Categories > Anime/Manga > Full Metal Alchemist

Lake of Fire

by everlastingobstopper 0 reviews

Two girls find a portal into the land of Amestris. It doesn't end well for one of them.

Category: Full Metal Alchemist - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy,Humor,Parody - Characters: Alphonse Elric,Edward Elric,Izumi Curtis,Roy Mustang,Russell Tringham,Winry Rockbell - Warnings: [!!] [V] [?] - Published: 2008-11-27 - Updated: 2008-11-27 - 369 words - Complete

The Beginning

So,here I am, leaning against the wall of a jail cell. Yes, a jail cell. JUVIE. Ugh, how did I get here? Well, to tell you the truth, it all started at sleep away camp about two years ago...
That year, I had decided I wanted to go to camp the session after the one I usually go to--with my best friend, Reyvin. We were in the special cabin in the special unit that got to go on a back-packing trip for three days instead of two. Let's just say, I hate hiking. I'm just not very athletic over the summer and I'm slightly asthmatic. And a little over weight which adds to the back pain, but really, hiking just isn't very fun for me. The counselors always want us to sing and play mindless word games. Or the classic “i-spy.” But you know, that only results in us spending a lot of hiking time thinking about how to make the time go by faster, which leaves us huffing and puffing and whining.
I can't say that we had a fantastic hike, or exciting, for that matter. The year before, I got stuck in a lightning, thunder, and hail storm. But this year, just mosquitoes. Lots, and lots, of mosquitoes. So we arrived at the lake that we were going to camp by, somewhere in the middle of Yosemite. I don't really remember which one.
So we set up camp, a big blue tarp on the flat part of the ground and our backpacks all thrown in a heap by a tree.
“So, guys,” our wilderness leader, Dina, called us over to the big rock where they put all of the cooking supplies and counselor back packs. She broke into a speech about safety and where we were staying and what we were going to do. I spaced off and watched a squirrel scurry through the pine needles. She basically said: Don't kill yourself, try not to step on a pine cone, unpack your stuff, and go play at the lake, I'll catch up.
Reyvin and I went to our backpacks, pulled our bathing suits out, and changed into them. I shoved my head through myI
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