Categories > Anime/Manga > Vampire Knight > A Light in the Dark


by moor 1 review


Category: Vampire Knight - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Erotica,Romance - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2008-10-23 - Updated: 2008-10-23 - 4884 words - Complete

“Did something happen?”

His low, seductive voice nearly caused her to jump out of her skin in surprise.

“S-s-s-empai?” she half-turned to look behind her. Against the black night his silhouette was even blacker and she immediately recognized him by the graceful way he moved. Did he know what Zero had done? She held her confused feelings at bay and prayed rather optimistically that he was none the wiser. She didn’t want to witness a second aggressive encounter between her friends that night.

“Mmm?” Even in the darkness his smile could both melt and reassure her. She ducked her head a little as he touched her face gingerly to push some of her hair back behind her ear. He was so persuasive…

Do you know what he did?... But she didn’t want to worry or upset him, so she shook her head and returned his smile.

“I’m fine. But it’s after hours,” she hinted miserably. “I’m sorry, sempai… please don’t get caught.” She couldn’t bring herself to tell him to properly return back to the Moon Dorm. After her encounter with Zero she’d been so flustered she’d ended up starting on another full tour of the campus without realizing it, and was fast approaching the Moon Dorms all over again. She hadn’t seen her fellow precept since she’d left him. Yuuki hoped he had gone back to his room to cool off. And possibly, if she was lucky, completely forget about her.

The vampire before her caught her attention again. Something about what she’d said had amused him, and she caught a glint in his eyes while a corner of his mouth wavered and threatened to break into a smile for a moment before he schooled it back into place. “I won’t get caught, Yuuki-darling,” he said, and there was that almost-smile again.

Are you up to something? She wondered suddenly, and it became increasingly obvious he was in a roguish mood. She’d never seen him that way before. It was like he was being deliberately vague for the purpose of keeping something…good?... from her. Yet he usually only hid things from her in order to protect her. This time he seemed… happy? Like he had a surprise, or wanted to share good news with her. But what could he possibly want to give her…

Yuuki’s breath hitched in her throat a moment as realization slowly dawned.

“Sempai?” she asked curiously wondering if he was about to bring up the subject of their earlier escapades together. Still standing on the path she turned to face him properly. “Do you need me for something?” She could barely squeeze the words out past the lump that felt like her heart had leapt up into her throat.

And with those words, do you need me?, the mischievousness light in his dark eyes dissolved and was replaced by something stronger, hungrier.

Looking into those mirrors Yuuki felt her heart drop straight down into her stomach, and everything he’d ignited in her that evening resurfaced and started to pull, slowly at first, then more insistently, soon causing a rushing in every part of her body. Had she meant to say those words that way? Of course not, retorted her tidy upbringing; of course, countered the part of her that fell to wanting when he was near.

Kaname continued looking at her, and stepped closer.

“Yes,” he replied.

Yuuki felt the air warming between them, and stood motionless, waiting for him.

“What do you want?” she whispered. He’ll never hurt you, her inner-voice reminded her. Be brave…

And then another part of her, the more daring, bold side, uncurled from the depths of her psyche and added, “So go enjoy…”.

From his pocket Kaname drew the scarf she’d forgotten in the private box that night, the one she’d been wearing as a shawl to cover her shoulders, shoulders that were still bare in the cool night air after she’d abandoned Zero’s uniform coat with him and fled him almost an hour earlier. The Pure Blood pulled the pashmina folds out delicately, mentally thanking Kain for his keen eyesight and thoughtfulness under such delicate circumstances that evening.

With deliberate slowness Kaname draped it around Yuuki’s shoulders again and pulled her to him, step by step. His hand rested on the smooth line of her breastbone, holding the scarf, and her slight, human body, before him like an offering.

Bending his head down to her neck, he nuzzled her a moment with soft lips before running the sharp points of his teeth boldly down her neck. Her gasp and fine tremor of response excited him.

