment the doctor springs up he cheacks his hands he then touches his face he gets up from his bed but the male doctor tries to stop him the doctor dose what hes told jace looks at him then at sanna when the male doctor turns his back to talk to jace the doctor waves at sanna


really sir i may have regenareted but it dosent mean iam geting old and deaf oh wait it dose mean iam getting old but iam not deaf by the way sanna where the hell iamy


(she walks over and rubs her head shen then sits down and holds the doctors hand)

erm youre in intertananital headquaters doctor youve been in the sickbay for over two weeks

the doctor finnaly gets out of bed he gets changed he notices the time on the wall when he s finished sanna helps him up the doors to the room swing open two nurses bring in a streacher witgh a man lying on it hes screaming holding his leg the leg has been taken off theres teeth marks over the stump blood steams from his leg the nurses lifts the man on to a bed they try to get him to relax but he keeps on moving the doctor rushes over and brings out his screwdriver he placesit in front of the man the screwdriver plays a humming sound the sound quicly puts the man to sleep


what happend to him ive never seen anything like this.

nurse one

his leg was chewd off sir he was ..... (chace and dr heart look at her she stops talking)


(he checks the man leg he touches the wound he wipes his handon his jacket)

he had his leg chewd off by what


what you mean what he just had an accident thats all now no quistions lets get you in to bed

chace takes the doctor to his bed sanna tries to help he moves out of the way and heads for the door


where the hell to you think youre going youre still sick doctor


oh i feel fine sanna dont worry besides wich if its ok with oure new freainds i want a look around


ill see what i can do doctor


thanks chace by the way whos in charge here


my boss chancelor green why?


no reason tell youre boss well be there in a minute

chace and her assitaint nod then head out the doctor and sanna remain by the wounded mans side the doctor is still examine him whilst sanna almost vomits she swallows it then gets a chair and sits down she crosses her legs the doctor walks round cheaking the limbs


what you doing doc thats a dead body youre proding


hes not dead sanna i just turnd off his pain receptors and put him to sleep for a while ive been here two weeks god have mighty


ah that old trick (she rubs her head then proceds to go up to the doctor)


so what you cehaking for any way


guy lost a leg sanna but its just not any wound and ive seen this befor


really when ?

the doctor stops cheaking him and brings sanna rond to the front they wait for the chancelor an d chace the doctor brings out a yo yo and starts to play with it sanna taps her feet impatiently the doctor notices and stops then walks ot the door to check to see it their comming


iam not sure sanna but i have seen it befor the bite marks is way to wide for a earth animal


so its alien then


looks like it wich is why i wanted a tour round the place

sanna jumps up and down with excitment the doctor watches with amusement then chancelor green and cahce comes in the chancelor looks at teh doctor and sanna the y shake hands then chancelor leads them round to the door

chancelor green

is there any where pecific you would like to go sir


your lab if thats ok


no proplem sir no proplem at all sir coem this way

they step out of the ward sanna stays behind she looks on and round she covers her mouth the screams


iam in the bleeding future

she calms down then catches up the others


the doctor and sanna is seated in front of a big screen they look at each other then they go back to staring at the screen green and profeser atkins steps in atkins is the head of projects he wears a white jacket with a hankiecheif in his pocket hes wearing plaid trousers and white shoes hes wearing a pair of round glasses hes holding a controll in his right hand he preases it and the screen opens up it reviels two men in a containment unit


so whats going on here then i said i wanted a tour not a play


doctor this is a demonstraion of what we do here


cant you just tell us instead of showing us then let us see for our selfs more fun that way you know


what he says iam still trying to get my head round this


very well doctor this a reserch lap we spechalise in alien reserch


alein reserch whats that


they tear apart inocent animals and creatures to cheack for info

proforser atkins

got it in one doctor but this project is way bigger wich is what wre going to show you

atkins re opens the screen he calls for two scientist to come in they take out a cage inside the cage is coverd with a black cloth they place it on a table in the middle of the chamber the doctor and sanna look on as the two assitaints take of the cloth when they do the doctor and sanna jump back at the sight of the creatrue inside the creature is the same size as a mouse its bodys is completly red with yellow eyes has small pointed ears it satnds like a gorrila it opens its mouth showing row after row of sharp teeth its claws is is sharp and pointed as well the creature rattles the cage sanna closes in to the doctor as the creature tries to break free the doctor then walks up with sanna whos stil holding on to him the doctor then lets go of her as he makes his way to the chamber he touches the glass the creature sees him the creature becomes even wilder the assitenst try to stop it the freeze the gage with nitrogen the cage stands still the doctor moves back with fright his two hearts beating fast he sits down to catch his breath sanna sits down with him


as you can tell doctor sanna the creature IS NOT OF THIS EARTH we

(sanna starts to get a headach she clasp her head as tears start to pour down the doctor comphorts her she relaxs and nods to say shes ok)

dont know the name of it or how it got here all we know is its one nasty little bastard


there called chillbrains mr aitkins and what you do with them is you get rid of them as fast as you can


doctor are you ok


( he gets and prepares to leave sanna follows)

no iam not ok sanna those things are incredibly lethel

they leave for the door and head in to the main lab part aikins and green follow them chace is with another collugue she sees the doctor and sanna having an agrument with the aitkins and green everyone turns to look chace walks over to them and whisspers they rub their heads then walks with chace chace takes them to a experemental lab whilst aitkins and c hancellor concetraits with other colluges

int.experemental lab

the lab is dark but light like a shadow filling the room theres all kind of things on shelves labled with dates on them two hearts toads with the skin ripped the lab table is filled with tools saws electric drills( litterly the drills is pluged in to the wall) the door opens a faint light distorts some of the darkness sanna and the doctor and chace walk trough the door chace preases the light switch the light gose on but its still a bit dark chace brings out a book of records and gives it to the doctor sanna looks round she notices the two hearts she gets the headaches again then quickly shakes it off sh gose over to the doctor and chace she looks over their soulder she notices some of the pages is filled with scientific jargon the doctor notices shes not understanding


its quite simple really you chillbrains are a type of parrasite they feed off living specimens to keep themselfs alive


