Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Who ever said vampires will never hurt you,lied

Cemetery Drive

by MCR8050 0 reviews

You first meet our main character. While she's on her job. You'll meet the boys next chapter.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Crossover,Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2008-11-30 - Updated: 2008-11-30 - 492 words

A/N So here is the first chapter! Please review it doesn't matter if it's good or critical. Also rate! Enjoy!

Chapter one Cemetery Drive

Walking down the streets of New Jersey at night is crazy. Ask anyone. Anyone doing it has to be crazy or have some kind of deathwish. However I have neither. Just a person stuck with a crappy job. I have to do this sort of thing every night,it's my duty to the "world". Yeah,the world. As you may or may not have guessed by now. I'm a slayer. No not THE slayer,A slayer. I'm guessing I should explain that difference to you, huh?
See Buffy and friends gathered up a bunch of could-be slayers to fight the First. One of them being me,Isabella Bianchi. So we fought the First and got full slayer strength,To put a REALLY long story in to a nutshell. Up until a few months ago I spent the last year and a half at slayer school. Yes,people Hogwarts for slayers. Where I trained and studied to be the best slayer I could be. God,I sound like a fucking school poster. Well anyway,I bet your wondering why I left. Well see I was sick of being a slayer.
So being at that school made me sick for a normal life. Normal life,huh,that's funny. Well being a slayer and all,trouble seems to find you. Even if your in fucking New Jersey. So that's a bit of my life story thus far. I know I must of bored you with the histroy lesson. Sometimes I bore myself.
Now I pulled out my mp3 player,stuck the earbuds in my ears,and turned it on. Cemetery Drive by My Chemical Romance. This song describes what I see every night beautifully. I play it at least once every night.
As I walk down the silent path I felt something. It's hard to explain,but I knew a vamp behind me. So I swung my fist back wards while cluching my stake. Just to find to my delight a big,extra ugly vamp behind me. It snarled at me,and I smiled. He really thinks he's gonna win,oh he wishes.
He comes running at me so I give him a kick to the ribs,then I knee him in the face. he falls backwards,nose gushing blood. Me still smiling,plung a stake deep in his cold,demonic heart while he was still down.
"Didn't your mother ever tell you? You don't hit girls. It's not nice." The only put of part I like about this job are the witty quips at the end of battles. It's tought me how to make really good come backs.
I started walking down the street a little bit,a couple blocks past the old warehouse. That's when I saw five boys backing slowly away from five huge,nasty looking vampires.
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