Categories > Anime/Manga > Yami no Matsuei > Twisted Shadows

Chapter 1: Vigils and Meetings - Don't Touch

by Ariel_Tempest 1 review

Hisoka's observations.

Category: Yami no Matsuei - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Characters: Hisoka, Muraki, Tatsumi, Tsuzuki, Watari - Warnings: [!!] [?] [Y] - Published: 2006-03-11 - Updated: 2006-03-12 - 251 words


Touching Watari was like drinking spiked coffee with too much sugar.

On the surface, the scientist was all mirth and no matter, jumping from point to point with the most incomprehensible lack of logic known to man.

Underneath lay something stronger, frighteningly intelligent, with a bite that cauterized the mind.

Hisoka often wished the scientist was the one partnered with the doctor instead of him.


Touching Tatsumi was like kissing a frozen razor. It hurt, immensely, but it was a clean hurt, a cold one, and he kept the razor turned on himself.

Slowly he bled the guilt from his blood stream, trying to purge himself the way surgeons of old used to try and leech poison from snake bites.

Of course, any surgeon could have told him that the method didn't work.

Fortunately, Tatsumi didn't like to be touched. Hisoka was grateful.


Touching Muraki was agony. It was lying in a room at night, ravenous with hunger, being pulled steadily in two opposite directions at the same time while someone, somewhere, laughed hysterically and someone else gibbered nonsense.

The darkness sharpened the senses, the mind, made the doctor more aware. The rest of it just drove him insane.

Hisoka often wondered as he lay, pressed against the older man's body, what part of that hunger he was supposed to feed.


He'd touched Tsuzuki Asato once as the man lay dying. He'd screamed, fled, curled into a corner swearing that he'd never touch him again.

There's too much darkness...too much.

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