Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Raindrops On Roses

Running Away

by loveisdead22 1 review

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2008-10-11 - Updated: 2008-10-12 - 832 words - Complete

A week later

I spent most of the last week with drawning from everyone my mom had called me to tell me the realtor was coming to put the for sale sign up today.
I sat in the living room in my pjs waiting for her to come. I could see all my friends going into Brendons house. I hadn't talked to him since New Years Eve.
There was a knock on the door I look out the peep hole to see an older lady
I opened the door
"You must be Rory" she said
"That I am" she said
"We are going to put the sign up and take some pictures" she said
"Thats fine" I said and took my place back down on the couch.
She was there for about an hour once she left I made sure to lock up again.
I laid back down on the couch I was starting to doze off between the fits of crying. When I heard a pounding at the front. I thought if I ingored who ever it was they would go away and then I heard his voice.
"Rory open the fuckin door" Brendon yelled
I started crying really hard
"Go away Brendon" I yelled
"Rory come on open the door please" he said
I could tell he was crying but I didn't care I grabbed my Fall Out Boy CD and turned up so loud I wouldn't be able to hear him.
The phone rang I got up off the floor and answered it
"Rory honey" my mom said
"Yeah mom"
"You are flying here tonight" she said
"We have movers coming in the next couple of days to pack up the house a taxi will be there in an hour" she said
"Okay" I said
I went up stairs packed some clothes and the teddy bear Brendon had givin me. Changed my clothes and walked downstairs to see the cab out front.
I opened the front door to see Brendon sitting there crying.
"Rory" he said
I looked at him and kept walking to the cab. He grabbed me
"Rory I am so sorry" he said
"Its too late" I said
"No its not Rory"
"It is" I said tears where now coming out eyes
"Miss we need to go" the taxi driver said
"She not going anywhere" Brendon told him
"1 minute please" he nodded I wiggled my self out of Brendons grip.
I opened up the door and took one last look at the house I looked for Brendon he wasn't there. I heard the door open and close he sat down next to me.
"Ready" the driver said
"Brendon get out" I said
"No Rory" he said
"Fine just go" I said
"Rory don't leave me I am sorry I got so upset about what you and Ryan did" he said
"Brendon go back to April" I said
"Rory I don't want April all I want is you"
"Well you should have thought about that before you went into the closet with her and let her go down on you Brendon" I said
"Nothing happen in the closet Rory"
"Rory look at me" I turned and looked at him his brown eyes looked so hurt.
"I didn't do anything with her in the closet" He said I knew from his eyes he was telling the truth.
"But what did you do when left with her" I said
"I got haft way down the street and realized I had made a dumb mistake and went home, I figured I would see you the next day but you have been locked up in your house for a week not seeing anyone then today I see the for sale sign and knew what you where doing and I am not going to let go Rory"
"I am going Brendon" I said as we pulled up to the airport. I got out of the taxi and Brendon did too he grabbed me and pulled my lips into his it felt so right but I am stubborn I pushed him off and walked away through secertiy.
"Flight 3789 leaving for new York is now boarding" I heard over the intercom
I stood up but something told me don't get on the plane run home and get the man you love. I ingore it and got on the plane. I slept the whole way to New York. When I arrived in New York my mother was at baggage claim waiting for me.
She wrapped her arms around me and we got into the car on the way there I told her about what had happened with Brendon. She looked at me in dis belief.
"Rory sometimes you just need to let things go" She said
"I am fine mom" I said
"Rory you should go home to Vegas and fix things with Brendon he does truelly love you"
"I'll think about it" I said as we pulled up to the apartment in Soho.
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