Categories > Original > Drama

The Life of Dave

by Dave355 0 reviews

The story of Dave and his life changing decision

Category: Drama - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Published: 2008-10-17 - Updated: 2008-10-18 - 505 words - Complete

The Life of Dave

Introduction “Listening”

Hi, my name is Dave and I have three days to live. You might be wondering: ‘Why three days’? Do I have some sort of disease or sickness? Am I going to kill myself? The simple answer is, no. What if someone said something to you one day that would forever change your life? Something so real you have no choice but to listen to what was said? Well, that’s were my story begins.

As a child, my life wasn’t much different then yours. Where my life differs is in my success. I was never the type of person that did what he was told; tell me to go right, and I’d do left. Tell me to go up, and I’d go down. I think you get the picture. It was this mind set that really got me were I am today. I now realize that what happened wasn’t anything more then pure utter luck. When I turned 25 both my parents died in a car accident, a head on collision on the freeway with a semi truck. The sad part of that story is if the truck driver would have pulled over four hours before crashing into my parents, and had gotten the rest he needed it wouldn’t have happened. But it did and they left me with a sum of 250 grand, their last words said, “Be smart with this money.” So me being me I deliberately spent the money and threw it all away in stocks. Who knew my investment would turn around and come to be several million within a short two year period.

There I was now, 27 a big shot, a high roller, above everyone and above myself. I was the best, bought the best, dressed the best, and drove the best. My greatest achievement other than my lucky stock success was a 1999 Ferrari F355 this car, the most important thing in my life, and the one thing that would change my life down the road forever. This we will get to later on in my story.

So what does a 27 year old millionaire do? Nothing. That is, I had stock brokers and traders who did my work for me. They took my money and made me more for a small price while I “lived life to the fullest,” you might say. On the week days, I would go to the office to watch my earnings come in and flirt with the hot chicks working on the floor. On the weekends, I would go to one of three clubs to drink, pick up some random girl, show her a good time and do my thing. In the morning, I would dump her back on the street were she came from. Now, I know some readers are thinking that I am a complete, self centered shallow man. I was. It took a hard look at myself to realize who I was, what I was becoming, and what path I was taking.
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