Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Tainted Love

Chapter 9

by futbolgrl4life 1 review

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Fantasy - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2008-10-04 - Updated: 2008-10-05 - 912 words

"Wha-Oh, Ryan!" The prince heard an exclamation over the sound of his panting and the crunching of leaves. The air was brisk as it hit his face sharply, cool and smelling of dried plants. In the distance, the castle loomed in contrast against the dark blue color of the sky, bright white stars accentuating the scene.



"Darling, please!" a bit of guilt poked at Ryan's insides as he slowed his pace.
"My, you certainly have long legs." Marie wheezed, gasping in air between words as she caught up.
"Yes," Ryan said effortlessly, causing his companion to burst in a gasp of laughter. A little startled, Ryan decided to keep focused on the approaching castle ahead of him, lined with the silver shadow of the moon.
"Why were you at the stables, my lord?"
"Mare choosing," Ryan said a bit too hastily, cursing himself under his breath.
Dead silence.
"So, did my majesty hear about the rumors?" Marie was squirming under the quietness.
"No, my lady."
"Really? They’re all over the castle!" she squeaked, Ryan noticing the slight change in her voice.
"...And what might they say...?" Dread.
"A robbery!" Relief.
"Oh?" Ryan inquired, suddenly interested as his nervousness sunk away.
"Yes, my majesty! They say it's a conspiracy from the inner walls of your castle, my lord!"
"That's nice..."
"I mean-Uh, my father will certainly take care of it."
"Oh...", Marie mouthed out the word as they approached the tall doors to the main entrance, "Prince Ryan..?" she spoke civilly, causing Ryan to halt in his process of opening the doors.

"Those....those aren't the only rumors." She looked up at him from her downcast eyes, hues of blue reflecting back into the honey filled eyes of the prince, sparkling brilliantly as gems as Ryan noted.
"They're not true, are they?"
He looked back at her, noticing the water gather at the surface of her eyes. Eyes of a princess. Of a respected lady. Of a girl ruined if her marriage failed.
"Of course not," he said coldly, turning back into the castle.

With a painfully forced smile, Ryan said farewell to his bride to be and made his way to his parents’ chambers once again. The painfully familiar and overly formal room exasperated him. This was time that could be spent far more productively with Brendon. Ryan smiled slightly to himself at the thought. “Ryan,” came his mother’s harsh greeting, if you could even call it that.

“Mother,” was his not just a little sarcastic reply. He was too preoccupied by the lady Marie and Brendon to deal with her holier than thou attitude.

She gave him a stern look but continued. “Whilst you were hiding doing who knows what, your father and I have had a robbery on our hands.”

“Okay” Ryan said, unsure if he was expected to care about this.

“Some of the royal jewels were stolen, we can’t think how the thief managed it.”

Ryan nodded absently. His parents insisted on telling him things like this although he couldn’t care less and often disagreed with them. After a boring hour or so of news about the kingdom Ryan was excused from their majesties’ presence.

Weary from his long day, he immediately plopped down onto his bed. As stressful as the day had been with the whole ordeal with Spencer, Ryan had enjoyed just spending time with Brendon. ‘He loves me,’ Ryan thought delightedly. ‘Brendon said he loves me,’ With that happy thought, Ryan’s eyes flickered shut and he drifted off.

Ryan woke a little before midday, stretching like a cat in his bed. He tried in vain to slip back into his peaceful sleep from a moment before, but the sunlight creeping through the windows made it impossible. Sighing, Ryan decided that there was nothing to do but get up. Dressing casually, he stole some food from the kitchens, eating on the way as he trod down the familiar path to the stable. Humming quietly, he pulled open the heavy wooden door and wandered through the large building in search of his boyfriend. Ryan gravitated towards the sound of raised voices in a tucked away room. Slipping into a stall near the cracked door, Ryan peered in. He could see a sliver of Brendon’s body and he would recognize Davey’s voice anywhere.

“I can’t believe you would do that, I trusted you!” Davey yelled angrily.

“No, it’s not-“

“What, it’s not what I thought?” Davey interrupted Brendon with a short humorless laugh. “Yeah, right. Did you think I wouldn’t find out about you and Brent? Do you have any idea how much you mean to him Brendon? He trusts you and you go and break his heart!” Ryan gasped as it become obvious they were talking about him. And Brendon- no, he couldn’t be…

“I- I love him, I didn’t mean-“ Brendon was cut off by the sound of skin meeting skin. He stumbled backwards, holding his eye. Ryan stood, rooted to the spot with shock.

“You fucking used him!” Davey screamed. “Don’t think for one second I’m going to let you get away with hurting him.”

Ryan slowly sank to the ground as tears leaked out. Trembling he hugged his knees tightly. The tall dark haired man stormed out, unaware of the boy hiding a mere 3 feet away with his heart slowly crumbling into a million tiny pieces.
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