Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance

Can i love you while i hate you?

by xcanadianchick4everx 0 reviews

oneshot PLEAZEEE read! i find it sad =[

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2008-09-14 - Updated: 2008-09-15 - 252 words

DISCLAIMER: no i do not own any members of MCR .but if it wasnt illegal... MWAHAHHAHAHA. anywaysssssss. please dont sue, i only own the plot

The day you married her, i hatedyou.
It ruined the band, and made us miserable, but i still hated you.

You tried to say sorry to me, even without knowing why i was made at you, but i just ignored you.
Day by day, i could see you slowly breaking, and i can't lie. I loved it.

The pain in your eyes made me smile. And when you'd break down crying, i'd just laugh at you and call you pathetic.

You started drinking again. She wasn't very happy about that, but she was still by your side everywhere you went. You loved her, and she loved you. it disgusted me.

The booze led to drugs, and i caused it all. What a victory!

And then came the night you shot yourself. People told me it was my fault you committed suicide. So i smiled.

I smiled, bought a gun, and went home.

Because as much as i hated you, and hated her, and hated you for loving her, my last thought before i pulled the trigger was about how much i love you Gerard Arthur Way. Couldn't you love me too?

so its my first fic thingy... u like it? or hate it? PPPPllllEEEEaaaaaSSSSeeeee tell me! puppy dog eyes
it was written in frank's point of view, but u cant really tell. hope you liked it =]
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