Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > This is how we like to do it.

Chapter 9

by Sannose 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2008-11-26 - Updated: 2008-11-26 - 1343 words

"Jack?" I shook my head trying to gather my thoughts.
"Hey!" He flashed his gorgeous smile showing all his beautiful white teeth.
I stood up from the table to face him. "What on earth are you doing here?" I started to smile again, being drawn in by his presence alone. This boy was the center of my thoughts for 2 years. Jack was in my class back at the private school I attended. He was apart of a different crowd though...well..a crowd at all..I didn't have anyone. We would talk during class and things and he would flirt with me. I would think maybe he felt the same sometimes, but then he'd go back to his jock friends and I would be reminded of his player ways. But I could never bring myself to think badly about him, he was always top notch in my mind. I had thought for sure I was in love him.

When he didn't come back to school Junior year and I assumed he moved. I didn't know he just started coming here.
"I go to school here!" He rubbed the back of his head. "Yeah my parents couldn't really afford to send me to St.Mary's anymore so I transferred here."
"Wow, I heard you moved" I shrugged"Rumors i guess." I smiled wide. It felt like the good old days all over again. Standing in awe of him as I thought he 'graced' me with his presence. Being left friendless when he walked away....left longing for him but never being satisfied...left alone...the loser in the corner...Well, maybe they weren't the good old times...But it was a blast from the past.
Suddenly Gerard was standing next to me. "Hey, I'm Gerard." He reached out his hand to shake Jack's.
"Oh, um, Hey." Jack shook Gerard's hand and looked at me, sort of asking 'Who is this guy?'
"Jack, this is my friend-"
"Boyfriend!" Gerard quickly corrected.
I laughed lightly, for some reason embarrassed. "My boyfriend Gerard. Gee, this is Jack." I motioned to Jack standing across from me. "I went to school with him back at St.Mary's"
"Yup! Of course she looks a bit different after two years. I see you're not hiding behind those thick bangs anymore." Jack gently tugged my wavy side bangs, and Gerard side stepped closer to me.
I giggled and playfully shooed his hand away. "My bangs weren't that intense."
Jack let out a loud laugh. "You're right, thick black straight bangs cutting right across your face isn't intense at all." He laughed.
"Okay okay, so I was going through a phase, I've snapped out of it." I laughed with him.
"Oh but you were the cutest little thing." He smiled one of his heart melting smiles.
Gerard immediately wrapped his arm around my shoulder trying to look casual.
Then Josh Kepp, i knew him from physics, called to Jack from across the cafeteria. "Yo! Jack! Let's go!"
Jack turned his head and called to josh, "Yeah man, I'm coming!" He turned back to Gerard and I. "Listen, I gotta go, but we should catch up sometime, do you still live over on Johnson?"
I nodded " Yeah in my grandmothers house."
"Awesome, I'll stop by soon!" He looked back across the cafeteria to Josh and said " It was nice meeting you um..." He pointed at Gerard.
Gerard grunted. "Gerard..."
"Yeah, It was nice meeting you Gerard. See you Elle!"
"See you!" I smiled and waved as he ran off.

"Geez, who does that guy think he is!?" Gerard let his arm fall from around me.
"What are you talking about?" I asked as Gerard and I sat back down at the table.
He let out a sarcastic laugh. " 'Oh but you were the cutest little thing' " Gerard said with a purposely horrible impression of Jack.
"Gee calm down, he's just an old friend." I tried to hold his hand but he scooted away.
"Oh don't give me that, you were totally into it. You stood there brainwashed by his false charm the whole time!"
"No I didn't! Can't I be happy to see someone!?" I looked around the table looking for approval form my friends.
They all sat there with wide eyes shaking their heads, and Angela said "Don't bring us into this!"
I groaned and turned back to Gerard. "Baby, I'm sorry. I just got caught up. I had a huge thing for him for a couple of years, i'm sorry. I don't have any feelings for him I swear." I tried again and put my hand over his. He looked at me.
I smiled and made a baby face and voice. "I love you snuggle bunny love muffinnnnnn"
He cracked and laughed.

There was a general let out of breath around the table. You could tell they were all listening to us argue. No one brought it up though. Conversation just picked up as normal.

After school let out Gerard went to his locker then met me at mine. We walked out to the parking lot together and met up with Mikey.
"Hey Mikey." I greeted walking over to him. He was leaning against Gerrard's car.
Just when I thought about where Josey was my phone vibrated in my pocket. It was Josey.
'Hanging out with Ray. Be home for dinner honey!'
I laughed, she was sounding like a house wife. Then the best thought in the world ran through my head.
"Josey is going to be cooking every night!" I spoke aloud and Gerard immediately looked at me.
"Oh my god that is fucking amazing!" Gerard said grinning. He picked me up and spun me around like we had just won the lottery.
"I have never seen any two people get so excited about food in my life." Mikey said laughing.

Gerard dropped Mikey off at their house and walked across the street to mine. I was sitting watching TV when he came in the front door. He stood in front of me blocking the TV.
"You make a better door than you do a window" I said looking up at him.
"The clothes, off with them.." He had a serious look on his face but I just laughed.
"You re kidding?" I said catching my breath.
He cracked a smile but quickly regained his composure and shook his head.
"I'll tell you what." I stood up in the small space between him and the couch. "I'll go take my clothes off to take a shower, and you sit here and watch I Love Lucy." I looked past him at the TV.
"Ooo!" He giggled like a little girl and quickly took my place on the couch.
I kissed the top of his head and walked into my bed room to get a towel.

I was enjoying the soothing feeling as the warm water rained on me when I heard the bathroom door quietly shut. I stopped moving with my fingers in my hair and listened. "Gee? Is that you?'
I listened to two foot steps then silence. I picked up the closest object to me and swung it when someone stepped into the shower with me.
While turning from the momentum I slipped but was caught in Gerards arms.
He was laughing. "A bar of soap? You thought I was an attacker and you were going to fend me off with a bar of soap?" He was holding my wrist so my hand with a bar of soap was in front of our faces.
"Shut up!" I yanked my wrist away from him. "It was the closest thing to me! And what the hell was I supposed to think, you didn't say anything when I called out."
Looking at him waiting for a response I realized I was standing in his arms, both of us naked.
"I'm sorry baby." He kissed me and wrapped his arms around me in a more comfortable way, sliding his hands around my back and making sure I was tight against him.

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