Categories > Original > Drama > Revenge Schemes

Revenge Schemes

by slaved-alana 0 reviews

When it comes to Alana, there is one warning all of her friends will give you; Don't piss her off. The reason is simple, she has a habit of seeking justified revenge. Rating due to language and adu...

Category: Drama - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama, Humor - Published: 2006-03-13 - Updated: 2006-03-13 - 2598 words

[Alana started her poor luck with guys in--where else?--high school. She also started her tendency of seeking proper revenge on the guys with the same incident. Following is more or less a record in varied formats of that sequence of events, possibly to be changed in style of presentation at a later date, though the events themselves remain.

All chapters following will be about other episodes of revenge that Alana has taken and the reasoning for her actions.

Note: No, I am not saying that all cheerleaders or dancers are this way, only in the fictional set up that is Alana's high school. It's called fiction.]

It was sophmore year. They were at the metro dance competition and that meant two weeks to state. Alana was standing in the hallway with the rest of the team, various members stretching and practicing, drilling parts of the music with each other as they worked to get ready to dance. They had one other team before them, currently lined up at the doors at waiting for those now performing to finish, and then it would be their turn. She had no opinion about the retuine herself, though later she might look at it and decide whether she liked it or not. What her opinion was didn't matter, she was just glad for the chance to dance.

"Alana? Hey, can I talk to you for a second? There's something that I need to tell you." Sarah, student body president and head cheerleader walked over to the younger student with only a slightly nervous air. She was set on what she was about to say or do, and that resolve would see it through.

The two walked over to the side of the hall, away from other members as much as such a thing was possible. Alana was silent, stretching her arms out as she waited for the other girl to say her piece. Her mind was on the dance. Focused.

"Look, I just thought you should know, last night, I went to a party with Steven."

Went to a party? That only meant that they'd most likely made out. And Steven was Alana's boyfriend.

"And, well, after we got there, Kim was there too, you know? And when I went to look for him later, I found both of them in the bedroom." She looked away and seemed disgusted by this, as though it were her boyfriend that she'd found kissing another of the cheerleaders. "So I left. And I told Ash. And she said that she was really surprised because last week he and her watched a movie in his garage."

Alana couldn't react. There was simply nothing that she could saw besides stare at the other girl in complete shock. She knew that Steve was a horn dog, but she was being told that he'd been with three different girls, all cheerleaders, within a period of a week.

If this were true, the boy was going down.

Alana simply nodded her head. "Thanks. I'll have ta talk to him 'bout it."

Sarah wasn't sure if she trusted the meek reply, but she was relieved all the same. She'd hoped that by telling the dancer right before she danced she'd keep the girl from throwing a huge fit. Otherwise, she would have waited until the competition was won and the trophy safely in hand. She may have been one of the cheerleaders, but as student body president, she also knew that the dance team brought home more wins and trophy's then most of the other sports.

The dancer on the other hand was pissed. She knew that her boyfriend wasn't the best guy around, but he did have the knack of making her feel special. She'd thought he'd understood the whole idea of waiting, but apparently the senior didn't think that his younger girlfriend would ever put out, and went elsewhere.

That is, if Sarah was one to be trusted.

Despie the great rivalry and almost strict segragation between dancer and cheerleader, they'd managed to mingle among each other in an odd truce. Although not encouraged--actually, it was rather discouraged--the cheerleaders had the image of being rater party going and easy by the time they were a senior, trained by those who came before them. Those who didn't teneded to be marked and harassed. There was a way of pushing them to that goal, and if ever there was a case for the power of peer pressure, the two sport groups would be a prime example. In the same way that the cheerleaders were known for partying and underage drinking, the dancers were known for being more aloof and morally strict. they frowned at their members who didn't act properly, the image of the team needing to be preserved at all times. They were professional, and although they could do as they wished privately, they were not, under any circumstances, to become the topic of the gossip mills. Cheerleaders meant popularity, dancers meant regality. Such was the tradition.

It was after the competition, the trophy being held by the captains as they chatted with the coaches about what to do before loading the bus to go home. Steven, who as always came to watch and support his girlfriend, walked over with a large grin on his face. Team rules said that she couldn't be within a foot of him, the 'ruler rule', and for the moment she was glad. She simply told him that he should call her tomorrow afternoon. She wanted to ask him about his plans for the week, because she had something planned. When Alana refused to go further into what she was planning, he let it drop with a grin, thinking that it was something she didn't wish to discuss in front of her parents.

And she didn't. Parents tend to frown upon revenge schemes.

"So, what's up babe? What are you trying to plan?"

"Hey, besides school, what are you doing this week? Are there any parties or anything?" Alana was currently in her bed room, idly writing some things down on a notepad. She wanted something to make a record of what he said on.

"Uh, none that I know of. I can ask Dirk tomorrow though."

"Will you do that for me? Sarah told me a about a part she went to Friday night and I was curious if there were any others going on." Her tone was casual, but her attention was fully on his reaction. In a minute, she'd know the truth.

"Oh yeah? Where'd she go?"

Alana hung up the phone. That was all she needed to hear. The pause, the held breath as he answered. She should have continued the charade, but at the moment her anger had been instant, and she knew that she'd only start to snap at him.

A few minutes later, the phone rang again.


"Hey, Alana, what happened?"

"Sorry, I dropped the phone and it cut off." The lie was easy enough to make. She'd done it on occasion, accidently, and he'd become mildly used to it.

"Not a problem doll. so you going to tell me what these big plans of yours are."

"Nope. You'll just have to wait and be surprised like everyone else."

"Come on, just a little hint?"

"That would take the fun out of it. Come /on/," she whined, rolling her eyes. Oh, Tannia wasn't going to hear the end of this. If the stunt her friend had suggested to get Steve to back off actually worked, she'd owe her big time. "Please? Just, find out from Dirk if there are any parties you want to go to or anything for me, ok?"

