Categories > Games > Final Fantasy 7

Wedding Bells for All but You

by The_Wordslinger 1 review

He had Shera, but Cid knew things could always work out between him and Vincent... couldn't they? [CidVince Oneshot]

Category: Final Fantasy 7 - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Cid Highwind,Vincent Valentine - Published: 2008-09-01 - Updated: 2008-09-04 - 568 words

For all of you CidVince fans out there. (That means you, Ren)
Because, alas, I'm not one of them.

Wedding Bells for All but You...

It was raining. How appropriate.

Cid stood in the doorway that opened onto the newly-constructed Shera's deck, just barely out of the reach of the downpour. The familiar form of Vincent stood at the other end of the platform, leaning against the deck railing and staring into the darkened clouds that surrounded the airship. Rain had matted down his normally wild hair and, through the chill of the water, there was almost a shiver to the other's spine.

"Hey! What the hell are you doin' out here?!" Cid called out, though he could barely even hear his own voice over the roar of the engines nearby.

A pale face made a half turn, staring at the pilot out of the corner of red (sad, damn, they look sad) eyes. The blank look on the face suggested that he had only heard the voice, not what it said.

Cid gave an aggrivated sigh and cupped a hand around his mouth. "I SAID what the HELL are you DOIN' out here?! You're gonna get...!"

Vincent blinked once and turned back to look over the rail. With an irritated moan, Cid jogged out into the rain, giving a surprised gasp at the nearly frozen water that splashed over his skin. When he was close enough, he grabbed the other's shoulder, still contemplating whether or not to hug or strangle the man in his grip.

"Damnit, Vince, I've been lookin' everywhere for ya! Now what the HELL--?!"

Still, Vincent didn't turn his head, didn't even recognize the other's coming.

"Are you LISTENIN' to me?! I've been fuckin' worried SICK and ya' doing even TALK to me?!"

"Do you hear the bells?"

Cid's anger, the frustration of the half-hour long search for Vincent that he had just undertook, vanished in an instant. He was entranced by the mysterious words... but more-so by the unusually soft and gentle tone the other spoke them in.

"What bells...?"

"Wedding bells..." Vincent was trembling under Cid's his gloved grip, his body cold to the touch. "They've been growing louder."

"Vince, what the hell are ya' talkin' about?"

But the black haired man only shook his head and gave a half turn, taking Cid's hand in his own and staring at the pilot with those deep, red, burrowing eyes that could make anybody melt under their gaze. Without missing a beat, their lips came together. Vincent tasted like nothing special, only the aftertaste of human which Cid had always loved because it was refreshing after his own years of chain smoking. But something about the kiss though was so different from the others. Something... finalizing.

Deep down in Cid's stomach, he knew that it would be their last.

Their lips came apart too soon. The sigh for breath too quiet. Too goddamned sad.

"Don't, Vince..."

But the other was already moving away, giving a final squeeze on their grasp before letting it fall.

"Love Shera. There is a future for you with her. There can be nothing with me."

And he was gone, disapearing through the doorway. Cid was left alone, leaning against the rail and feeling his body shaking from everything but the coldness that was seeping into his skin.

His thoughts were muffled by the sound of engines and wedding bells.
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