Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > For a Pessimist I'm Pretty Optimistic

After The Last Midtown Show

by PancikingTonight 1 review


Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Published: 2008-11-24 - Updated: 2010-01-01 - 1120 words

I got out of the shower after a relaxing—much needed hot 2 minute shower. Ever since Sisky decided he was ugly he had to take longer showers which meant shorter showers for the rest of us—Bill told me just to take a shower with him at 3 freaking AM, but there’s two things wrong with that. We won’t be taking a shower and I’m not much of a morning person.

When I walked out into the front lounge wearing pink skinny jeans and a white V-neck I identified two things wrong with the picture I was seeing. One: William was wearing my black uggs, and Two: there was a blond slut next to him, laughing with Sisky.

“What are you wearing?” I asked as I sat down next to him.

“I am trending the new IT for men across the globe” Bill gets up and does a model walk and pose in front of us. I laugh for a split second before turning my eyes back to the slut—she was wearing a merch shirt, so obviously she was a merch girl. She looked familiar.

“Oh Adri, did you meet the new merch girl” Sisky said. “Adri this is Christine—Christine this is Adri—Misery Riot’s lead singer”

“Oh” ‘Christine’ shakes hands with me. “Bill and Sisky have told me all about you”

“I hope good things” I smirk at Sisky.

“I was just telling Christine here how in love you and Bill are” Sisky says.

I nod. “Can you excuse me” Bill hands me my boots and I slide them on, then I walk off the bus. Two seconds later, they start laughing—weird.

I walk over to my bus. I wonder what these fools are up to.

I walked onto my bus, it smelt like rotten eggs and there is clothes all over the floor, some even belonging to other girls, and by other girls I mean not me or anyone I know. Now Kevin wonders why I switched buses.

I tried to make my way through the mess, closing my nose and shielding my young eyes, I heard yelling from the back of the bus. So I followed the noises. When I arrived I just stopped a possible fist fight.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Ajax is being an ass" Rikki screamed. I could seriously hear the glass breaking after that extremely high note, was it possible for Richard to be any louder?

"Why is Ajax being an ass?" I questioned.
"Because he always brings over these girls every night...Adri we are dead without you here" he sobbed into my arms.

"Ajax what are you doing to this kid?" I asked the not non-approving Ajax who clearly knew his side of the story was way more accurate.

"Rikki brings over shitters though" Ajax joined Rikki in my arms.

"What do you mean by 'shitters'" i ask, really not caring what that’s supposed to mean.

"Every girl that he sleeps with evidently shits in the bathroom" I laugh when Ajax says this, but then I wonder where the other half of the 'normal' in my band is.

"Where's Kevin?" I ask.

"So you don't care about me" Ajax stored off along side Rikki pouting just because I ask where Kevin was.

"I can't believe you Adri" They walked back to the front lounge then broke into laughter. What the heck was that? I don't really know. I walked further to the back lounge and say Kevin sitting doing yoga. His legs were behind his back and he had head phones in his ears trying to forget everything, A.K.A Rikki and Ajax. I took the head phones off his ears.

"What's up Kevin" I stood above him, analyzing his IPod.

"Your chest" he said as he looked up at me, I covered my self in shock as i dropped the IPod to the blue carpet.

"I am sorry Adri" his accent was strong. "Rikki and Ajax always talk inappropriately, and they have sex all the time"

I hugged Kevin. "We all seriously need to change" I helped him off the floor and out of his freakish position. We walked off the bus after he changed to go get breakfast with the rest of our band buddies.

Later after all the guys fought over paying the bill (since Christine and I were the only girls there) and its gentlemen-like to pay for girls, I got a call from Pete. I answered.

"Guess what" he started, his voice was so eager so un-serious that it killed me to know his secret.

"Ryan Ross stopped stalking me" I say happily like that day would ever come.


"Jeremy blew up? I swear Pete you shouldn't have drugs in the house"

"No...And im offended by that"

I laugh. "Fall Out Boy is going to be on the TRL Finale?" I asked, this game wasn't any fun anymore.

"No...I mean Yes, but that’s not it"

"Ok, I give up just tell me" I was a fast giver-upper but I just had to know, he was legally my dad, anything he didn't say could be used against him in trial.

"Im pregnant"

"Whoa, i didn't even get the message that you were a woman" I said in shock and laughter.

"No you loser, Ashlee's pregnant"

"Again? That means I'll have a biological sibling?" I was so happy, but already annoyed, ever since Jeremy was born I had to baby sit and such.

"Yup, it was all planned"

"And then why didn't you tell me?"

"Because you’re too young"

"Im 23"

"And im 28...whoa that sounds wicked weird"

"I know, im 5 years behind my dad"

The phone went dead. He must be having a mid-life crisis already, or maybe he thinks hes like old...I can't under stand old people anymore.

I closed my phone and told everyone the news; Bill smiles happily but doesn't say a thing. Something’s on his mind but I just don't know what.

That slut, Christine is sitting next to William, on the other side of him. William has his arms stretched out around us both. I’m so jealous right now.

I suddenly wish the other merch girl, who stabbed Rikki, was here instead of Christine—she angered me so much.

“I need to go to the bathroom” I lie. Christine and William slide out of the seat and I walk to the bathroom alone. I turn to look behind me, William was giving me a look.

I am so jealous right now.


was Christine in the old version of the story? Well, she is now, so enjoy it :) She causes alot of problems during the tour...
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