Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Raindrops On Roses

A Ferret

by loveisdead22 1 review

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2008-10-11 - Updated: 2008-10-12 - 1443 words - Complete

I woke up the next morning and looked at Brendon he was so cute when he sleep, he had his arms wrapped around me his mouth slightly open and was snorning lightly. I snuggled in to chest. I looked around and noticed we where in my room. I could hear everyone else awake down stair but I didn't want to move I could have stayed in Brendons arms all day.
"TIME TO GET UP" I heard Kimmy yell. Brendon's eyes started to flutter and he looked at me and smiled.
"WERE UP" I yelled back Brendon just pulled me tighter into him.
"Morning baby" he said
"Morning to you" I smiled
He smiled back and lightly kissed my lips.
"Bren how did we end in my room" I asked
He smiled at me
"Honey, I carried you up here after the movie you where tossing and turning on the floor" he said
We climbed out of bed and head downstairs.
"MORNING ALL" I said very chipper
"Rory sometimes I hate that you are such a morning person" Kimmy said
"I am not" I said
"No Rory can get 2 hours of sleep and be the most chipper person no matter what" Brendon said
"Quit picking on me" I said
"So what are we doing today" Kasey asked
"Puppies" I said
"Puppies" everyone said
"It sounded cute" I shurgged
"Bren are you sure shes not on drugs" Ryan said
"I am sure, shes just overly random" Brendon said
"I need to finish my Christmas shopping" Spencer said
"Me too" said Brendon and Ryan
"Well I guess its a boy free day" Kimmy said
"Guess so" I said
"I have to get home" Kasey said
She gathered up her stuff, gave Ryan a kiss and left.
"She odd" I said
"You don't like her" Ryan asked
"Never said that just said she was odd" I said
"She is odd Ryan" Spencer said
"So you guys go finish your Christmas shopping and we will meet you at Brendons house later tonight for the Christmas party" Kimmy said
"Okay" Spencer said
"I love you Rory" Brendon said as he kissed me
"Me too" I said kissing him back. The boys all left.
"So whats the plans for today" I asked
"No ideas" Kimmy said
"I want a ferret" I said
"Really" she said as she played with my chichuahua Martini
"Yeah I mean my parents shouldn't care they are never home" I said
"Your right there they probly wouldn't even notice"
We got dressed and headed to the pet store
"Ror where you a little freaked out when Brendon said he found the church you guys where going to get married at" Kimmy asked
"A little it was kind of odd, but I think he honestly believes that we are going to get married in the future." I said
"I think you guys will too" she said
"So how are things with you and Spence" I asked
"Good hes great but we don't have that weird connection you and Brendon have I don't see it lasting forever" She said
"Weird conncetion" I said witha puzzled look on my face
"You and Bren just fit its like you belong together, it was apparant the first day you met"
I laughed and smiled as we finally made it into the petstore.
"I found him" I said
He was a cute little ferret. We got everything else I would need and some treats, toys, a santa hat and a sweater for Martini.
"How are we suppost to get this stuff home Rory" Kimmy asked
"Can you call your dad" I asked
We walked to the nearest payphone to call when we saw Ryans car.
"Ryan" I yelled as we saw Ryan Brendon and Spencer getting out of the car.
"Rory" Brendon yelled engulfing me in hug
"Crushing me" I said
Brendon let go of me and looked at all the stuff we had.
"Rory what the hell did you buy" Ryan asked
"A FERRET" I said
"Do you need a ride home" Ryan asked
"You are such a doll" I said
"Yeah Yeah"
We got all the stuff I bought into the car and drove to my house.
"Rory are you going to need us to put together the cage" Spencer asked
"I don't know" I said
"Thats a yes" Brendon said
We all laughed they got the cage together and all set up in my room.
"We have to go" Said Kimmy
"Yeah me too" said Ryan
"See you to tonight" Spencer said
"Bye" we said
"Hes cute Rory" Brendon said
"Who Ryan" I said
"Funny the ferret what are you going to name him"
"I was thinking Jack after Jack Skellington from The Nightmare before Christmas" I said
"No you are"
Brendon leaned down and kissed me we fell on to the bed his hands where roaming everywhere.
"Bren I love you but I am not ready for that" I said
"I know baby me neither" Brendon said
"I love you" I said
"I love you too Rory but I have to get home and help my mom set up for tonight I'll see you in couple of hours"
"You bet"
Brendon kissed my lips and left.
I took Jack out of his cage and played with him for a while before I got into the shower and got dressed. I looked at myself in the mirror. I was pleased with the way I looked and started to head out the door. I walked across the street to Brendons house.
I knocked on the door.
"Rory" Brendons mom said as she opened the door and pulled me into a hug.
"Hi Mrs. Urie" I said
"Brendons in his room go ahead up there"
I walked up to his room. Knocked on the door.
"Come in" Brendon called I walked in to find him in his boxers.
"Hey beautiful" he said
"Bren put on some clothes" I said
He walked over and kissed me and pulled as close as he could
"Your bad" I said he just smiled at me as he grabbed a pair jeans and nice shirt.
We had a really nice time at the party when it was over I was helping clean up.
"Rory dear" Mrs. Urie said
"Yeah" I said
"If you want to stay the night here dear you can"
Brendon looked at me.
"Mom I was going to stay at Rory's house" He said
"Alright" She said
Brendon came from a mormon family but his parents worried about me being alone in that house all the time so they would let Brendon stay over.
We said our goodbyes and I thank them for having me and we walked to my house.
"Can you believe tomorrow is Christmas Eve" I said
"Are your parents coming home"
"Lets hope" I said
"If not Rory you can always spend Christmas with us." Brendon said as we walked into the house
"Rory" my mom yelled
"Mom" I said
She walked out and gave me huge hug and than she hugged Brendon
"Dad is he home too" I asked
"I am here" My dad said
"Dad this is Brendon" I said
"Hi Sir" Brendon said
"No need with the sir son its Chris" my dad said
"Okay" Brendon said
I hugged my dad so tight I was happy he was home I hadn't seen him 5 months.
"So dad hows work" I asked
"Its great Rory but they are moving me to New York for good" He said
My face dropped I felt like crying I knew I was going to have to move to New York I didn't want to leave Kimmy and all of my friend most of all I didn't want to leave Brendon.
"Dad are we moving to New York" I said on verge of tears Brendons hand got tighter in mine.
"Your mom and I are Rory, but we decided it would be a bad idea to move you away from all your friends and you have done great living here on your own for the last 7 months plus I can tell you love that boy of yours" my dad said
"And Ror I will come twice a month to check on you and Kimmys parents said they would keep an eye on you too" My mom said
I was sad but was something I had been used to for the last 7 months so it was no big deal.
"Well its getting late why don't you to head to bed" my dad said
"Night" we both said and headed up to my room we hit the bed and fell fast asleep.
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