What did he need her for?...

“Company tonight,” he breathed in answer to her question.

Yuuki had no doubt he could feel, if not hear, every thudding heartbeat in her chest as he spoke those words. She tried to swallow to answer him but her mouth was dry. Could she…?

“Come with me,” he murmured, and pulled back just enough to look down at her into her eyes. Confidence. Promise. Anticipation. Expectation. He was waiting for her answer. She could read it all in his face, and she could feel the effect he had on her from her belly to between her…

Yuuki felt goose bumps spring up on her chilled arms and shoulders yet felt her face heat red at the same time. Could she really want him, to be with him the way he was implying? Could they, as a human and a vampire—a Pure Blood vampire—go further than—she blushed deeper—what they’d done at the theatre that evening, where they had been discovered? Where would they find the privacy? What would it be like? Would it…

Her questions and their resulting anxiety must have been obvious on her face, because in the next moment her vampire chuckled under his breath and gently pulled her close, wrapping his arms around her in an affectionate embrace.

“You can say no, if you’re scared I may hurt you,” he sighed in understanding and compassion. “I will wait for you.”

Yuuki felt her nerves immediately loosen and relax; she exhaled silently in relief, too, until she felt the bold, awakened part of her stir to attention again.


No more waiting. No more getting told to patrol or to protect the students or to risk getting caught by sneaking around in snatched moments of daylight.

The night could be hers.

No, she thought again, the night would be theirs.

Biting her lip and glancing anxiously up at the vampire she’d loved since she was a child, Yuuki tried to think of how to say such a simple word as ‘yes’. She tried to open her mouth to speak, but the words wouldn’t come.

Before her, Kaname stood, still waiting. When she didn’t reply, his lips straightened to a sad smile. His shoulders lowered an inch as if in defeat. His eyebrows rose in sympathy.

“It’s ok,” he sighed tiredly, completely misunderstanding her lack of articulation. He stepped back and smiled sadly down at her, taking her hand gently to lead her back to her dorm. “Let’s see you home-.”

“No!” Yuuki cried, digging in her heels and yanking back on his hand that clasped hers. Seizing every ounce of courage she had, Yuuki stood her ground.

The vampire looked at her in bewilderment.

“I want…,” she stuttered nervously, tried again. “With you, what you asked me…” He was facing her now, watching her intently. In his expression she could see he dared to hope, and it was the greatest encouragement he could have offered her.

She shut her eyes, tightening her hands into balled little fists at her side. “Sempai, please,” she opened her eyes, hoping he wouldn’t take her shaking voice of ardour for fear, “… Would you please stay with me tonight?” the words tumbled out over each other. She put all her earnestness, truth and spirit into the request.

But for a moment, Kaname just stared at her.

Just as her heart was about to burst, she saw his almost-smile widen and glow.

“An honour,” was all he said, before he smiled at her again and with his thumb wiped the wetness from the corners of her eyes.


It was past midnight.

Headmaster Cross heard the banging on his door and for the first time in years wondered where he’d last put a large, blunt instrument so he could dismiss his inconsiderate visitor hastily without the bother of witnesses. Then he remembered he was the headmaster of a renowned boarding school and that there could be a student in need on the other side of his door. He’d never abandon a student in need.

Sliding on his glasses and out of his bed, he padded to the main room in his favourite bunny slippers.

“Yes, I’m here,” he smiled pleasantly at the furious face that met him when he opened his double-door. “Oh, Zero, what brings you here ton-.”

“He’s taking—he’s taking Yuuki, he’s going to take her to the Moon Dorm, you need to stop him,” the troubled young man burst out, pushing the doors open and barging in without invitation to then pace back and forth in the shadowy sitting room.

