Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > For a Pessimist I'm Pretty Optimistic


by PancikingTonight 1 review

*cry, cry*

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Published: 2008-10-29 - Updated: 2010-01-01 - 717 words

The Year = 2008, its around August, or around the

Adri's POV
My dad's funeral was yesterday, maybe one of the saddest days of my life. Bill took me, and Misery Riot were all there, even Pete and Ashlee came. They all knew how important this was to me.

After crying my eyes out, I’m ready to rock with my band. Just a couple more shows until we go on tour. How'd we manage to go on tour at the same time as TAI again? They finished there new album Fast times at Barrington High, there best album yet because we all somewhat got to participate on the album. Coming with us is We the Kings, Hey Monday and Carolina Liar.

I just loved to be on tour, besides the bad food, the crappy venues, and the bunks, it was pretty fun. Being around the ones you loved and playing a show almost everyday is the life.

Bill got on stage with the rest of the band, and the crowd in Cheyenne went wild. They played first, Beware Cougar, then About A Girl. After there 30 minute set we went on. As hard as it sounds, we fit our whole album, and half of our other album in a 30 minute set by remixing and making the songs faster, shorter and more interesting. Kevin and I took turns singing, and there was a guitar solo by Ajax, or a cool lengthy drum fill by Rikki any time where there was complete silence. Most of the time I had no idea what was next, and honestly it was the best show we’ve ever played. When we finished, We The Kings came on to play us out and play maybe there best show yet, next. Kevin wanted to stay and watch them, and be nice tour mates, but we were so giddy and hyper, so we went outside.

"It's FRIKIN SCOOTER TIME" The butcher screamed as we walked into the parking lot, he rode his little scooter around us a thousand times while we walked around the parking lot. Carden pulled out a cigarette and started to smoke. Bill started to sing some oldies but goodies. Chizzy got wasted. Sisky sung...horribly, along with Bill. And Misery Riot just had to add to the insanity. Kevin was reciting Robert Frost poems, the poems we had to memorize for like, the sixth grade. Ajax was making noises with any of his visible body parts. And Rikki? ...well, he was being Rikki.

I lost it and ran to the bus and locked my self in. Finally, some tranquility. I checked the sidekick that Bill bought for my birthday last year. One text message from my mom.

Mom [8:09]: Bye Adrienne

What the hell does “Bye Adrienne?” mean. I sat and tried to figure it out. Maybe she was gonna run away again. Damn it, she had a car, and all her things in her apartment were still packed.

Ok, she sent the text just five minutes ago, if she was gonna leave, she was still there. I got off the bus then took Bill's arm as they grew closer in my sight. We ran to the car, and on the way I told him the news. He used his special rockstar license so we could speed on the highway. We made it to Riverside in a half hour drive, when it would usually take one to one and a half hours.

We made it to her house. I knew where she kept the spare so I opened the door. We ran looking for her; I only found her phone, which was vibrating like crazy. She was still here. We ran all around the house until Bill called to me, while I was in the kitchen.

"ADRI, i found her" it was a sad voice, and as i walked to the door, i stood in terror. i pushed myself into Bill's chest. god, i didn't have anyone anymore.
do you wanna know what im seeing?

The only difference between a martyrdom and suicide is press coverage.

I guess she was done with seeing me live a happy but still sad life. The press coverage in this case is Pete and Ashlee, so there was no real reason for her to be alive.

She hung herself.
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