Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Love At First Sound...?

Chapter 4

by Auntie-Shin 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2008-10-09 - Updated: 2008-10-10 - 543 words - Complete

"Gerard's fuckin dead. ANd Bert fucking killed him, I can't beleive this," I said aloud. I didn't know what to do so I took the sheets off Gerard's bed, was almost sick in the process, and put them through the wash.
I called the hospital and they said they would call me if once they figured out something. They called an hour later and told me he was dead, and it was suicide. I argued with them and they said they would hire a detective and that he would be here within the hour, and that he was. But he was furious at me for washing the sheets, but Gerard's sheets shouldn't ever be covered in blood, well real blood anyway. But I told him that I knew it was Bert. And, of course, asked me how I knew, and I told him about the jaket and he didn't beleive me. The lady that had Gerar's will came over after the detective left. She told me that Gerard left everything to Mikey. But since he was nowhere to be found, everything goes to me, because I lived with Gerard. So now his house, his car, and all his possesions belong to me, and I can't stand it. So the first thing I did after the will lady left, was I called Bert and told him to meet me at the Starbucks by the Borders a few blocls away from my (Gerard's old) house. I Got there in five minutes and ordered coffee for both of us. I sat down and waited, positioned exactly as Bert was a little over a year ago when I yearned for his sympathies.
He arrived ten minutes later and sat down. He picked up the coffee and took a sip.
"So," he said, "What do you want to talk about, Frankie?"
"Wipe that fucking smirk off your face."
Bert frowned and got erious. "SO, yeah, what did you want to talk about?"
"What about him?" He asked with an evil smirk on his face.
"You fucking killed him."
!?!? "You admit it!?"
"Hell, yeah, why should I not?"
"Turn yourself in!"
"Why should I? He helped take you away from me."
"You cheated on me with that stupid German."
"But he drove you to his house, he literally took you away from me."
I cussed then got up and left. I drove my (Gerard's old) car to my (Gerard's old) house and sat on the couch.
I don't know how long I sat there when the door flew open. I turned to see who was there but they threw a blind fold over my eyes. They dragged me to Gerard's old room and threw me against the wall. I sank to the floor and I heard the person dig through a bag. Seconds later, I heard their footsteps comming closer to me. They grabbed my arm and brought something sharp to both of my wrists. I felt the blood run down my arms as I heard his footsteps leaving. I pulled the blindfold off because it hurt to move my wrists. I felt light headed so I leaned against the wall. Everything started to fade to black. All of a sudden there was a flash of white.
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