Feigning confusion, the peaceful reformed hunter closed the door with a sigh and went to get them something to drink from his kitchen. “Who’s taking who where? The Moon Dorm? The Night Class is in class at the moment. But just for a little while, they only have a half-day. Half-night.” The long-haired man paused at the kettle to consider the fuzzy facts. “Half-night, yes, that’s it. Only half their usual classes due to the outing this evening. Oh, how did you like the play?” he exclaimed, distracted again. This time he was bringing out the sugarbowl and turned to bring the tea tray back to the sitting room where Zero paced. “The students sounded very excited, and I think I may organize another one-.”

“Kaname Kuran is about to take Yuuki!” yelled Zero, rounding on his guardian and nearly causing him to spill the contents of the ebony tray. “You need to stop him!”

Headmaster Cross stood very still, listening very seriously to what Zero alleged.

“Ahhh,” was all he said after a moment. It was punctuated with a small nod.

Zero waited, expecting more.

But the headmaster walked around him and gently put the tea tray down on a nearby short-table. “Would you like anything in your tea?” he asked politely.

The hunter stared at him incredulously.

“… Headmaster, did you hear what I-?”

“I asked you what you’d like in your tea…”

Zero’s lungs constricted painfully and he felt his tattoo sizzle as his vampire instincts roared to the surface. This was ludicrous!

“You are her father!” In his anger Zero kicked a small stool over. It landed with a cracking thump a meter or so away.

“Your tea is getting cold.” Stir, stir, stir. His own cup perfectly brewed, he continued ignoring the irate young man.

“He will hurt her!” His fists shook.

“I’m setting your cup down here, if you’d like to join me.”

“He could be raping her!” He slammed his hands down on either side of the tea tray and stared into the eyes of the headmaster. The cups and saucers and accoutrements clattered and rattled at the force of the blow.

The room went silent.

Cool, level, but compassionate eyes met Zero’s from behind a worn pair of spectacles.

“You… know,” realized Zero in a whisper, his anger immediately deflating and shoulders sagging. The arms he’d slammed onto the short-table to get his guardian’s attention now helped prop him up under the weighty truth. “You… know. And… approve?”

“This is not my choice to make, or approve,” said the headmaster quietly, picking up his teacup; Zero’s remained on the tray, untouched. “Yuuki is growing up and making her own choices.” Whether he liked those choices or not, approved of them or not, the experienced man didn’t allow any indication in his expression.

“But she’s so young,” insisted the hunter, almost pleading. The fight was leaving him, as his guardian had expected.

“Why are you against her making her own decisions?” an honest, though obviously leading inquiry. “Do you think Yuuki liked it when she found out you were becoming a hunter? When you’d be given life-threatening missions, regularly, and she may never see you again?”

“This is different,” he retorted gruffly.

“Is it different because you think she’s too young to make adult decisions? To have a mature relationship? Or because she isn’t having it with you?”

Zero looked up as quickly as if he’d been slapped.

Headmaster Cross took advantage of the pause and stared hard at his foster-child. “I need to trust my children to make the best decisions they can, not just now but later on in their lives, too. I won’t always be here for them in the future,” he said. “But I can be there for them now, while they learn.” It went without saying that he didn’t just mean there for Yuuki—but whether his current company understood that, considering the state he was in…

Zero’s head fell slightly, looking from the headmaster down to his hands as they trembled on either side of the midnight-black tea tray. Such a morbid antique, he thought strangely.

“Would you like that cup of tea now?” Headmaster Cross asked pleasantly.

Unable to make sense of anything for the time being, Zero sat down in shock on the floro in front of the short-table.

Yuuki, he thought to himself, confused. Don’t do this…

After some time the older man went to get a blanket from the back room for his ward so he could sleep there that night. Finally digging one up from the back of a closet, he picked up a pillow and wondered whether he should go make up his guest room.

When he returned to put away the tea set, he found his living room empty of visitors.

“Zero,” he sighed sensitively, why so rash?


The Moon Dorm had been completely empty when they’d arrived, as Kaname had said it would be.

