Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Margo & Sonny's Infinite Playlist.


by Kill-Your-Own-Chorus 1 review

HA! I did my research on this one too! Some Fresh Blood comes onto the scene, and possibly into Ryleigh's heart.

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor,Romance - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2008-09-03 - Updated: 2008-09-04 - 1286 words


"Goddammit" Ryleigh hissed as Fizz Ed went out. Margo had left Ryleigh to head over to the nurse's office. She had to take her daily Pre-Natal vitamins for the little baby inside her. Ryleigh ripped up the lyrical paper and threw it into the trash. Matt Good was the biggest asshole she had ever met! How could he have done this to her?! She was nothing but nice to him, and he goes behind her back and just sticks a huge middle finger in her face! Thinking about it made her seriously want to punch him. Matt Good's face wasn't worthy of meeting her fist though. She officially decided Matt Good was out of her life, mind, and heart for good! He was nothing but a two-timing man whore!

She turned onto another hallway and headed for her Fifth hour class, Topics. Topics was English and history combined, but it definitely was more history. Mrs. Wilson taught that class, she was fiery as hell itself. She didn't take bullshit, and bullshit didn't take her. Plus, she swore like a sailor. She was Ryleigh's favorite teacher. She entered her room and looked upon the normal scene. Jordon Rein was dead asleep, Marcia and Frankie were looking at Gossip magazines, and the rest were chattering like monkeys. Ryleigh lazily landed onto her desk and leaned back with a sigh. She looked to her left and noticed some Fresh Blood. Someone new was sitting next to her. He had pin straight brown hair and white skin. He was very thin and lanky, tall too. His arm was dressed in a sleeve of tattoos, his nose was pierced, and Ryleigh noticed he had Angel Bites on his lips. He wore tattered skinny jeans and a black Misfits shirt. She nodded with approval, he was pretty cute. She noticed his head turn a little towards her. Ryleigh shot her head down on her desk, a little too hard i might add. She let out a little noise. The boy scoffed at her.

"Nice to meet you" He spoke. Ryleigh sat up and looked at him. His eyes were a beautiful shade of blue. He smiled lightly at her.

"I'm Trace" He announced.

"Ryleigh." She replied. Trace nodded and scanned her features briefly. Ryleigh felt a little warm when she saw him doing this. He sat back and stared at the board as he folded his arms.

"So, you new here?" Ryleigh asked as she got out her black Kuromi notebook. Trace nodded lightly and snickered a little.

"Is it that obvious?" He asked. Ryleigh nodded. Trace smiled at her as Mrs. Wilson brushed through the room with a stack of books. Her red hair was disheveled and messy as always, her sweater was inside out, and one of her shoes was untied.

"Rough morning?" Marcia asked as she settled into her seat. Mrs. Wilson let the books fall with a loud WHAM! onto the table. Everyone jumped a little. She put her hand to her forehead.

"Frankly these dumbass idiots at my daughter's school were threatening to give my daughter detention for being late all the time!" Mrs Wilson explained bitterly,"She's deaf for crying out loud! She can't hear the fucking bell! I've asked constantly for someone to escort her but they're such fucking id-"

Mrs. Wilson took in a deep sharp breath, and clenched onto an imaginary neck. She let her hands fall as she muttered some more profanity and got out her clipboard.

"Okay, so, besides the clear example of the utter failure of our system," Mrs. Wilson announced,"We have a new student in our class...a...Trace Cyrus."

She looked up and scanned the room for the boy. Trace rose his hand and Mrs. Wilson nodded with a smile.

"Welcome to Topics class Trace," She looked over at the rest of the class,"Don't give him too hard of a time you guys."

There was a slight murmur and giggle that rolled across the class room. Trace looked back down at his desk and peered at all the dick drawings and graffiti. Ryleigh felt butterflies grow into her stomach as she observed Trace. He was REALLY cute. She felt her cheeks grow warm as the butterflies grew stronger. Trace turned and looked at her. Ryleigh panicked and once again smacked her head down on the desk.

"SHIT!" She muttered sharply. Trace snickered and shook his head as Mrs. Wilson began writing on the board. Ryleigh felt the pain throb and pulsate on her forehead. She was acting like such a spazz right now! Trace must've thought she was a total idiot and that she was ugly and weird and-

Holy shit. Do i have a crush on him?

It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure that, of course she had a crush on him. Rlyeigh let out a silent sigh. Suddenly she heard something land lightly in front of her. She looked up and found that it was a note. She looked to her right and saw Trace smiling at her.

"Read It" he mouthed to her as he looked back at the board. Ryleigh took the note and opened it.

You remind me of a Rabbit. XD
You scurry and hide. It's cute.


Ryleigh snickered a little and scribbled back. She slipped the note on his desk and went back to writing War Notes on her notebook. Trace slipped the note under his desk and began to read.

Well you remind me of...a...aardvark!
haha, no actually i don't know.


Trace smiled a little and pressed his pencil to the note. Just as he was about to write, Mrs. Wilson turned and faced the class.

"Okay, time for you to go into your groups," Mrs. Wilson turned to trace,"Trace, just pick whichever group you want to be in."

Trace nodded and shifted over, facing Ryleigh and an Asian kid that was sitting with her. He wore thick black rimmed glasses and a white t-shirt under his black waistcoat. His black hair was in a fauxhawk that was dyed blond. He was also wearing black skinny jeans and white pointed shoes. Ryleigh smiled.

"Trace, this is Adam, he's pretty tight" She greeted. Trace nodded a hello as Adam waved lightly. Ryleigh opened her history book as Adam twiddled his pencil out of boredom. Trace twiddled his fingers as the moment began to get awkward. Adam crossed his legs and sat up.

"So Ryleigh, there's another underground show tonight, wanna come?" Adam asked. Ryleigh looked up from her book and shut it.

"Okay fuck this, I dunno if i can, but where at?" Adam searched his memory as he let out a hum.

"Hmmm, The Courthouse I believe" Adam answered. Ryleigh's eyes went wide with excitement.

"That's where I'm singing tonight!" She announced with excitement. Adam set his hands down on the table.

"Shut up, seriously?!"

"Yeah! Rusty got me a gig there!" She explained. Adam huffed and folded his arms.

"Bitch, you should've told me you got a gig!" Adam pouted playfully. Ryleigh stuck her tongue out to him and giggled. She turned to Trace and smiled,"Wanna come?" Trace looked up with surprise.

"Really?" he asked. Adam scoffed a little and shook his head. "What? Never been underground before?" Trace shrugged his shoulders.

"We don't usually have shows underground where i lived" Trace answered. Ryleigh smiled and leaned forward.

"Well then, consider this your Californication Ceremony" Trace raised an eyebrow.

"What's that?" He asked. Ryleigh and Adam exchanged glances and smiles. They both stared at him as Adam placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Prepare to have the greatest night of your life dude" Adam announced.
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