Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Babysitter

Part 2

by dtng101 2 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Horror - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2008-09-28 - Updated: 2008-09-28 - 369 words

a/n:sorry for the long wait.All I have to say is that rumor problems got in the way.
So like I know c-line you haven't made an apperance in a while.Here this chapter is for you.Oh and like I said before is anyone willing to auddition for my other story as the bad guy.Come on don't be shy..
same night
c-line's house

c-line's pov
I don't know why but I think Kyle is hiding something from me.He's been acting pretty srange lately,and Frank has been depressed lately.
I heard 'Never too late' for the eight-billon time to day.
Fuckin Frank!
I went upstairs to his room,where I found him sitting in the corner of his bed singing along.
even if I say it'll be alright
still I hear you say you want to end your life

Frank turned crimson red,and ran to turn off his stero.
"I-I,are you okay?"I asked as a tear ran down Frank's check.
I ran to him and hugged him.
"It's going to be okay,don't worry I'll help you with whatever",I said
"C-C,I love K-karina,but every time I'am around her I make her hate me"he said sobbig
"shhh,I'll help you with her,I promise"
His eyes lighten up as I said those words
"Really,and if I don't you could give me a bad ass wedgee for ever"
He just responded by laughing.
"Now,let's start"
"okay,Frank if I say you look cute tonight,what would you say to me"I said
"You look hot,when you bend down and your ass is sticking up"he said spacing out.
"what?!,well her ass does look hot when she bends down"
"okay ewww,nasty mental picture of my friend"
okay think something cute and nice,thinking thinking.
suddenly a image of kyle popped up,

"aw uhh"
"you okay"
"hello,hello"Frank said snapping his fingers at my face.
"nigga get your ass fingers off ma face"
"okay whatever,I see this is going to take a long ass time"
a/n"comment please
pretty please with a cherry on top.
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