Categories > Original > Horror


by ThatRandomKid 0 reviews

Tom is home alone, bored. He has no T.V, no cell phone, and no more puzzles. Then, a new puzzle is pushed through the dog door of his home. Some puzzles should never be solved.

Category: Horror - Rating: PG - Genres: Horror - Published: 2008-10-12 - Updated: 2008-10-12 - 479 words - Complete



A teenage boy, Tom, is seen completing a puzzle on his dining
room table. He places the last piece in its spot and marvels
at his accomplishment.

A job well done.

Tom stands up and stretches, yawning as he does so. He turns
to look at is clock. It reads "12:01".

TOM (CONT'D) and dad are never gone
for this long. I've done every
puzzle in the what?

Tom tries his luck with the T.V. He flips it on only to see
static on every single channel.

Stupid dish.

Tom turns it off and tosses the remote to the side and lays
back against the sofa, putting his hands to his face. He sits
back up and takes his phone out of his pocket and dials a
number. He puts it to his ear only to get a busy signal. He
looks and realizes he has no reception.

Out of all the places we could live
they HAD to choose the mountains
where there is nobody for 20 miles.
I can't wait until I'm 18 and I'm
outta here.

A small thump is heard and Tom jumps, looking to where the
doggy door is, seeing a small package sitting there. He gets
up off of the sofa and goes to the package, picking it up and
holding it to his ear. Hearing nothing he places it on the
table and unwraps it. A plain box is sitting on the table.
Tom opens it to reveal puzzle pieces. He picks up a few
seeing partial pictures on each one.

Hmm.....that's a bit odd.

Tom looks at the doggy door, seeing nothing.

Ah well. I've got nothing better to

Tom moves into the dining room and cleans up the previous
puzzle he had completed. He then dumps the pieces of the new
puzzle onto the table and begins sorting through them,
finding the corners and placing them in four spots on the
table. He then begins building the puzzle from there. After
the puzzle is almost finished, Tom begins seeing what it is
forming and he freezes in fear. It's a picture of the very
room he is sitting in. Tom freezes, staring at the puzzle in
disbelief and fear. He turns to look at the doggy door and
looks at the window. Nothing is there. Tom looks down at the
puzzle again, then back at the door.

Somebody's gotta be playin a prank
on me. It's probably just Jack
messin around.

Tom gets up and goes to the door. He looks out the window,
seeing nothing.

I'll get him back for that

Tom turns to head back to the table and a man is seen in the
window with an axe as Tom walks away. He smirks.

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