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The Seeing Of Ghosts, The Temptation Of Love

by oxycontin_genocide 1 review

Jessica starts to have visions and goes to get help. Her medicine, visiting her past. (Ask me if It doesn't make sense)

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2008-09-03 - Updated: 2008-09-03 - 1741 words

It sucks being gay, I’ll never get the chance to have kids,” the random words of Jeffree Star rolled off his tongue.
“With the way I look I’ll never find a man to have kids with, I feel your pain,” Annabelle sighed. At her words Jeffree leant over and slapped her arm.
“That’s what I don’t get about you, you're utterly beautiful, yet you continue to put yourself down with your pessimist remarks!”
“You know you could always adopt.”
Jeffree shook his head, “And you change the subject… anyway, no I don’t believe in adoption.”
“I know. We always have this same conversation.”
“Yeah, I’m just stating that it sucks.”
Annabelle pulled out a lump of grass and shredded it to pieces.
“If you weren’t gay… who would you have children with?” She turned to look at her companion beside her.
Jeffree thought for a minute before answering, “Defiantly you, because you have the best genes.”
“Aww, I’m touched, I really am.”
Silence passed between the two of them before Annabelle broke it, “I know its crazy and you're aloud to laugh, but why don’t we… you know, try for one?”
Jeffree just looked at her before tossing the idea around in his head.
“I don’t know… I mean like we are best friends and I don’t want anything to ruin that,” he thoughtfully said as he curled his pink hair in his fingers.
“I know, neither would I, but having a kid together wouldn’t ruin it.”
He thought for another minute before positively saying, “Okay I’m in… but only if you're sure you want to.”

“Fuck!” Jessica mumbled as she accidentally poured hot coffee down her uniform.
“You know you have to stop with all this day dreaming, next time it’ll be a customer,” Jessica’s co-worker, Claire, whispered.
“I know. I just can’t help it lately.”
“Look, I’ve known you for three years, something is wrong.”
“Oh nothing, I’m just a bit tired.”
Claire rapped her arm around Jessica’s shoulders as she wiped the coffee away.
“Aw babe… why don’t you take the rest of the day off? I’ll clock off for you.”
“Thanks Claire, I didn’t sleep too well last night.”
“Any time, just promise me you’ll go back to your flat and sleep.”
Jessica nodded before heading to the back of the small café to get her jacket.

The streets were packed with people in long coats and scarves as the winter had arrived in the big town of New York. Jessica slowly weaved in between the pedestrians to make her way back to her flat. She pulled the collar up on her jacket as she walked down the footpath. The streets were always packed… no matter the time. The walk wasn’t far but she passed the time falling again into her subconscious day dreaming once more.

His lips softly caressed the bare skin of her neck as he thrust deeply into her. At every thrust Annabelle rose to meet his demands. Small moans escaped her lips. Jeffree lifted his head before he gently plunged into her again causing another moan from her strawberry flavored lips. He thrust again and again increasing the tempo as their hips crashed together. Annabelle ran her hands up his tattooed back to softly toy with his pink hair. With one last deep thrust Jeffree exploded and waves of passion crashed over the both of them…

“Snap out of it!” Jessica hissed to herself as she climbed the stairs to her flat. She unlocked the door and slammed it behind her. The couch beckoned her and she answered to its call by collapsing onto the soft throw pillows. Many thoughts raced through her mind but they suddenly stopped when she thought back to the dreams she had today. There had been five, all about the same two people; a pink haired guy and a black haired girl. They were best friends; Jessica knew this as the conversations ran through her head. Soon all the thinking became too much and her head started to ache. She got up and grabbed two tablets and a bottle of water before once again sitting down on the ancient couch. Jessica’s head rested upon the black pillow that had started to fray. Her eye lids became too heavy and Jessica refused to fight the creeping tiredness.

A crunched note landed on her table and Annabelle greedily opened it.

Hey An, that guy is totally checking you out
Jeff xxx

Annabelle looked up and saw a guy that she didn’t recognize walk into the room. His longish black hair was side parted and it fell in front of his face. She looked over at Jeffree and he smiled. On the crunched sheet she scribed the words:

The new guy?

She threw it at Jeffree and he opened it quickly. She could hear his pen hit the paper before it was returned to her.

