Categories > Original > Poetry

*Trade Me For An Apparition*

by Auntie-Shin 1 review

i was supposed to be writing a personal narrative, but i wrote this poem instead. tell me what you think? LUVS!

Category: Poetry - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Published: 2008-10-30 - Updated: 2008-11-04 - 77 words - Complete

Love is like a red, red rose,
On it, softly, cold air blows,
And in the gentle winter, froze.

Love is like the red blood that flows,
Up and down,
In rows and rows.
It's highs and lows,
It's yays and woes.

And, to love, everybody knows,
That to love, everybody owes.

Love, it grows,
And it glows,
And, of course, sadly, it goes.

And the love,
The magnificent love, sews,
The sad, broken heart that tows.
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