(she turns round the table then sits down playing with her hair )

you mean like blood ?


yup you see parasites dont have long to live thats why they attach themselfs to you but ive never seen these chillbrians doing anything like that

the doctor rises out of his chair he walks round looking at the autopsyd animals he preases his fingers in to them blood splats out just a tiny bit sanna and chace cover their mouths sanna felt sick again chace looks at him angry


oh iam sorry ive just notice these animals chillbrains dont have latch on to their victims you only have to be near in order for them to atack

at that moment screams can be heard from up stairs they rush up leaving the lights on they get up stairs and they see one of the scientist being atacked by atkins he tries to strangle him the assitent strugle with the atacker untill we hear a shot atkins colapsies on the floor ahilst the assitent picks himself up the doctor checks ot see if the assitent is allright then he checks on aitkins four medics comes in two of them takes the assitent away to be checkd on aitkins is carried on to a streacher the doctor tells them to stop whilst he checks him he looks at green


was that really nescerly green


hes not dead old boy its just a syrum to put him to sle.....

atkins wakes up he gets off the streacher he gose near the chamber they try to stop him the doctor holds on to his neck aitkins graps his wrist and bends it down the doctor screams in pain as aitkins lets go of him he then proceds to walk in to the chamber they look on as aitkins preases the freeze button 5 seconds count down 5 4 3 2 1 aitkins freezes on the spot his mouth opens to reveil a chillbrain looking out the creature jumps out of the mouth on to the ice the chillbrain freezes then shaters at the same time as aitkins

sanna trows up at the sight chace comphorts her the doctor turns to green he walks up to him he cheacks sanna at the same time


how many of those things have you got here


about five of them doctor ( he hangs his head wih pride)


i dont know why youre so proud chancelor


what you mean doctor we have the remaning race well be famous


oh thats fine thats diffinetly fine except for one thing


whats that then ?


youve just giving them a years supply thats what happend to that poor man in the ward right he got too near to them and they took his leg off

green nods in agreement chace chirps in she walks over with print outs the doctor reads them he then slams them down sanna tries to calm him but no effect


youre killing your colleuges green you need to get rid of them


i agree sir i mean cant you think about it


only one anwser from you sir and thats yes


i cant allright the creatures will make us a fortune


theyll make you dead mr green just look at aitkins one of those things got inside him and now look what happend are you so keen to be famous that youre willing sell out youre collgues to do it


no i gusse youre right doctor

he talks in to his mobile the doctor chace and sanna watch him green switches off his mobile the doctor smiles then they head back to the lab when there gons green is on back on his mobile


keep the project on place them in the celler ok

voice on phone

yes sir well do it streaght away


very good profesor

green hangs up then puts the phone in his pocket then walks off whistling he checks up on some of his workers on the way out


the doctor and sanna is testing some of the animals for traces of the chillbrains that the doctor might think they used on it chace is reading trough the database for info regarding past projects the doctor preases in a mouse gut with a extracting knife sanna swallows her vomit


you ok sanna its just blood


i get a bit nausa doctor nothing to be concernd about


(the doctor gose for the mouses trought sanna turns to chace)

thats intresting come see this

they all go up to the table sanna attempts to keep her food down they look inside the doctor then puts the mouse back in its seal he then turns to the others


theres nothing inside that mouse no guts no intrails no nothing


so the labs must have been using animals for the experements but why


the goverment cracked down on the project years ago but green wanted to get back on track.


hes been using dead animal tisue but i cant see any way of doing that


theres something in the celler youve got to see doctor sanna


ok then lets go

they all get to the celler the celler is a wide space with canisters all over the walls in streaght lines the group enter chace and sanna watch as the doctor gets excited he dances about like a little school boy in a candy shop


why didnt you tell me about this chace(he walks over to them he checks them out) i want that one and that one oh that one looks nice


(she walks around chcking to see if there close))

do they doctor ?


oh yes just one small qusition


whats that ?


what the hell are they


there contanimatntion units

doctor and chace both look at her sanna shurgs her soulders and points to a sihgn they both smile

sanna touches a lower canister theres a crack in it some of the liquid spells out on top of her she rubs it off her jumper some of the liquid gets on her skin it seeps in she then gose over to the others


what do they contain anyway ?


the remians of those creatures doctor


what?( the doctor looks at sanna) sanna do not touch anything ok dont want to risk it

sanna clutches her stoumuch she grons in pain as her eyes strech the doctor and chace looks on as sanna transforms in to what atkins lookd like fingers streachd face almost chillbrain like but her body stays the same

the docotor and cahce run for the stairs


they get in to the lab people start to panick as the doctor and chace come in the doctor closes the door green comes out and storms over the doctor graps geen by the coller




i did old boy i.......






tell that to sanna

at that moment the door burst open sanna leaps on to the desk she looks at the doctor the doctor lets go of green and turns towards her he brings chace and green behind her


sanna its the doctor don do anything stupid ok

sanna growls to the defness of anyone in the room she then looks back at the doctor her eyes having an evil slant one of the assitenst trys to atck her but sanna moves her claws at a an alarming rate the assiten just stands there saying notheing a tear rips trough his body he then falls apart

she looks at her kill the doctor watches on in horror sanna turns her head slowly still having that slant in her eye


(she talks with a cats growl)

we survive timelord, you and the humans die

end of prt one

end credits and music
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