Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > Star Wars: Birth of the Ninja Nations

Chapter 2

by Ninja-Magic 0 reviews

The desert is harsh and cruel. Will Naruto survive?

Category: Naruto - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Crossover - Characters: Naruto - Published: 2008-09-02 - Updated: 2008-09-02 - 1093 words

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or Star Wars. Naruto belongs to Masashi Kishimoto, and Star Wars belongs to George Lucas.

Thoughts are in italics

Chapter 2:

“Well, it looks like I am going to die”.

After he woke up, and left the pod. Naruto gaped at the sight before him. He had grown up in the lush forests of Konohagakure, so the sight of the desert was shocking, but he remembered his training and started walking.

The first thing he noticed was the heat; it felt like he was in an oven, the vitality being sapped from him after every step. The deep sand enveloped his legs, and threatened to permanently drag him down into its depths.

The second thing he noticed was the cold. At night, the desert became an icebox. Naruto burned during the day, and froze at night. He seemingly had developed both Hyperthermia and Hypothermia. The symptoms he exhibited swinging back and forth between the two like a pendulum.

The next thing he noticed was the lack of water and moisture. This was particularly bad for him, as he was used to the humidity of Konohagakure. So he was dehydrating, and starting to hallucinate.

The final thing he noticed was the lack of food. Normally there was a lot of food in the desert, but in order to survive the sand he had to tap into the fox’s chakra, which caused a constant wave of killing intent to radiate from his body, causing all animals within 100 meters of him to flee. The chakra partially sustained him, but his body soon had to feed on its own body’s stores to survive.

The howling winds of sand lacerated his exposed flesh, and destroyed his clothing, which caused more flesh to be exposed. The wounds almost instantly healed because of the fox’s chakra, but the constant stain of being injured, healed, reinjured, rehealed, put an enormous strain on his body, and made it ache. The worst thing was that often sand would get under his flesh as it healed, causing it to be trapped within. It then because of its proximity to the fox’s vile, burning hot chakra, turned to glass. Shards of glass stuck all over and within the boy’s flesh. Naruto gouged them out, and the wounds healed themselves almost right away, only for the process to repeat itself a few moments later. Though the worst of it all was his inability to sleep, for he knew that if he ever fell asleep, he likely would never get up again. Naruto also knew that a human body regardless of whether it belonged to a demon container or not, was not truly meant to wield a demon's power, and his prolonged heavy usage of it during his trek was slowly killing him. But he did not have a choice, for if he did not use the fox's chakra, he would die anyway from the sand. So the choice was to die fast or die slow, and Naruto wanted to live.

A week or so later, (Naruto couldn’t be sure for his days has long since descended into a constant, burning, pain filled blur), Naruto knew he was going to die. He was lamenting all the things he would never be able to do, he never kissed a girl, he never achieved a higher rank then genin, he never became Hokage, though honestly that last dream died a long time ago.

He then saw buildings in the distance. He immediately thought it was yet another mirage or hallucination. He had experienced a lot of those during his trek. He would see friends, enemies, the walls of Konohagakure standing proud, tall, unbroken, and once even saw people that looked like what he had always imagined his parents would have looked like.

The images disappeared when approached, or moved away from him. Or even worse, they would not disappear or move at all, but rather appeared real in every way until Naruto ran up to it and tried to touch it and found that it only exists in his mind. Then he was forced to walk away, from what all his senses but touch perceived as his salvation.

But he had the feeling that it was not a mirage or hallucination this time. He didn’t know why exactly, he just did. And whether or not it was an illusion, what choice did he have? Where else could he go?

So he headed out for the buildings he saw. They did not disappear or move, which was a good sign. It was at this moment that Naruto’s legs collapsed, and Naruto’s body hit the sand.

How easy would it be to just lie here, to let all my problems just end? What do I really have left to live for? 13 years of working, striving, and training. 13 years of attempting to earn respect and admiration. 13 years of hardship and pain. 13 years of striving towards my dreams. All of it destroyed in an instant at the whim of this Palpatine. Why couldn’t he have just left us alone? All my friends are now probably dust, my beautiful home is probably now just ash. What do I have left to live for?

NO, I have never given up in my entire life and I am not starting now! If my dreams are destroyed I will make new ones. If my home is gone, I will survive and it will live on. I am Naruto Uzumaki of Konohagakure, a truth that always was, and always will be! Regardless of the pain, or the hardships I endure, my inner fire will forever burn. I did not fight and survive and struggle though a one and a half year long invasion just to die now to some sand!

With that final thought Naruto’s eyes opened and with all his rapidly fading strength threw himself to his feet. His vision wavered and started to blur and swim, but Naruto continued walking on.

He, after what was probably a few hours of walking, came into a city. So it was real after all. Ignoring his surroundings completely, Naruto looked for shelter, and maybe food and water to consume. Eventually finding an alley he walked in. He saw some rotting food in a refuse heap. Naruto ate it all (his demonically enhanced metabolism should be able to digest it), and Naruto found a place in the alley that was shielded from the majority of the bite of the howling sands. And he slept.
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