Giving Yuuki’s hand a quick squeeze, he led her patiently to the far wing where his rooms were. Despite his assurances they wouldn’t be seen, from under his coat Yuuki huddled and hid her face anyway, trying to cover her face in case there were any straggling or class-cutting vampires who may catch sight of them. Her host noticed her conspicuous behaviour, though, and stopped to touch her cheek and pull the jacket down from her eyebrows.

“You’re safe here,” he assured her. “You are mine.”

His thumb moved slowly from her cheek to the base of her neck, down her throat, to the front of her dress and paused.

“Mine,” he repeated, and her stomach tightened reflexively. He’d chosen her, and she him. And soon they would be…

Under his gaze her cheeks warmed and she had to look away.

“Yuuki,” he whispered thickly, and stepped closer. Then stopped. “Just one more hallway,” the sound of his hoarse voice made shivers streak down her spine into her legs.

The moment they were behind his closed doors he grabbed her and pinned her to the back of the door with his body, burying his face in her neck. His jacket hung loosely to her shoulders and he lifted her stockinged leg over his arm to support her and open her to him.

“Kaname-sempai!...” she gasped, shocked he was so overt. Even as she spoke she knew her arms were tight around the back of his neck and her legs were inching higher around his waist to hold him closer. “Someone could hear…” The constant worry reared its head again, making her falter.

Shaking his head slightly the vampire muffled a chuckle before pulling back just far enough to look at her in the eyes. “No one will bother us here. You have my word.”

The hand he’d been resting under her leg to hold her up slid up, under her dress, to caress her thigh. The skirt of her dress shifted easily to allow him access.

“You can scream if you need to,” he offered considerately, his fingers alternating slowly between smoothing her hosiery down and rubbing up closer to her most intimate places. “I won’t mind.”

But unused to such actions, Yuuki was getting dizzy. “I don’t need to scream,” she said, swallowing as she felt the heat uncurl in her lower belly and spread through her. Already she felt her hips tilting towards his as he shifted them both to a more comfortable position.

She should have known he’d take that as a challenge.


Lowering his other hand from her cheek down to her side just beneath her arm, he found the hidden zipper of her gown and trailed a finger down its seam, slowing as it reached her hip, then returning back up to dawdle at the zipper’s head. Yuuki’s eyes widened. Then closed as she groaned in pleasure; Kaname’s own eyes were hooded as his hand reached through the breach he’d opened in the side of the dress, and he touched her warm, sensual skin.

“Soft,” he spoke hungrily, practically doubled over her to reach every inch of her. His other hand moved from her thigh to open the matching zipper on the other side, and soon he had both his hands smoothing up and down her back, holding her close to him.

For her part, Yuuki tried to overcome her shock and gain control of the wildness that kept overtaking her; she reached down to the front of his shirt. One by one she undid the buttons and soon pushed the shirt back from him, exposing his torso to her. Tentatively she leaned forward to kiss him, only to have him suck in his breath in a hiss and arch backwards, his head thrown back as if in pain.

“I’m sorry!” Yuuki’s fear choked her. What had she done?

“Not here,” he gasped, trying to direct his breathing. His hands had seized her slim waist and held her to him, and she realized they’d been rocking together for the past while and only stopped when he’d cried out. But being pressed against the wall was uncomfortable; Yuuki bit her lip and looked up at Kaname’s pained expression.

“Sempai, could we please move to the bed?” she asked shyly. Her head was on the pillow before she finished her sentence.

“Yes,” he said tightly. “That’s better.”

As she watched him she noticed his chest was heaving and his fingers were dug so tightly into his bed sheets their knuckles stood out against his pale skin.

“Is something wrong?” Every insecurity she had rushed at her, and she wondered crazily if she, a puny human girl, had somehow managed to hurt a Pure Blood vampire. Or worse… was she… bad? at what she was doing? Was that why he was stopping? Warmth stung her eyes. Was he trying to find a way to tell her he had changed his mind?

