Categories > Original > Horror > Wolf Bite


by Brightstar_205 1 review

One day, I, Brittany, was just trying to sleep when I heard the sound from downstairs that changed everything.

Category: Horror - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy,Horror - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2008-11-04 - Updated: 2008-11-04 - 186 words

It was a dark, cold night. I saw the full moon push through the shallow, dark clouds. Suddenly hearing an angry howl, I look out the window, seeing a tail dissapear through the front door. I was getting worried. Then, just outside my bedroom, I heard a scream. After that, it was completely silent. My heart was pounding so hard I was suprised it didn't beat right out of my chest.

"M-mom? Dad?" I whispered softly. No answer. I tried two more times, but no avail. I creaked y door open, staring down the hall. I saw dried bloody pawprints on the floor.

I trembled as I looked up, and saw Mom and Dad, lying on the floor. I walked closer, seeing their faces white as ghosts. They were dead.

I heard the growl again, but this time it was louder. I looked sideways, and I saw an angry wold. I was about to run when it pounced on me. It pinned me down, and it took a painful bite out of my shoulder. I looked at the wolf, seeing it leave before I passed out.
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