Yeah. You should’ve seen the way he was just looking at you.

Annabelle looked at Jeffree questioningly before replying.

Why would he be interested in a pregnant girl?

Jeffree threw the paper with his reply at Annabelle's head with a soft thump.

A HOT pregnant girl, if you don’t want him I will.

Annabelle looked up at the guy that was now seated in the second row. From the glimpse she got of him a few seconds ago she thought that he was a very good looking young man. His dark eyeliner brought out his eyes. His hair was a mess but he suited it. His clothes were lightly tattered but were all of a grey and black color, the top, a Misfits one.

He is hot… but I still don’t see why he would be interested in me.

Jeffree picked up his pen and threw it at Annabelle.
“What was that for?” she mouthed.

Jessica sat up and found that her breathing had quickened. She stood and tried to control its racing speed. Her flat was dark and spidery shadows lined the floor. The red strokes of her digital wall clock read eleven thirty. Her head hurt more then it had before her sleep. The windows slightly moved as the wind and rain beat down on them. ‘Oh, great. A thunderstorm, just what I need right now,’ she though to herself. Her dreams were getting clearer and she knew that they would not go on their own accord. She would need help to control these before they got out of hand… ‘Tomorrow’, she mouthed to herself, as she rose from her place.

The night was restless as the wind howled past the windows and the rain beat down on the old apartment building. Jessica didn’t even attempt to sleep; she was busy packing a case. She had to see an old acquaintance who she knew would help. But when the sun did rise, bringing sunshine and a nice new day Jessica was not there to enjoy it; her morning was spent on a cheap flight surrounded by business men and women flying interstate.

Jessica checked her watch as she beckoned a taxi out side of the Californian airport.
“Hello madam, where is your destination today?” The driver asked in a monotone.
“The Fibril institute please.” The driver nodded and the car pulled out of the taxi zone.

“So, what is your business with the institute?” the driver spoke, breaking the silence between the two.
“My business is my business.” The driver raised his eyebrows but continued driving down the country road.

Annabelle was hunched in a corner. Tears were streaming from her eyes. ‘Oh god Gerard… what have I done?’ She could feel it coming again. The evil was rising and she couldn’t stop it. Like a werewolf on full moon, Annabelle changed. Not into a beast, she still looked the same on the outside. But her muscles were controlled by the evil, her other half. Her controlled body slowly stood grasping the knife that lay inches away. Annabelle could see, she could sense, something bad was gonna happen. The evil bent her head and raised her wrists. Large slashes formed and blood flowed. It stormed around destroying the furniture and decorations of the apartment that Annabelle shared with Gerard, the love of her life, and her baby… little Helena. The possessed body of Annabelle Mills walked to the bedroom. ‘NO, PLEASE NO. NOT HELENA… PLEASE NO,’ Annabelle tried to shout. Her body stopped and suddenly collapsed. Annabelle was back in control. She stood shakily and slowly hobbled to the small kitchen. It was hard to walk, the evil had slit her legs and blood was everywhere. There were blood handprints on the walls, pictures were shattered and chairs were in splintered. She had lost blood, too much blood. ‘Oh god no… I have to get out of here,’ she thought as she pulled a piece of paper and pen, they both became bloodstained but she wrote:

I love you Gerard. Please don’t follow me. I need you to know this wasn’t your fault. Look after Helena.

She left the note on the counter and exited the apartment; her blood being all that was left.

Jessica awoke as the car pulled to a stop. She looked around at the grounds of the institution. They were grassy and had a few benches here and there. Some occupied with patients and their families.

Behind the reception desk sat a middle aged woman silently filing her nails away. She looked up as Jessica approached.
“May I help you?” The lady spoke, her voice was high pitched, the sort that could annoy you in a second.
“Yes, I’m looking for Dr. Stephen Jay.”
“Down the hall and fifth door on your right.” She looked down and started filing away at her nails again. Annabelle trudged down the hall to the door the receptionist had said and she knocked slightly on the door. A muffled, “Come in,” came from inside. Jessica turned the knob and entered. A neat desk sat in the middle of the room and a man around the age of sixty sat behind. He looked up from his paper work and smiled as his eyes fell upon the beautiful woman in front of him.
“Ah, Annabelle it’s nice to see you again.”
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