Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > A Twilight Romance

A Twilight Romance

by xoxLyssaxox 3 reviews

Summaries suck... Its Twilight and My Chem what more do you want??

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2008-11-01 - Updated: 2008-11-08 - 360 words

Bella's POV
"Edward! This is absurd! Why must we hide ourselves from the new neighbors! We're not that untamed. Please, just once may we go and meet them. To seem polite?" I begged my newly wed husband Edward, even batting my eyelashes for a better effect.
"I swear Bella, its disgraceful. But yes, we may go if you so choose." Edward said, caving in.
"YESS!!!" I cried, prancing into Edward's arms.
Edward smoldered his eyes for like the eighteenth time for the past ten minutes xD. I've been telling him he needs to see a doctor for that, but he woefully refused.
"Romeo, Romeo, oh how I love you so!" I said, quoting Shakespeare. Or not... I never actually read the book. Its GAY.
"Screw you guys, I'm going home!" Renesmee yelled, trudging down our stairs.
"Renesmee, you are home!" I smiled.
"Oh.. well that SUCKS! Then I'm STAYING home"
"Must be hormones..."
"I'm only three years old!!!"
"SHUT UP! Your ruining my whole fricken scene okay!?? I didn't name you fucking Renesmee for you to be correcting me! Do something useful! Like, learn how to recite the ABC's backwords really fast so we could post it off youtube and make millions!"
"Charlie, you bit my finger! ... Oww! It really hurts Charlie!" Renesmee replied in a british accent.
Renesmee's POV
I already know how to recite the ABC's backwords. ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA. Oh yeah!! Uber pwnage *hip thrusts*
Edward's POV
Ah... my daughter is an epic fail. Just like me :(
Gerard's POV
"Guys!! Get packing, we're leaving in a half an hour... to a new fricken house! Can you believe it?"
"YES" the rest of the band hollored in unison.
"Shut up..." I retorted.
I couldn't wait, we were moving across the country. Into like the rainiest state eva girlfriend!
Bob's POV
Gee really needs to stop with that gay accent he's been using. Its scaring me. I mean, Frank already turned lesbian now Gee's gonna turn gay! I blame Ellen DeGenerous for all of this!

A/N: I started writing this story then after I wrote the title I just blanked out lol. :) I know its kind of random but whatever!
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