Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The Slayer, The Avatar And The Guardian Of Light

CH102 - Run Veela, Run Veela, Run Run Run

by GuardianOfLight 1 review

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Dumbledore,Fleur,Fudge,Harry,Professor McGonagall - Warnings: [!!] [?] - Published: 2008-11-30 - Updated: 2008-11-30 - 2071 words

Chapter 102 - Run Veela, Run Veela, Run Run Run

Dimension: 1375 - Earth
Date: 20th October 2001 AD
Country: Scotland
Location: Hogwarts - Entrance Hall
Time: Early Evening

"It is no good arguing Dumbledore, the law is the law."

"Minister, are you seriously suggesting taking a child away from her only living

relative immediately after the death of her parents?" replied the Headmaster as

he gestured to Gabrielle, who was struggling in the grasp of two of the four

Aurors accompanying Fudge.

"The law demands that I do." Fudge replied defiantly. "Her sister does not have

the legal right to take custody of her; therefore she must leave with us now so

that she can be taken care of."

"Then I claim custody of her." replied the Headmaster as he and Professors

McGonagall and Snape followed after them. "She is a child of schooling age and

this is a school of which I am Headmaster, therefore I can claim guardianship."

"Only if she was born within the United Kingdom or was a British Citizen, as she

is neither, you cannot claim guardianship."

"Been reading up on the law have we Minister?" Snape sneered, more out of

dislike for the Minister than the desire to keep the child at the school.

"Don't patronize me Professor Snape; you and the rest of the residents of

Hogwarts have no legal rights to keep her here."

"Get your hands off my sister!!" shouted Fleur as she and the others ran around

the corner. Anne, Fleur and Colette immediately drew wands and pointed them at

the Aurors holding Gabrielle; Buffy had remained behind to guard Ginny.

"Fleur!! Harry!!" shouted Gabrielle, still struggling to get free.

"Pointing your wands at the Minster of Magic is considered treason." Countered


"True, Minister," replied Harry, who had not drawn his wand and was instead

holding a knife that he had withdrawn from his boot. "And in case you hadn't

noticed, which you probably haven't, the blade in my hand is not a wand and

those pointing wands are pointing them at your bodyguards, but even if they were

pointing them at you it would not matter as none of them are British, so they

cannot commit treason."

"Irrelevant." came the reply. "There is still nothing you or they can do to

prevent me from taking her, without giving me cause to arrest you."

"True." interrupted Adam's voice as he made his way towards them from the Main

Doors. "There is nothing they can do to stop you."

"Ha." Barked Fudge triumphantly.

"But I can."

In a quick movement, before Fudge had even had time to process the statement, he

jumped at the two Aurors holding Gabrielle; with a graceful double flying kick

he knocked both of the Aurors to the ground, each now sporting a broken nose.

"Run Gabrielle." He shouted as he landed "Fleur, Colette, Anne, go with her,


The trio did not wait for the others to react. Turning on their heels, the trio

and Gabrielle ran down the nearest corridor and round the corner.

"Stop!!" bellowed Fudge before turning to two of the Aurors. "Get her back!"

As the Aurors took off after the girls, Fudge and the two Aurors with bloodied

noses turned on Adam.

"Arrest him on the charge of assault and battery against officers of the law.

Don't try to resist, things will only get worse for you if you do."

"Why would I try to resist," Adam replied calmly, raising his hands in front of

him. "You can arrest me."

One of the Aurors fired a long coil of rope at his hands, only for it to pass

straight through him and wrap around his colleague on Adam's other side, binding

him so tightly that he wobbled for a second and promptly fell to the ground.

"If you can arrest me." Adam added with a smile.

"Is this going to work?" asked Anne in a whisper as they hid in an old


"There's no reason why it shouldn't." replied Fleur, as she ran her fingers

through Gabrielle's hair, pulling out several loose ones.

"Do you have enough?" asked Colette.

"Just." She nodded, withdrawing three vials from her robes. "Thank goodness for

Tonks fetishes, these are my last three doses."

After handing two of the vials and some of the hairs to the other adults, she

uncorked her own.

"It does not taste very nice." she conceded, adding her hairs and reluctantly

downing her vial.

"Down the hatch!" grimaced Colette as she followed suit, closely followed by


There were several seconds of silence before their faces started showing their

distaste for the potion.

"God, you weren't kidding!" Gasped Anne. "That tastes terrible."

"It's working," grinned Gabrielle as the others began to get smaller, the

potion's affects relieving some of her fear at being caught by the Aurors. "It's


"Is anyone else getting a shrinking feeling?" quipped Colette.

"No, but I feel like someone's cutting me down to size." Anne replied


As they finished transforming, Colette and Fleur began casting charms on their

now very large clothes, changing them to match Gabrielle's.

"Quick, they went this way." echoed a voice from the doorway.

"Hurry." Hissed Anne.

"We're ready," replied Colette, pointing her wand up at the door. "Get ready to


"I hope the Headmaster knows what he's doing." breathed Harry.

"He and Adam will keep them occupied Potter." replied McGonagall as they ran

down the corridor. "We just need to get to France and back in time; I have

enough friends in the French Ministry to ensure we can get our problem resolved

very rapidly."

"How is it that Fudge can take Gabrielle away from Fleur?" he asked, as they

turned passed a group of students.

"As I am sure you are aware Potter, the laws of the Wizarding World are not very

fair to anyone who is not a Pure-Blood. France is more tolerant in some

respects, as they have a higher percentage of Goblins, Veela and human hybrids,

but unfortunately they are not more tolerant in all.

