Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Life Is A Sleazy Stranger And This Is His Favorite Bar...

Life Is A Sleazy Stranger And This Is His Favorite Bar...

by sblood311 1 review

Patrick hasn't seen Apple in years, she had just disappeared. Pete wouldn't say why. So imagine his surprise when her song is playing on the radio.

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Published: 2008-10-01 - Updated: 2008-10-01 - 341 words

Introduction: Life Is A Sleazy Stranger And This His Favorite Bar.

This isn’t how I wanted this to happen. I didn’t anticipate being here. I couldn’t breathe, the air couldn’t reach my lungs. I couldn’t see with the rain blurring my eyes. The only sound I could hear over the pouring rain was the pounding of my feet on the pavement of the road. I was running, farther than I thought I could. And I could almost see him standing there in the frame of his front door. Except in my mind he was guilty and I knew that he wasn’t there in actuality. No, he had gone back inside and either had some food or sharpened his pitch fork. But if he had been standing there watching the space between us grow as I sped away I knew the look on his face wouldn’t be one of guilt. No, it would be one of sheer relief. I wasn’t going back, ever. No body could make me go back after what had been said. How could he? I knew his words had been right but what kind of person actually put words to thoughts like those? What kind of man would be so cruel? I guess he would. My sob crashed through me and only took more of breath, I had to stop. I sat on the curb put my head in my hands. I needed to get away. There was no escaping this now, I wouldn’t be able to avoid him. Plain and simple. I saw him everyday and it was a comfortable routine... at least it had been for me. Apparently not for him. I couldn’t stand the thought of having to face him again. I had to leave.

AN: Hey guys,
This one is gonna be a long one. I have big plans, and there'll be plenty of twists. I hope you enjoy it and remember everyone loves comments, and they always make updates come quicker! -Cheers- Bea.
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