Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Jesus Of Disturbia

That's for calling me a moron!

by lornabee19 0 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Angst - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2008-10-21 - Updated: 2008-10-21 - 2165 words

[b]Gerard’s POV[/b]

It is now 6:52pm and I am only just being released from my kitchen. Oh, not by the police, no, they left hours ago. My mother wanted to [i]talk[/i]. I don’t know why, the police were happy enough to believe that Ellis and his band of morons paid us a visit. My mom thought that me tripping my alarm was a cry out for attention. I love my mom, I really do but sometimes she can go just a little over the top. But I know she’s just looking out for me.

I collapse onto my bed, it’s still unmade but I really couldn’t give a flying fuck. I see my unfinished drawing still sitting on my table, so I haul myself up and trudge over to my desk. I pick it up and giggle a little to myself at my creation. Yawning, I pull open the top drawer and just throw the drawing in, I’ll finish it some other day.

I sit down on the swivel chair in front of my desk and tip my head back, closing my eyes trying to relax. I am so bored it’s unreal. Mikey is still out with that chick from school, so I can’t even go and annoy him. As I open my eyes I notice a bright shadow on my ceiling, like water. I stand up and look out the side window, looking into the new neighbour’s back yard. The pool lights are on, that’s what is making the shimmer on my ceiling. It’s just weird ‘cause those lights haven’t been on in something like three years.

I divert my gaze from the pool to further up the yard to the house. The lights were on in the small, raised extension in at the back. I could see movement, but I wasn’t sure who was in there. The house was pretty close to ours, like we could usually hear stuff going on in the back yard. But it wasn’t quite close enough for me to see exactly who was in that room. Not from where I was standing, in the middle of my room anyhow. I took a step further to the window to try and get a better look. I squinted my eyes a little. It was the boy. Frank. I still couldn’t see what he was doing though. Sighing, I took a step back, looking at the floor. I bit my nails as I glanced over at the binoculars sitting on my drawing desk just begging to be picked up. I couldn’t, could I ?

[i]I did it to the other neighbours.[/i]

So? That was the other neighbours… not the [i]new[/i] ones. I debated with myself for another few minuets before eventually walking over to my desk.

I paced back over to the other window and brought the binoculars up to my face, spinning the little wheel on the top around until everything came nicely into focus. I could see him. Frank. He was standing on a chair, doing something with the main light that hung in the middle of his ceiling. He was fixing the lampshade I think. The fact that he was standing on his tip toes worried me slightly, he didn’t look very balanced. I took the lenses away from my eyes and looked around for my swivel chair, right where I left it. Good.

Bringing it over to the window, I took a seat. Ok I was starting to feel a little like one of those creepy stalker dudes who end up living with their moms their whole life. But I am suffering from chronic boredom here.

I brought my spying mechanism back to my face once again, searching him out. He was still on his chair. He was wearing light blue jeans that looked like they had seen better days and a plain white t-shirt, nothing too fancy. He didn’t look as smart as his parents that I saw earlier on did. His hair was maybe about the same length as Mikey’s, not as long as mine but looked like it hadn’t been cut in a while. He was a scruffy looking kid, but in a good way. He looked like someone Mikey or myself would be friends with.

He came down from his tip toes and jumped off the chair. I noticed he was now bobbing his head along to a beat, he was listening to music. I wonder what kind of stuff he’s into. He walked over to his bed and started to fiddle around with the duvet and some other sheets… I guess he was making his bed.

I glanced away from Frank to look at my clock, 7:18pm. It was early, but I felt a little tired. Seeing frank make his bed had put me in the mood. No, not [i]that[/i] mood. You pervert! I peeked over at my messy bed and couldn’t be bothered putting clean sheets on, so I just collapsed on top of it all. I glanced up at the water shimmer again and felt my eyes begin to droop.



I snapped my eyes open at the disturbance. With my head still on my pillow, I glanced at my alarm clock. The green numbers finally coming into focus. [b]11:41 pm[/b]. I sighed, bringing my cover up to my chest, ready to fall asleep again. I could feel my consciousness slipping away. You know where you’re not quite asleep but you’re not really awake either. I was like that when I heard another slam. It was closer than the one that had woken me up in the first place. Then I heard water running. Someone was in the bathroom.

Curiosity got the better of me and I flung my covers to the side and stood up. Stretching my arms above my head while yawning, I noticed I was still in my clothes I had worn that day. Oops. I made my way to my door, my ankle itching like a fucker. I hate this bracelet thing. You can’t even lift it off the skin to have a good scratch.

Walking down the hall, I could see the bathroom light on, the sound of running water still filling the air. But as I got closer, another sound joined in. Quick, sharp intakes of breath. Frowning in confusion I turned the brass door knob and pushed the door open only slightly.