Lying there on his bed with her head on his pillow and his scent surrounding her, Yuuki realized how vulnerable and inexperienced she truly was.

She felt her heartbeat slow, and looked away towards the curtained window to catch her breath. Her mood was broken.

Kaname noticed the change in her almost immediately

He reached a hand to her cheek and raised his eyebrows inquisitively, and she turned further away.

“Yuuki,” he said.

Still she looked away. He hasn’t even said he loves me, she realized with some embarrassment. I was about to give him the one thing I could never give anyone else… And I don’t even know how he feels about me.

“Tell me what’s wrong,” he said, sitting up and looking at her. He was perfectly calm now, if perhaps a bit cool, restrained. The sheets were still rumpled where he’d gripped them so stiffly, however it was the only evidence left of his untamed state.

“Do you love me?”


“Do you love me?”

The tension stretched between them, and he seemed taken aback by her question, considering it very carefully.

“Do you love me?” he asked in return, not answering her question.

Too tired to argue or play games, Yuuki nodded, retreated from him and sat up against the headboard. “Yes. For a long time,” she admitted quietly, feeling childish.

But the warmth that spread through Kaname’s face at her admission brought her up short. It was like he’d just seen the sun after a lifetime of night.

“Yuuki,” he moved leisurely like a cat and came to kneel on the bed in front of her before he reached for both her hands, holding them in his. “Thank you.” Leaning forward he brought his head down to kiss her but she turned her head away again.

“You didn’t answer,” she pointed out. And if he evades this time I’m putting my dress back together and walking home barefoot, she vowed to herself.

He tugged her hands forward to rest on his heart. It beat strongly, and she felt the force of it through the sensitive pads of her fingers. Yuuki dared to glance back at him, and he held her gaze.

“I’ve loved you longer than you could ever know.”


Balancing his weight on his elbows, the sheet pulled low exposing his back, Kaname looked down at Yuuki as she lay with her hair splayed out on his pillow.

Their clothes were discarded on the floor, shoes piled nearby, and neither one had any idea what time it was anymore, other than it was finally time.

“Are you sure?” for the hundredth time he asked.

She smiled and nodded, reaching her hands up to run her fingers into the raven-dark hair that normally tickled the back collar of his uniform shirt. It hadn’t taken her long to figure out she enjoyed touching his body as much as he did hers. “Yes.”

“Are you… ready?” he asked uncertainly, and lowered himself slightly into position.

He shifted again and reached one hand up to hers, pulling it down so he could kiss the inside of her wrist. Then, still holding her hand, he brought her fingers down between them where they would join. “When you’re ready, guide me so I won’t hurt you.”

Yuuki reached out hesitantly before finding him, and she knew she must have turned as red as a fresh tomato, from her hair to her shoulders, when she did.

Kaname’s breathing broke at her touch, and she heard him hiss out his breath again as he had before – but before she could take her hand away he grabbed her retreating fingers and kept them close, stopping her from letting go.

“It’s ok,” he explained, trying to remain relaxed. “It takes a lot of control, not to take you as you are, to be so careful… I don’t want to hurt you, Yuuki.” His look said more: that he loved her more dearly than anything else on earth; that he wanted to protect her; that to him she was beautiful.

And at that he was the one whose cheeks pinked when he smiled, displaying his teeth slightly. No, you’re the beautiful one, she thought to herself. On a whim, she wanted to see more of his teeth.

Touching his mouth she prodded lightly and exposed one of his canine fangs.

“It looks bigger,” she remarked.

He coughed and smiled ruefully. “We can talk about that afterwards if you’d like.”


She stroked him gently and brought him closer, arching under him somewhat to receive him.

He swallowed, focusing on moving his hips slowly as he pushed into her.

She flinched; he stopped; she moved against him to let him know he could go on.

“Does it hurt much?” he asked fearfully.

