Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance

You Can Be My Last Prey

by doregurl14 0 reviews

A young woman moves on with her life after a bad relationship with her ex-bf. But when he said it wasnt over....he ment it

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2008-11-03 - Updated: 2008-11-03 - 113 words

Jazmine and Zacky were driving to their good friend's house for a super-bowl party. Jazmine looks to Zacky and stares at him "Baby, Where are you going?" Says Jazmine. "To Matt's house hun." Says Zacky. "Oh, um...why are we taking I94?" She says. "Thats the way we always take hunnie. If you think we are lost then you are wrong...chillax boo." Says Zacky while putting his hand on Jazmine's lap. Jazmine looks over at Zacky and smiles. "ok baby...if you say so." She says sarcasticly.
About an hour later, Zacky and Jazmine arrives to Matt's house. "Dag man! what took you so long?" Matt says while grinning. "i got lost."
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