Categories > Original > Poetry

Does not compute.

by xl0nelywriterx 0 reviews

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Category: Poetry - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Published: 2008-12-05 - Updated: 2008-12-06 - 346 words - Complete

I'm afraid I don't understand,
I do not comprehend;
Flashing Error 504:
Does not compute
Must shut down
Hard-drive on overload.

I do not compute how
the phone call,
the text,
the message
all went ignored.
Because, you know
you got them.

I saw that you lied
You say you can't text in school
But you texted him in 4th period.
You say you can't text,
because they
watch you like hawks.
I'm the hawk, you are merely a worm.

After I saw you;after the show,
And you saw me
You [pretty much] ignored me.
My existence was fickle.
I'm sure if I confronted you on this--
you'd make up some dumb excuse,
And try to be cute about it.

All. Seats. Are. Now. Taken.
It was standing room only for so long,
But I sat down, but am not chained
I can stand up for a few minutes again.
I'd prefer to stand up with you for a bit.
On this bus--
driving off a cliff.

I'm afraid I don't understand,
I do not comprehend;
Flashing Error 504:
Does not compute
Must shut down
Hard-drive on overload.

And -- you.
Does not compute.
I do not compute how
the phone call,
the text,
the message
all went ignored.
Because, you know
you got them.

You -- I tried harder,
You said, "i Love you"
once or twice
You knew you liked me
but didn't wish to pursue.
Any flame we had kinda died.
But I don't mind if it
[In fact, I kinda want it to]

All. Seats. Are. Now. Taken.
It was standing room only for so long,
But I sat down, but am not chained
I can stand up for a few minutes again.
I'd prefer to stand up with you for a bit.
On this bus--
driving off a cliff.

Call me a stalker,
A lover. a dreamer, naive.
An external hard drive that is broken
Because it cannot communicate
But just because I can't communicate,
Doesn't mean this external hard drive
[with built in human emotions]
doesn't carry memory.
16 Gigabytes worth.
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