Categories > Original > Poetry

Unwanted Pain and Confusion...

by CrimsonFlowers 2 reviews

The title explains. Wasn't in a good mood and needed to write. So just feel free to read it. May confuse you may not. Read and review please.

Category: Poetry - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Published: 2008-10-05 - Updated: 2008-10-06 - 161 words - Complete

Emotions screaming out of your eyes.
Soaking your face to unimaginable points.
Pain flowing through every inch of your soul.
Ready for mass destruction.
With the need to kill a soul of another or your own.
Depression and anger rise up to your mind ready to fight.
All the mistakes being caused by unforgivable-ness.
Negativity coming from every direction.
And sorrow inside none of there veins.
Loneliness and confusion, trying to find it’s place.
The manipulation preparing to show itself.
Knowing that’s the only way to get by any of it,
Is to act. Hiding from those around you.
And when they see your face. They see a smile that is so fake that it makes it seem oh so real.
There forgetting to take it all into consideration. No one’s perfect.
And imperfection is worsened by betrayal.
And betrayal is just the beginning.


Okay. If you read it. Just please review it. Thank you.
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