Wincing a bit, Yuuki grimaced back at him. “It just takes some getting used to. With practice I’m sure it’ll get easier. That’s what other girls have said.”

He loved how she blushed when she spoke to him about their intimacy.

“We’ll need to be diligent in our studies,” he smiled down at her, and with a final thrust sank into her depths.

… and had to bury his head in the pillow beneath her head when she sank her own teeth into his shoulder to keep from screaming.

“I’m so sorry, Yuuki, I’m so sorry,” Kaname repeated over and over, hating himself for hurting her.

She shook her head against him, taking in deep breaths.

“Diligent… students,” she gasped out a few moments later. “If that’s what it takes, then we’re going to practice, every night.” Her determination would serve her well in life, he knew. And would serve the two of them particularly well…

When her painful adjustment to him ebbed, Kaname straightened slightly and bent one of his knees.

“Hold on to me,” he instructed thoughtfully, and carefully eased into a position alongside her, then under her, letting her sit astride him. “There, now you can move without me hurting you.”

“You mean me on top?”

He nodded, and adjusted the pillow under his head. “Lean forward or back, rise up or down, whatever will please you.”

Steadying her hands on his flat, muscled stomach, she leaned forward, then a little bit up, shook her head. Leaned back, and a little bit down. Her face quirked in an unsatisfied way and she looked down at him apologetically.

“Keep trying.”

She stretched out overtop of him and lay her head on his chest, her hands joined with his.

“I’m pretty good like this,” she said tiredly.

He remembered, then, just how tired she must be after acting as prefect, doing after-hours tours of the campus, fending off Zero and his wayward libido. What she needed was rest. Her exhausted state couldn’t be helping her relax the way she needed to to enjoy herself with him.

“Allow me,” he said, and rose slightly to pull his blankets over them both, fluffing them and tugging the luxurious material up to her shoulders – until Yuuki’s eyes flew open and she slammed his arms to the mattress without warning. He stared at her, shocked.

“Don’t. Move.”

Her eyes were round, dark, and luminous; her mouth opened ever so slightly; and her chest rose and fell, her rounded mounds perking in arousal.

She’d found it. And she was not about to let him go.

She rocked, slowly at first, then more vigorously.

… And Kaname went back to gripping the bed sheets with a dying man’s desperation.


“Yuuki, we can’t be any more diligent than what we already are,” insisted the Pure Blood as he tried to suppress a dignified yawn when dawn broke outside his window. He thanked whatever powers that be that her father was a retired vampire hunter.

But he could never deny her for long, and he gave up a sigh when he felt her legs wrap around his waist again and she shifted her weight.

“I want to see what happens when I do this” had become her favourite expression. Or excuse, depending on how one looked at it.

Kaname’s head fell back and he grit his teeth to stifle a roar of pleasure. There was being born lucky, and there was being born a natural… Whichever she was, Yuuki could draw his pleasure out within seconds, and keep it going as long as she desired to nurture her own. Her exhaustion wasn’t slowing her down, either.

He could only pray that Aido was not camped outside his bedroom door with a tape recorder collecting his various impassioned cries.


“You’re a sick puppy,” Kain commented to the young, blond vampire crouched outside their dorm leader’s rooms.

“Shhh! Now I’ll need to edit that out!”

Rolling his eyes, Kain grabbed Aido by the back of his collar and dragged him back to his room.

“Go to bed. Your bed,” he specified, and made sure he locked Aido’s door from the outside when the young man obeyed with a sulk.

The End.


AN: Thank you for reading this story, my first VK fic! Your comments really made this a fun fic to work on!

AN: Sagakure, thank you for providing such fab 'inspiration' so regularly. 8)

AN: If you enjoyed this fic, please leave a comment. I’d really like to know what you thought of it!

AN: And lastly, I apologise it took me so long to get this finished and that I’m posting this late.

/mm. This chapter posted Oct 23 2008. Now go enjoy VK: Guilty!
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