"Of course babe. I'll give you a call back later, alright?"

Of course there was a party that week. There was a party every week for those who knew about them. But, Alana wasn't planning on actually going. The rules about such parties were very clear when you were a dancer team memeber, and with state just around the corner, she had no intention of messing that up. Instead, she had her friends use the gossip net work--aka, listening in to the cheerleaders--to find out the truth about her boyfriend. Apperently, it wasn't hard to find out, and by lunch on Monday after noon, she was prepared to start her plans.

The first step invovled calling in the rest of the sophmore class of the dance team. There were only eight of them, and all were close friends. She didn't intend to let them have any part in the revenge that she was planning, as it may backfire and get each of them thrown from the team. Instead, she simply asked them to get any samples of perfume that they could. The little perfume tubes that might get sent in the mail, or included in the gift sets that people bought. Each brough a small bag of it for her, and even asked the other members to do the same. By Wendssay, as Alana returned home from school, the weight of the samples was almost a text book in itself.

Tannia had follwed her home that day and the two set up shop in the bathroom.

The first task was emptying the various small jars into the a plasic tupper ware container that Alana had taken from the kitchen. They made an odd sight, sitting facing each other in the large bath tub, a plasic container between them, and a number of empty sample perfume bottles to the side. The collection, and stench, grew rather quickly, and once all the bottles had been emptied, the liquids was watered down the smallest amount. As Tany stood to open a window, Alana carefully poured the mixture of heavy perfumes into a funnel, down into a spray bottle.

The second part of the task involved a number of small business cards that Alana had printed off the previous night. She'd found the layout in her word document program, using some of the small clip art and fancier fonts to make small cards with the text, "Slut Scent, for those who know they are easy". A paper cutter at school in the art room had been used to make clean straight edges on the card stock. Now, paper in hand, they sprayed each card with just enough of the perfume mixture to give a hint of the odor. The amount of paper was larger, as it had to reach a large number of people, but when the task was done, a sizable amount of the perfume still remained.

The next part would wait until tomorrow.

In the mornings, before school itself began, the dance team and cheerleaders each had their own practice. The cheer leaders practiced in the small gym off to the side, while the dance team was in the main gym, key for setting up patterns and having enough room to practice for competitions.

As the cheerleaders held their practice, Alana snuck down into the locker room and into the female gym coaches office. The room was left open so the girl could access various products they may have left at home without having to ask. Sadly, the box with all the locker numbers, girls names and lock combinations was also there. Left out on the desk.

It was hardly a challenge to locate the proper lockers and open them up, checking that it was in fact the right girls space before setting to work. The wall, the clothes, the bottom, and every crack available was sprayed. The smell took over the badly ventilated space, and it was a wonder that the revenge seeker didn't pass out from the stentch alone. Instead, she saw to it that her three targets had their lockers sprayed, and a few other of the more notable cheerleaders marked briefly as well, before the bottle was hidden and the dancer returned safely up to practice.

The return to the locker room was a shock for all involved. Alana was no different in her reaction of attempting to clear the odor away from her nose than anyone else, and only Tannia could tell she was watching the cheerleaders from the corner of her eye.

The cards were found in lockers all over the school by the end of first period, and the rumor mill began.

Alana had no illusion about being safe from the cheerleaders wrath. In fact, she counted on it. Of course they would blame her, the no ex-girlfriend, for the stunt, but what proof did they have? All that was available was motive, and considering the girl reputations even that was not as secure as others might hope. Admitting to the school why they were reeking of perfume would be humiliating, as they would have to explain the reason that Alana might wish to strike against them. A change of clothes and a good scrubbing of the locker, and the problem would be solved. All of the rest was simply high school dramatics.

Oddly enough, the smell didn't come out of the lockers as easily as expected. They had to be reassigned, and even then, on random occasions, they'd find their lockers again invaded and their clothes lightly sprayed, as if it were their own perfume and not an act of revenge.

"Ally, why do you keep spraying their clothes with that stuff? I mean, yeah, they deserve revenge, but isn't this a bit much?"

Alana shrugged and took her normal seat in the cafeteria. "I haven't been doin' it. I left the bottle in the locker of one of the freshman cheerleaders. So either the team is doin' it to themselves, or one of their own number is doing the sabotage."

The following year, one of the freshman cheerleaders switched over to the dance team, later to become one of the captains her senior year.

"Huh." Tannia frowned at her friend as the dark haired young woman dug through the rice of her bento. "What'd you do to Steve though? You didn't let him off scott free of anything, right? I mean, it'd be wrong to punish the girls when Steven's the one who was your boyfriend."

Alana smirked and slurped up a noodle. Noodles, rice and chicken. It'd be a good lunch. "Didn't ya hear? Someone let a pair of these ugly pink panties on his windshield and a bra ta match was found in the back seat. Apperently they had the slut scent on them, and an almost empty bottle of Jack Daniel's. His folks found them. Ya mix that with the car repairs he had to make and I think he got punished pretty fairly."

"But, what does.." Her eyes widened and she let out a small giggling laugh that made Alana cringe. "How did you do it?"

"I drained all the oil out of the engine, all the coolant out that I safely could as well. And when he goes to a party, he never bothers ta lock up his truck." She dug through the bento and pulled out another piece of chicken, plopping it into her mouth. "Dad never questioned where the anti-freeze and oil came from. Thought he just forgot about one of the changes that he did."

Tannia laughed wildly, almost cackling as she remembered the few weeks that Steven had suffered. No parties, no driving anywhere, and having to work to pay for the damage caused by the 'neglect' of his truck. Alana had hit him where it hurt the most--Truck, Wallet, Pride and Pants.
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