Categories > Original > Drama > Broken Promises

Broken Promises

by Syrus 0 reviews

From the moment that my boyfriend suggested that we go on a ‘romantic hike’ together up in the mountains, somehow I knew that it was a bad idea. --First person POV fiction

Category: Drama - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Published: 2008-09-19 - Updated: 2008-09-20 - 1387 words

Chapter 1

From the moment that my boyfriend suggested that we go on a ‘romantic hike’ together up in the mountains, somehow I knew that it was a bad idea. Now with the light quickly fading, the needles from the brush around us cutting into my arms and legs, and the rain pouring down hard enough to make my dark hair stick to my face, I am even more sure of it. It probably didn’t help things that I’d forgotten my cell phone in his car, and he’d forgotten his cell phone all together. That, and the fact that we were completely and hopelessly lost.

Apparently, he had no idea that loud, irritated sighs meant that I wasn't having a good time. The scowl I was wearing clearly didn't show how upset I was, either. Which was really amazing, actually. It had taken so long to get here, one would think that he would eventually catch on. There's only so much arm-crossing and angry looks to the wilderness that a person could make before they finally start to get the feeling that they're being ignored. It wouldn't surprise me, to be honest. Aiden and I - I can't believe that we've been dating for as long as we have. Don't get me wrong, I do like him, it's just that, I can't find much that we have in common, anymore. This little trip has certainly convinced me, of that fact.

“Well, this isn’t so bad. At least all of our stuff is waterproof.” Aiden spoke from somewhere behind me in a tone that I thought was far more chipper than what a situation like this called for.

I couldn’t help but snap back at him, “Shut up, Aiden. It’s bad enough that neither of us brought our cell phones with us now that we’re lost. And, just when I thought it couldn’t get worse, a storm starts! This is the last time I’m going to let you talk me into something as stupid as going on a hike without a map or a guide.”

“Come on, Aly. You need to think of this more like an adventure.” he replied, his tone not changing one bit.

Yes, this made me even more certain that he was the wrong person for me, especially since his idea of a good time seemed to include dying alone somewhere in the woods where no one would ever find us again.

I sure know how to pick a winner…I thought sarcastically to myself.

Trudging through what I hoped to be mud, shielding my face didn't do much to block the pine needles and bugs from hitting the skin on the front of my skull. I was cold, tired, wet, and I'm sure I had needles in places I didn't even think existed on my body. This was such a bad idea. I knew it from the very beginning. I checked the weather and everything, even told him that this would probably happen, but no. Aiden needed to take me on this romantic trip, fully knowing that I didn't even like to hike. Outdoors is amazing, sure, but you can only take so much of it.

"How much longer do you think can we go until we run out of food?" I spoke sharply, turning back to make sure he was even there. Of course, with the all-knowing grin plastered on his face.

He simply gave a shrug, saying something I couldn't hear over the ever-growing storm. Not like it would matter, anyway. I'd probably end up hurting him if I had.

We trudged through the woods for a considerable amount of time, but I couldn't be sure exactly of how much time since the rain had damaged my watch. My favorite watch.

Oh, when we get out of this situation, Aiden is definitely getting a piece of my mind and is getting me a new watch. A better watch. I thought to myself in annoyance and frustration.

“I'm getting tired, I want to rest.” I said as I stopped walking for a moment, leaning against a tree trunk that I happened to be next to.

But I didn't get an answer, and when I tried to listen for his footsteps over the sound of the storm, I didn't hear a thing. Despite the rain slicking my hair back, I could already feel a handful of strands stick up on the back of my neck. I could have sworn that he had been near by no more than just a few seconds ago. Wait, he had been there, hadn't he? I know I hadn't looked back for some time, seeing as how we were aimlessly wandering and there was no way I could have gotten off of any sort of path. Automatically, I started to gnaw on my lip, whirling back around to check if he had moved in front of me while I had stopped for a moment. Nothing. Pushing down the feeling of panic, I took a deep breath, trying to rationalize my thoughts. He must have just gotten slowed because of all the mud and gunk.

"Aiden?" I called, trying to get my voice over the storm. "C'mon, I want to rest for a little while. Get over here!"

Even if I think he's not right for me anymore, even if I was blaming him from bringing us out here, I don't want something to happen to him! I thought to myself, fear and panic slowly welling up inside me almost to a point that I couldn't control it.

I kept listening for him as I slowly walked forward, but all I could hear was wind and rain and the thunder in the distance. I tried to keep my hand on a tree trunk at all times, if for nothing else, to try to calm my nerves. The storm clouds had made everything dark and dingy, making my vision even worse. It was as if this was some sort of creepy nightmare. I took a second to pray silently that it was. Gulping, I was just about to yell for Aiden again, when he popped out of the shadows, coming dangerously close to my face and shrieking loudly. Naturally, I screamed, and he almost fell down in hysteric laughter.

After regaining just enough of my composure, or what was left of it, I punched him square in the jaw. "What in the name of everything good was that for, you jerk?! You almost gave me a heart attack!" I yelled, fuming, yet with some gratification as he nursed his now-bruising jawbone. Let's see how romantic he felt after getting a few limbs dislocated.

"Geez, take it easy!" he said, sounding a bit like a child that had been scolded, "I just wanted you to loosen up a little. You take everything way too seriously. So what if things didn't exactly go according to plan? We can still have fun, right?"

Wrong. I thought, my face reflecting my impatience and my outrage at such a dirty joke.

“We can have fun after we figure out how to get out of these woods.” I said in my 'don't mess with me' tone, my eyes narrowed.

Looking about, I grimaced, trying to find a spot that didn't look completely infested with disgusting creatures.

Nothing seemed to be too pleasant, so I went back to leaning most of my weight against a tree trunk, still scowling toward Aiden. "Do you even have your watch on you?" I spoke irritably, rubbing at my arms a small amount. So much for beautiful weather. "Mine seems to have stopped, for some strange reason."

Aiden seemed to catch the tone in her voice and he said cautiously, "Well, I guess you'll just have to get a waterproof one when we get back home."

I just let out a sigh of defeat and rolled my eyes at that response, realizing its the best that I could have hoped for. Aiden was never good at subtle hints at things. Before I could say anything else, just over the noise of the storm, I thought I heard a howl in the distance. I listened for the sound to repeat, but I didn't hear it again. I wondered then if I had imagined it.
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