Categories > Original > Drama > The Newlyweds

Chapter 8 The Big News

by joy2008 0 reviews

The Newlyweds Chapter 8

Category: Drama - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Published: 2008-10-04 - Updated: 2008-10-05 - 996 words - Complete

Chapter 8 The Big News

Later that day Jenna was dropped off to her apartment. As she passed by the parking spaces she noticed that Kevin's car was parked in their spot.

"Kevin, are you home?" She called out as she entered the apartment.

"Yeah, I'm in the bathroom," he said.

Jenna walked into the kitchen to start preparing an easy meal to cook for dinner, but what she saw was a romantic candle lit dinner for two. She stood there shocked for a bit before feeling Kevin slip his arms around her waist and his chin resting on her shoulder.

"Is there a reason why there's a romantic setup in our kitchen?" Jenna asked still in shock.

"Do I need a reason to have a romantic dinner with my wife?" Kevin countered.

"No, I guess not."

Kevin led her over to the table where he proceeded to pull out the chair for her.

He hasn't lost his touch, Jenna thought to herself with a smile.

After some light conversation during dinner Jenna and Kevin simultaneously said, "I have something to tell you." This caused both of them to laugh.

"You go first," Kevin said.

"No, its okay, you can go first," Jenna offered.

"You sure?" Kevin asked. Jenna just gave him a look and motioned for the dinner setup in front of them. "Okay," he chuckled. "Well, I've been doing such a good job helping Loretta with Chelsea that Loretta's offered me a job as assistant manager for Chels!" Kevin finished excitedly.

"So... that means?"

"Well, longer hours, but not more than what I've been doing, and of course better pay and my dream job."

"So, long hours from now on?" Jenna asked trying to sound excited, but her eyes gave away her true feelings.

"Yeah, but we'll have more money that goes to the house fund."

"And when Chelsea goes on promotional tours and stuff?"

"Well, I'll go too... but only sometimes. It'll be Loretta that'll always be with her," Kevin said sensing Jenna's distress.

"That's great!" Jenna exclaimed with fake enthusiasm, this time more convincingly.

Kevin seemed to be satisfied with that and continued on with dinner and light chit chat. After dinner he helped Jenna with the dishes like they used to before he started working late nights. They continued on with their normal bed time rituals with Kevin a little more happy than usual and Jenna faking her happiness.

As Jenna stood in front of their bathroom mirror combing out her hair Kevin stepped behind her and pulled her into a hug. She stopped brushing her hair and just stood there with her hand placed on his forearms. Kevin gave her a little squeeze and got her to relax into him. His hands began to roam while he placed light kisses all along the side of her neck.

"Kevin," Jenna said. "I'm not really in the mood."

"Really?" He asked. "That's a first."

"Ha ha. Really funny," she responded with a small smile.

Kevin just chuckled before saying, "Let's just go to bed then."

They were laying in bed with Jenna cuddled up against his side when Kevin remembered something.

"What was it you wanted to tell me?" He asked.

"What?" Jenna questioned genuinely confused.

"Earlier, at dinner, you had something to tell me too. Sorry I forgot, I was a little excited about my news."

"Well, you have a reason to be excited, it's your dream job," Jenna reasoned.

"Yeah, but that's no excuse," Kevin said. After amoment of silence Kevin asked, "So, what's your big news?"

"I had an interview at Cape Springs Hospital yesterday."

"That's great! So how'd it go?"

"They hired me on the spot. I have orientation on Monday."

Kevin sat up with a shocked expression causing Jenna to roll back on to her side of the bed. "That's awesome news!" He exclaimed agiant smile on his face. Soon a serious face appeared replacing the happy one. "Why didn't you tell me yesterday?" He asked.

Jenna sat up as well, shrugged, and said, "Well, I was going to, but you were busy and I didn't want to distract you."

"I wish you would have told me," Kevin said a little dejected. "We could have celebrated or something."

"Well, I didn't want to disrupt your important business meeting," Jenna said unable to hide her anger.

Kevin looked at her like she was crazy before saying, "Why are you so upset about it?"

"Why didn't you tell me that the two people you work with practically non-stop are both incredibly good looking women?"

"I didn't think of it," Kevin said still looking at her like she was crazy. "You're not... jealous are you?"

"Yes," Jenna said out right, surprising Kevin causing his head to jerk back a little like she'd just slapped him in the face. "I'm jealous that these two absolutely beautiful women are utilizing my husbands time and I'm afraid that eventually one of them is gonna steal you away from me." Jenna could feel the tears in her eyes now.

"Babe, no one's gonna steal me away from you," Kevin assured as he took her in his arms to sooth her. "Loretta's married you know? I would never make a move on a married woman, except for you, but that's different. And Chelsea's a bit young. She just turned 18 in February you know. All that aside, I would never leave you like that, I love you too much."

"I just look at them and look at me and... I don't compare."

"That's what you think. I think you're 100 times more beautiful than both of them combined."

"Thanks," Jenna said, but she was still a little weary. "I love you too."

Kevin knew she still had doubts, but didn't continue. Instead he just gave Jenna a kiss before assuming their original positions and falling asleep.

Author's Note:Sorry that was short. I still don't own any of the Jonas'... even if they aren't famous in this fic.
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