There, supporting his weight on the sink, staring into the mirror, was my brother. I let out a small sigh of relief. But that breath soon stuck in my throat when I look up and saw his reflection. He had taken his glasses off. Both of his eyes were an angry red, with burst blood vessels. All around his right eye was starting to turn a deep indigo colour. His left cheek was bright red also. His lip was bust, blood still oozing from the small wound and trailing down his chin slowly. I looked down to his hands that were gripping the edge of the sink, they were grazed and covered in dirt. His hair was a mess too. This was the worst I had seen him in a long time. Ellis never went this far with him. All Ellis had the balls to do was to give him a bloody nose. Nothing like this.

I pushed the door open all the way and quickly strode over to him. At the same time he bowed his head down so I couldn’t see his face anymore.

“Mikey?” I tried in a soft tone.

No reply.

“Mikey what happened?”

Again, no reply.

“Mikey talk to me!” With these words, I took hold of his arm to try and turn him around. He just shrugged me off. I sighed in defeat and just stood staring at his back.

“I’m so stupid.” He breathed out quietly. I almost didn’t hear him.

“What? Mikey, you’re like the smartest kid I know.”

“Not what I mean.” He retorted with a cough.

I just frowned at his back. He was still looking down the drain though.

“I was so stupid to think that she actually liked me.” I was still frowning.

“I- I don’t understand. Mikes, what happened?”

He sighed and his body slouched even more. I was worried he was going to collapse or something.

“It was a set up. A practical joke. Katie, she never actually liked me. There was $20 in it for her if she asked me out and got me to go to the park with her tonight.” He coughed some more.

I knew he had more to say. None of that explained how he got into such a mess.

“ We went to the diner first and then when it was just getting dark we went to the park on the South side. When we got there, some dude came up behind me and kicked my legs out from under me. It was Mark Anderson. A few more guys came from nowhere and just started kicking me. I had to make sure Katie was ok. She was just standing there though. Laughing at me.”

Mark Anderson is Ellis’s right hand man if you will. Mikey didn’t mention Ellis being there, but he was smart enough not to be there. He knew he was already in the shit for egging our house. He was pathetic taking a shot at us both in one day.

He lifted his head for a split second and I saw the hurt and tears in his bloodshot eyes. He was taking deep, heavy breaths, trying not to cry. Before he had the chance to look down again, I grabbed his arm again spinning him round and pulling him into me. I wrapped my arms around him and he just fell limp against me. He started crying, his tears dampening my t-shirt slightly. I let him stay there for a minute before pushing him back slightly and taking his face in my hands, assessing the damage.

I sat him down on the closed toilet seat and fished around in the cupboards for some disinfectant. His lip was going to sting like a bitch.

Once he was cleaned up a little, he put his glasses back on and looked at me with an apologetic smile on his lips.

“I’m sorry-”

“No don’t say that. What have I told you? You don’t have to be sorry for anything.” I sat on the edge of the bathtub giving him a serious look.

“But, I mean I know I said this the other day, but it’s my fault your locked in here all summer and now it’s my fault you have to play nurse. I’m not doing anything right this summer am I?” He was looking down again.

“Hey! Stop with that. It’s partly my fault and Ellis’s fault I’m locked up and I don’t mind playing nurse. It’s what I’m here for. I’m the big brother I’m meant to protect you. I’ve not done a very good job so far. Stop blaming yourself you moron!”

He looked up at me a little shocked before I started chuckling. He cracked a smile too. Then hooked one of his feet under my knees and pulled them up, making me fall backwards into the bathtub.

“That’s for calling me a moron.” He laughed before standing up and grabbing my hand and yanking me out of the tub. For a skinny kid, he was pretty strong.

“Yeah well, what are you going to tell mom. You’re not going to be able to hide that shiner very well.” I pointed out. His face fell a little again.

“Oh, crap. Urm. I’ll tell her that… urm. A fight broke out in the diner and I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time? I mean with my record of ‘bad luck’ she’ll probably believe that.”

“Sounds ever so slightly plausible.” I thought it did actually.

“Ok good.” He sighed out. We both made our way out the bathroom door. I made sure I had tidied up enough. And then flicked off the light.

“Night bro. Thanks.” Mikey almost whispered into the darkened hallway.

“Yeah, night Mikes.”

I closed my door to the world once again and decided this time that I should probably take off my jeans at least. Once I was stripped of them I plodded back over to my bed. Looking out the window across to Frank’s room to see the flash of a light being switched off.

Sliding back into bed. I stared up at the water’s reflection again. Closing my eyes hopefully for the last time that night.
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