Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > For a Pessimist I'm Pretty Optimistic

Let's Get Aqquanted

by PancikingTonight 1 review

Reunited and it feels so good

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2008-10-09 - Updated: 2008-10-09 - 1019 words

Pete's POV

I was pacing around outside the door of Ashlee's hospital room. Nervous to death, sweating like a pig, cursing and pacing and cursing and pacing and then I get a huge hug from Adri scaring me from behind.

"Is she alright? Where’s the baby? Is the baby alright? Is there good news? Can i be happy?" i got those questions from Sisky (As usual).

Panic, which had chosen to be fashionably late, showed up 10 minutes later. we sat outside the room until the doctor came out. He only let me in.

Adri's POV

"He's been in there for like ever" Sisky complained, "Is everything alright?--" he tried to finish his random blurbs of sentences but I cut him off.

"She's fine, he's fine, its fine" I told him. I pointed to the floor so he could sit, and I sat next to him followed by Bill.

It is 2am. There were still hobo’s walking around, with doctors and hot nurses that Brendon would follow. I don't know how but the TV stations got here too and were recording us live. I felt uneasy, first of all, they knew me already, im the rich kid that dad got murdered; we covered ourselves with hoods and hands trying to not be seen. Too bad Pete came out and only whispered us in. Ashlee had the most adorable baby boy that I would get to know. after hanging around there till 4am my band showed up. I didn't know how they knew I was here.

"WHOA!" Ajax exclaimed. "You’re the William Beckett!!"

"The last time I checked I was" Bill said gleefully.

"Will this is my band Misery Riot," I started, I pointed to each one of the members. "Rikki, Ajax and Kevin."

"Anyways" I said changing the subjects. "How is your summer?"

"Good, empty without our awesome singer" Ajax said wrapping his arm around me.

"Tomorrow you can come over my place and practice, we got a gig at the prom for our class of 06" Rikki stated.

"Awesome, im in" i said. Bill stayed but had no idea that I out of all people could sing

"You can sing?" he asked.

"Hell yeah!" Ajax exclaimed. "She sounds like Hayley Williams mixed that chick from Versa emerge”

"That sounds good" Bill smiled.

Kevin dragged me off to the side. "You like Billiam, You like Billiam" he taunted.

I punched him in a friendly way. "No i don't.....maybe.....a little......YES!!"

Kevin laughed, "It's so obvious, and you smile your Crush Blush"

"Have you been watching Chic Flicks again Kev?" i ask him.

He blushes, and we end up in full on laughter.

The Next Day

We were all gathered in Rikki's apartment, were it all started. I started having the flashes of the exact moment were I found out when my dad was dead. If it wasn't for Rikki and his stupidity about taking a 10 minute extended drum solo, and adding amps to his drum set we would have never gotten the coppers come crashing through the doors and we wouldn't have went to the copper station were I got the wake up call.

We were rehearsing one of our songs “If that’s Not...” I wrote it when my parents divorced. it was all screaming metallic, nothing but rock, nothing but drum and bass and guitar solo's left and right, there was a point to the song, stay truthful.

“Stay truthful, the way I planned.” was the last line of the song, I ended the song softly then turned to Rikki who was still banging on the drums.

"RIKKI!" i yell at him. He didn't hear me. "RIKKI!" we all scream, and then he stops.

"Why'd we stop?" he asks.
"The song...maybe ended?" i said with a dash of attitude.

"Oh" he finished, he hit the floor tomb and snare, and then the symbols making that “joke” rhythm on TV shows when something is “supposed” to be funny.

i shake my head, we had the most stupidest drummer ever, but he was still our Rikki, Tikki, Tavi. Richard Way, actually. He has bright blonde hair, a nice warm smile, he is amazingly funny. He always makes us smile no matter how stupid he gets. He is the “heart” of the band.

Ajax is awesome, his name might be “Alexander Jackson Anthony Xavier”, but he's still our Ajax. He’s filthy freaking rich; he has like 10 cars and like a million floors to his house. What the fuck, he has million houses! He had dark brown hair to his chin like Bill did, but he cut it all off and has black hair that comes over his eyes and ears and sometimes he does it in liberty spikes. He has an earring in his left ear and a tongue ring, he has his while right arm covered in a colorful looking guitar tattoo. He is the most amazing guitarist ever, he can play through the fire and the flames and other awesome guitar legendary songs. He is also awesome...did i already mention that? he can swallow his tongue and sing “Almost Here” by The Academy Is… in 15 different languages, he is now working on Latvian, or whatever they speak in Latvia.

Our bassist, Kevin Kraal, he’s German and has met Tokio Hotel, and spoke to them...yes, in German. He's like Tokio Hotel's best friends, it’s amazing. Kevin has awesomeness like Ajax and Rikki expect he doesn’t have an awesome nickname name. i tried coming up with a cool name for him but it never crossed my mind. He has nice black hair, pure coffee black like when my eyes change when i wanna be evil. He has black eyes, which often scared school mates. Kevin is smart, funny, has a weird accent [I’m not sure what language it’s supposed to be], talented and just...plain amazing. All my band mates are awesome, whatever happens I will always be there for them. We are the “Same blood”

Adri = A-Dry, a tough awesome rocker name, get over it >:D
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