Categories > Anime/Manga > Beyblade > Beyblades: Two worlds


by Takuya 0 reviews

Karen is an odd 15 year old, shes starting school, dealing with weird problems, Has a love for Beyblade and trying to hold her normal cheery mask in place. Who knew that fate had such big plans for...

Category: Beyblade - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Fantasy, Humor, Romance - Characters: Kai, Max, Ray, Tyson - Warnings: [!!] [V] - Published: 2006-03-07 - Updated: 2006-03-08 - 415 words

Beyblades: Two worlds

$Disclaimer$: I sadly don't own Beyblade or any of the music in this fan-fiction or the Japanese language (Wish I did!)...But I do own Karen, Drazel and everything else from the
real world, Aren't I lucky?

!Warnings!: This Fan-Fiction has cursing, use of the Japanese language, weird moments and randomness...and alittle OCCness....PG-14 for safty.

You may notice that the chapters are named after songs, if it confuses you: 1) It's a songfic. 2) I listened to the song while writing that chapter. AND 3) I matched the chapters
with songs that work together. I will tell you who the song is by before I begen each chapter. Note: It makes each chapter more fun if you listen to the song that goes with
that chapter, Hope you enjoy. P.S.: I'll also tell you what the Japanese words mean, but you may not like some of them.(I speak very colorful in Japanese...I do use some of
those words in real life.)

#Please note#: Sense this is my second Fan-Fic, I (The writer!) will be talking quite a bit in this fic there will be my own randomness, so please don't drink anything while reading
my comments or else you might need a new keyboard when that drink comes out your nose.

Takuya: Well I think that's it.
Kai: Get on with the damn story aready.
Tyson: Yeah, I'm hungry!
Max: Garbage disposel...
Tyson: Am not!
Rei: Settle down, as soon as Takuya starts the story we'll go out and get some McDonalds.
Tyson and Max: YAY!!!
Kai: Hn.
Kenny: Isn't McDonalds un-healthy?
Tala: Quit talking about food and let the girl write!
Takuya: Thank you very muc...
Tala: Besides, Taco Bell is way better.
Takuya:Sighs and drags Kai away Atleast I can write while inspired by my favorite character. Kai-kun!
Kai:Bound and gaged { She jumped me! }
Takuya: Enjoy the fic everybody!Waves and glomps Kai

In the beginning everything seemed easy...Maybe it was just the first step, the first step on an amazing journey about to unfold in front of me, maybe this journey was meant to be...or maybe it was meant to begin and never end. The only way to find that out is to keep walking and hope your feet know which path to take, one thing is for sure, with enough strenghth, patients and love anything is possible...Even the thickest of ice can melt...With tiny drops of warm water, and time.
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