Categories > Original > Fantasy > Dark Day


by alicecullen 0 reviews

Jacob comes and things get bloody

Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Fantasy - Warnings: [!!!] [V] - Published: 2008-11-29 - Updated: 2008-11-29 - 180 words

I was back at the cottage when the air shifted direction and blew north and not south. I walked outside to find Jacob in werewolf form bleeding from his skull.
"Jacob are you ok?" i screamed
Then Bella was at my side in shock, we both fell to our knees. Then a shadow fell over us and standing there was asian boy probably around 18 holding a knife. Blood was dripping from his mouth. He stepped towards us.
i'm scared I mouthed to my mother
Then the man kicked my mom into the air into the cottage and fell to the ground. I was to paralyzed to move.
He stretching his hand to grab me when Edward appeared with Alice at the edge of the woods.
"Who are you?" asked dad in a scary voice
"My name is Rick." the man replied calmly
Then he leaped up and hit daddy and kick Alice both in the stomach and they took off in the air.

Authors note: Short but its three in the morning were i am so i'll finish it later
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