"I don't follow."

"In both England and France the law prohibits part humans from taking legal

guardianship of minors who are not their offspring. Before you arrived the

Headmaster tried to claim guardianship as Gabrielle was of schooling age and he

as a Professor can claim custody under such circumstances, but as she is not a

Citizen of this country and as she was not born here, his claim was invalid."

"I suppose Madam Maxime, due to her Giant parentage, would also be out of the


"Correct, but luckily there is one other who can claim guardianship."


"I'll get you, you little pipsqueak!!" Shouted the now irate Auror that was

following after Anne as she turned around the next corner, having gained a bit

of a lead on him, though having even smaller legs than usual did not help.

As she rounded the corner, she stopped herself only just in time before she ran

into Hermione and Ron.

"Gabrielle! What's....?"

"No time, they're after me." she gasped, dodging around them before taking off

down the corridor.

"Come back here you little pest!!"

As she continued on down the corridor, she thought she caught Hermione say

something along the lines of:

"Ron, play along."


As she reached the next corner she paused to look back, just in time to see

Hermione pressing Ron against the wall with her lips and her leg bent out at the


A spilt second later, the Auror came hurtling around the corner and tripped

straight over Hermione's leg, sending him flying into the stone floor with a

loud whack and a grunt of pain.

"Oh Merlin, are you alright?" Hermione exclaimed, pulling away from Ron and

dropping down beside the man, obviously trying to ignore the pain in her leg

from having a heavily built man tripping over it.

Anne always knew that one was clever; she'd have to owe her one later. Taking

off again, she laughed to herself as she got snippets of the conversation.

"I think you've sprained it, you'd better keep your weight off it until we can

get you to Madam Pomfrey."

Back in the Entrance Hall, Fudge was fuming.

"Stop resisting!!" he bellowed as yet another attempt to bind, tackle, arrest or

restrain Adam had failed.

"How am I resisting? I am standing right in front of you, unarmed with my hands

together ready for you to arrest me."

"Minister!!" came a shout from the stairs that descended to the dungeons. "I've

got her!"

"Good work," grinned Fudge, his mood instantly improving as he turned to the

Headmaster. "Well Dumbledore, your attempt to hide the girl has failed, we've

got her and we are taking her with us."

"I haven't tried to hide her from you Minister," Dumbledore replied calmly. "I

haven't so much as lifted a finger in your direction. Professor Berio-Megiltura

has had no prompting from me."

"Regardless, she's ours and if this Professor of yours tries to interfere again

I will have him imprisoned in Azkaban."

"Only if you can arrest him first." replied Snape, his usual deep voice

containing the tiniest hint of the amusement the situation was causing.

"I've warned you once Professor Snape, I won't war...."

He never got the chance to finish as the other Auror who had gone out after

Gabrielle appeared at the end of one of the corridors, holding another

struggling Gabrielle.

"What in Merlin's name!!" he exclaimed, his eyes darting between the Gabrielle

at the end of the passage and the Gabrielle beside him. "Dumbledore, what are

you up to?"

"I am not up to anything Minister, how could I have been? I have been in your

presence ever since the girl escaped."

Fudge glared at the Headmaster's twinkling eyes for a moment.

"Take them both." He snapped. "We will work out which one is the girl later."

"Oh no you won't Minister," McGonagall announced calmly, descending the stairs

with Harry both slightly out of breath "You have no legal right to take her away

from her guardian."

"Her sister has no legal right to guardianship in England OR in France."

"No she hasn't Minister," agreed McGonagall. "But her Mate does."

"Mate? Mate? What mate?" he demanded.

"This Mate." grinned Harry, descending the last few steps and walking over to

Fudge holding a scroll in his hand "This scroll is an Emergency Authorization

Document from the French Ministry entitling me, Daniel Radcliffe, aka Harry

Potter, to the legal guardianship of one Gabrielle Delacour."

Fudge snatched the scroll from him and furiously read it.

"You're British. The French Ministry cannot authorize the Guardianship of one of

its citizens to a British citizen without Ministry approval or the signatures of

at least seven members of the Wizengamot, or six including the signature of the

Chief Warlock."

"Daniel Radcliffe is a French citizen and as such needs no such authorization,"

Harry replied calmly. "But we predicted your opposition so we also got this."

He withdrew another scroll.

"Another EAD appointing British Citizen Harry James Potter as Gabrielle

Delacour's second guardian after Daniel Radcliffe, and at the bottom you will

see the signatures of Wizengamot representatives for the Houses of Potter,

Black, Gryffindor, Slytherin and McGonagall."

"That's only five." grinned Fudge.

Not waiting for an invitation, the Headmaster strode over to them and, conjuring

a quill out of the air immediately signed the document which Harry held out for


"Six, including the Chief Warlock." Harry countered, before turning to the

Aurors. "Under the authorization of this legal document and my position in the

Wizengamot I order you to release those girls."

The Aurors slowly released the two Gabrielles who immediately ran and hid behind


Harry and Fudge continued staring at each other for a few more seconds before

Fudge spun around and led the Aurors out of the castle.

When they reached the bottom of the steps, Harry sighed in relief before turning

to the two Gabrielles.

"Are you two alright?"


"Fine, thanks Harry."

"Would I be correct in guessing you are Anne and Colette?"


"Right, I guess the others will show up soon," he nodded, before turning to Adam

and Dumbledore. "We have a problem."

"I presume you mean other than the one we just resolved." replied the


"Yes and this one is much worse," he answered. "Ginny is being possessed by Tom

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