Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Untitled(so far)

Chapter 1

by petewentzlover69 0 reviews

Lost in Translation... what will Isabella do?

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Published: 2008-09-28 - Updated: 2008-09-28 - 187 words

Poor Isabella Daae, completely lost in an unfamiliar place. Paris, Farnce is a very large city in which tourists are bound to get lost in. True, she had been taking Franch classes, but she never learned how to ask for directions back to her hotel. She was on vacation for the summer before she had to start college in the fall. She wandered too far from the area in which she was staying; and now she hopelessly walked the crowded streets with her head down, too ashamed to look up at her surroundings.

Isabella is truly a beauty. A very mystical being, blessed in every way. Her straight, dark brown hair flowed past her shoulders. Her chocolate brown eyes had the ability to make every man fall in love; and her natural tan and smoothe soft skin gave her the touch of an angel. The other girls back in high school had always envied her, and the girls in college were bound to do the same. Every boy always wanted to be with her, but they were never polite or handsome enough for this 18 year old's liking.
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