Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Ms.Camila

CHapter 8...

by dtng101 1 review

must read...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2008-11-27 - Updated: 2008-11-28 - 454 words

][Camila Pov.
I sat down in front of them,and stared at her.
"umm...Camila,so you like taking care of the village,"said Katy
"Yes,I like taking care of MYvillage,I like to be in charge.Makes me feel strong,"
"Strng??"asked Katy
"I feel weak whne I don't have authority in my hands,but did I say feel I mean I'am strong"I gave her my simile.Flashing her my fake,my real one dissapered well..,you know ever since those son of a bitches came to my life.Well let's not get my pass back to my future.
I can't believe Gerard isdating her.I mean look at her red curly hair,that looks so artifical,looks like a fucken graffi,with chicken legs.She's skiny as a stick,and no curves what so ever.Hummm I look better than that,and I know it.
Suddenlt Gerard's cell phone started ringing.
"Excuse me for a second,"He singaled with his finger.
"Sure,"I smirked
Katy and I stared at each other for a breif second,and similed.
Gerard's Pov.
Katy semmed to like Camila,but Camila looked like she didn't like the idea one bit of Katy being my girlfriend.
But thankfully I got a call from Ray,to save me from the soon to be World War 3.
I walked outside the restarant,by a tree.
"Hey Ray,what's up?
"Nothing man,I justwanted to ask you a huge favor,"
"Sure anything dude shoot,"
"Well,I bumped into the most hottes guy I've seen.."
"awww,I smell love in the air,"I interrupted
"Okay,okay I'll act serious,so"
"So,I found out he was looking for a job,and maybe you could let him work at our house,"
"But,there's something else,"
"he has a kid.'
"No worries,more company the better plus I love kids,"
"So let me call him,"
a/n:sorry for shortness,well either way I have two things to say.
#1)Happy Decaptating Turkey,That's what I called it.
and Yahhh Gerard is going to be a Daddy.I'am sure all of you have heard,but I just had to say it.So Lyn-z is due the Summer of 2009.So I'am guessing that'll delay MCR's new album,but oh well haha.And I was wondering how is Lyn-z going to do her back bends with her being prego.
So I read on MSI page that MSI is going to hire someone else to replace her while,she's in her prego months.And lastly have you heard that Steve from also MSI,IS GOING TO BE A PARENT.
Well comment plezzz*}
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